porta pulmonis

porta pulmonis
hilum pulmonis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • hilum — 1. The part of an organ where the nerves and vessels enter and leave. SYN: porta (1). 2. A depression or slit resembling the h. in the olivary nucleus of the brain. [L. a small bit or trifle] h. of dentate nucleus [TA] the mo …   Medical dictionary

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  • surface — The outer part of any solid. SYN: face (2) [TA], facies (2) [TA]. [F. fr. L. superficius, see superficial] acromial articular s. of clavicle SYN: acromial facet of clavicle. anterior s. [TA] the s. of a …   Medical dictionary

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