
: A blood vessel that carries blood low in oxygen content from the body back to the heart. The deoxygenated form of hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) in venous blood makes it appear dark. Veins are part of the afferent wing of the circulatory system which returns blood to the heart. By contrast, an artery is a vessel that carries blood high in oxygen away from the heart to the body. The oxygenated form of hemoglobin (oxyhemoglobin) in arterial blood makes it look bright red. Arteries are part of the efferent wing of the circulatory system which carries blood away from the heart.
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A blood vessel carrying blood toward the heart; postnatally, all veins except the pulmonary carry dark unoxygenated blood. SYN: vena [TA]. [L. vena]
- accessory cephalic v. [TA] a variable v. that passes along the radial border of the forearm to join the cephalic v. near the elbow. SYN: vena cephalica accessoria [TA].
- accessory hemiazygos v. [TA] formed by the union of the fourth to seventh left posterior intercostal veins, passes along the side of the bodies of the fifth, sixth, and seventh thoracic vertebrae, then crosses the midline behind the aorta, esophagus, and thoracic duct, and empties into the azygos v., sometimes in common with the hemiazygos v.. SYN: vena hemiazygos accessoria [TA], vena azygos minor superior.
- accessory saphenous v. [TA] an occasional v. running in the thigh parallel to the great saphenous v. which it joins just before the latter empties into the femoral v.. SYN: vena saphena accessoria [TA].
- accessory vertebral v. [TA] a v. that accompanies the vertebral v. but passes through the foramen of the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra and opens independently into the brachiocephalic v.. SYN: vena vertebralis accessoria [TA].
- accompanying v. SYN: vena comitans.
- accompanying v. of hypoglossal nerve SYN: vena comitans of hypoglossal nerve.
- angular v. [TA] a short v. at the medial angle of the eye, formed by the supraorbital and supratrochlear veins and continuing as the facial v.. SYN: vena angularis [TA].
- anonymous veins obsolete term for (left and right) brachiocephalic veins.
- anterior auricular v. [TA] one of several veins draining the auricle and acoustic meatus and emptying into the retromandibular v.. SYN: vena auricularis anterior, vena preauricularis.
- anterior basal v. [TA] SYN: vena basalis anterior [TA], anterior basal branch of superior basal v. (of right and left inferior pulmonary veins), ramus basalis anterior venae basalis superioris.
- anterior cardiac veins [TA] two or three small veins in the anterior wall of the right ventricle opening directly into the right atrium independently of the coronary sinus. SYN: venae cardiacae anteriores [TA].
- anterior cerebral veins [TA] small veins that parallel the anterior cerebral artery and drain into the basal v.. SYN: venae anteriores cerebri [TA].
- anterior ciliary veins [TA] several small veins, anterior and posterior, coming from the ciliary body. SYN: venae ciliares anteriores [TA].
- anterior circumflex humeral v. [TA] v. accompanying the artery of the same name, passing anterior to the surgical neck of the humerus to enter the axillary v.. SYN: vena circumflexa humeri anterior [TA].
- anterior facial v. SYN: facial v..
- anterior intercostal veins [TA] tributaries to the musculophrenic or internal thoracic veins from the anterior portions of intercostal spaces. SYN: venae intercostales anteriores [TA].
- anterior jugular v. [TA] it arises below the chin from veins draining the lower lip and mental region, descends the anterior portion of the neck superficial or deep to the investing cervical fascia, and terminates in the external jugular v. at the lateral border of the scalenus anterior muscle. SYN: vena jugularis anterior [TA].
- anterior labial veins [TA] tributaries of the femoral or external pudendal veins draining the mons pubis and anterior labia majora. SYN: venae labiales anteriores [TA].
- anterior pontomesencephalic v. a v. in the midline of the interpeduncular fossa on the superior and anterior aspect of the pons; it communicates with the basal v. superiorly and the petrosal v. inferiorly. SYN: vena pontomesencephalica anterior.
- (anterior and posterior) vestibular veins [TA] veins draining the saccule and utricle; they are tributaries of both the labyrinthine veins and the v. of the vestibular aqueduct. SYN: venae vestibulares (anterius et posterius) [TA].
- anterior scrotal veins [TA] tributaries of the femoral or external pudendal veins draining the anterior aspect of the scrotum and the skin and dartos fascia of the shaft and base of the penis. SYN: venae scrotales anteriores [TA].
- anterior v. of septum pellucidum [TA] v. draining the anterior part of the transparent septum; it empties into the superior thalamostriate v.. SYN: vena anterior septi pellucidi [TA].
- anterior tibial veins [TA] the venae comitantes of the anterior tibial artery that empty into the popliteal v.. SYN: venae tibiales anteriores [TA].
- anterior vertebral v. [TA] the small v. that accompanies the ascending cervical artery; it opens below into the vertebral v.. SYN: vena vertebralis anterior [TA].
- apical v. [TA] SYN: vena apicalis [TA], apical branch of right superior pulmonary v., ramus apicalis venae pulmonalis dextrae superioris.
- apicoposterior v. [TA] drains the apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment of the superior lobe of the left lung. SYN: vena apicoposterior [TA], apicoposterior branch of left superior pulmonary v., ramus apicoposterior venae pulmonalis sinistrae superioris.
- appendicular v. [TA] the tributary of the ileocolic v. that accompanies the appendicular artery. SYN: vena appendicularis [TA].
- aqueous v. a tributary of the anterior ciliary v. that receives aqueous humor from the sinus venosus sclerae.
- arciform veins of kidney SYN: arcuate veins of kidney.
- arcuate veins of kidney veins that parallel the arcuate arteries, receive blood from interlobular veins and straight venules, and terminate in interlobar veins. SYN: arciform veins of kidney, venae arcuatae renis.
- arterial v. so called because it ramifies like an artery (portal v.) or because, while proceeding from the heart like an artery, it contains unoxygenated blood, like a v. (pulmonary artery). SYN: vena arteriosa.
- ascending lumbar v. [TA] paired, vertical v. of the posterior abdominal wall, adjacent and parallel to the vertebral column, posterior to the origin of the psoas major muscle; it connects the common iliac, iliolumbar, and lumbar veins in the paravertebral line, the right v. joining the right subcostal v. to form the azygos v., the left v. uniting with the left subcostal v. to form the hemiazygos v.. SYN: vena lumbalis ascendens [TA].
- axillary v. [TA] a continuation of the basilic and brachial veins running from the lower border of the teres major muscle to the outer border of the first rib where it becomes the subclavian v.. SYN: vena axillaris [TA].
- azygos v. [TA] arises from the merger of the right ascending lumbar v. with the right subcostal v. and often a communication with the inferior vena cava; ascends through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm or its right crus; it runs along the right side of the thoracic vertebral bodies in the posterior mediastinum, and terminates by arching anteriorly over the root of the right lung to enter the posterior aspect of the superior vena cava. SYN: vena azygos [TA], azygos (2), vena azygos major.
- basal v. a large v. originating from the confluence of veins from the orbital cortex (anterior cerebral veins [TA]) and the area of the insular cortex [deep middle cerebral v. [TA] (vena media profunda cerebri [TA]), insular veins [TA] (venae insulares [TA])], and passing caudally and dorsally along the medial surface of the temporal lobe, eventually emptying into the great cerebral v.. The basal v. receives tributaries from structures along its course; these include v. of olfactory gyrus [TA] (vena gyri olfactori [TA]), inferior thalamostriate veins [TA] (venae thalamostriatae inferiores [TA]), inferior ventricular v. [TA] (vena ventricularis inferior [TA]), inferior choroid v. [TA] (vena choroidea inferior [TA]), and peduncular veins [TA] (venae pedunculares [TA]). SEE ALSO: common basal v., inferior basal v., superior basal v.. SYN: vena basalis [TA], basal v. of Rosenthal, Rosenthal v..
- basal v. of Rosenthal SYN: basal v..
- basilic v. [TA] arises from the ulnar side of the dorsal venous network of the hand; it curves around the medial side of the forearm (as the basilic v. of forearm), communicates with the cephalic v. via the median cubital v., and passes up the medial side of the arm to join the axillary v.. SYN: vena basilica [TA].
- basivertebral veins [TA] veins in the spongy substance of the bodies of the vertebrae, emptying into the anterior internal vertebral venous plexus. SYN: venae basivertebrales [TA].
- Baumgarten veins nonobliterated remnants of the vena umbilicalis.
- Boyd communicating perforation v. a v. connecting the superficial and deep venous system in the anteromedial calf.
- brachial veins [TA] venae comitantes of the brachial artery which empty into the axillary v.. SYN: venae brachiales [TA].
- Breschet v. SYN: diploic v..
- bronchial veins [TA] many veins running in front of and behind the bronchi and uniting into two main trunks which empty on the right side into the azygos v., on the left into the accessory hemiazygos or the left superior intercostal v.. SYN: venae bronchiales [TA].
- v. of bulb of penis [TA] a tributary of the internal pudendal v. that drains the bulb of the penis. SYN: vena bulbi penis [TA].
- v. of bulb of vestibule [TA] the v. draining the bulb of the vestibule; a tributary of the internal pudendal v.. SYN: vena bulbi vestibuli [TA], v. of vestibular bulb.
- Burow v. 1. an occasional v. passing from the inferior epigastric, sometimes receiving a tributary from the urinary bladder, which empties into the portal v.; 2. one of the renal veins.
- capillary v. SYN: venule.
- cardiac veins anterior cardiac veins, great cardiac v., middle cardiac v., smallest cardiac veins.
- cardinal veins the major systemic venous channels in adult primitive vertebrates and in the embryos of higher vertebrates; the anterior cardinal veins are the major drainage channels from the cephalic part of the body, and the posterior cardinal veins, from the caudal part; the common cardinal veins, formed by the anastomosis of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins, are the main systemic return channels to the heart; in the older literature, sometimes called Cuvier ducts.
- veins of caudate nucleus [TA] small veins from the caudate nucleus draining into the superior thalamostriate v.. SYN: venae nuclei caudati [TA].
- cavernous veins of penis [TA] the cavernous venous spaces in the erectile tissue of the penis. SYN: venae cavernosae penis [TA].
- central veins of liver [TA] initial v. of the hepatic venous system, located in the center of the conceptual hepatic lobule, receiving blood from sinuses and draining into collecting veins that become hepatic veins. SYN: Krukenberg veins, venae centrales hepatis.
- central retinal v. [TA] the v., formed by union of the retinal veins; accompanies the artery of the same name in the optic nerve. SYN: vena centralis retinae [TA].
- central v. of suprarenal gland [TA] the single draining v. of the gland; it receives a number of medullary veins; on the right side it empties directly into the inferior vena cava and on the left into the left renal v.. SYN: vena centralis glandulae suprarenalis [TA].
- cephalic v. [TA] subcutaneous v. that arises at the radial border of the dorsal venous network of the hand, passes upward in front of the elbow and along the lateral side of the arm; it empties into the upper part of the axillary v.. SYN: vena cephalica [TA].
- cephalic v. of forearm [TA] portion of cephalic v. between the dorsal venous network of the hand and the elbow (cubital) region. SYN: vena cephalica antebrachii [TA].
- cerebellar veins [TA] the veins draining the cerebellum. See inferior veins of cerebellar hemisphere, superior veins of cerebellar hemisphere, petrosal v., precentral cerebellar v., inferior v. of vermis, superior v. of vermis. SYN: venae cerebelli [TA], veins of cerebellum.
- veins of cerebellum SYN: cerebellar veins.
- choroid veins of eye SYN: vorticose veins.
- circumflex scapular v. [TA] v. accompanying the artery of the same name draining the structures of infraspinous fossa around the lateral side of the scapula into the subscapular v..
- v. of cochlear canaliculus v. that drains the basal turn of the cochlea, the sacculus, and part of the utriculus, and empties into the superior bulb of the jugular v. by accompanying the perilymphatic duct (cochlear aquduct) through the cochlear canaliculus. SYN: v. of cochlear aqueduct, vena aqueductus cochleae, vena canaliculi cochleae.
- v. of cochlear window [TA] v. of the internal ear draining the region of the round window; drains into the vestibulocochlear v.. SYN: vena fenestrae cochleae [TA].
- Cockett communicating perforating veins mid-thigh perforation veins that connect the deep and superficial venous systems.
- colic veins right colic v., middle colic v., left colic v..
- common basal v. [TA] the tributary to the inferior pulmonary v. (right and left) that receives blood from the superior and inferior basal veins. SYN: vena basalis communis [TA].
- common cardinal veins cardinal veins.
- common facial v. a short vessel formed by the union of the facial v. and the retromandibular v., emptying into the jugular v.; considered to be a continuation of the facial v. in the NA. SYN: vena facialis communis.
- common iliac v. [TA] formed by the union of the external and internal iliac veins at the brim of the pelvis and passes upward behind the internal iliac artery to the right side of the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra where it unites with its fellow of the opposite side to form the inferior vena cava; the left common iliac v. is submitted to a pulsating compression by the right common iliac artery against the vertebral column which may result in partial obstruction of the v.. SYN: vena iliaca communis [TA].
- common modiolar v. [TA] the v. running a spiral course in the modiolus of the cochlea; it is tributary to both the labyrinthine v. and the v. of the cochlear aqueduct. SYN: vena modioli communis [TA], spiral v. of modiolus, vena spiralis modioli.
- companion veins SYN: venae comitantes, under vena.
- condylar emissary v. [TA] a v. that connects the sigmoid sinus and the external vertebral venous plexuses through the condylar canal of the occipital bone. SYN: vena emissaria condylaris [TA], emissarium condyloideum.
- conjunctival veins [TA] the veins of the conjunctiva that drain primarily to the ophthalmic veins. SYN: venae conjunctivales [TA].
- coronary v. SYN: left gastric v..
- v. of corpus striatum SYN: superior thalamostriate v..
- costoaxillary v. one of a number of anastomotic veins connecting the intercostal veins of the first to seventh intercostal spaces with the lateral thoracic or the thoracoepigastric v..
- cutaneous v. SYN: superficial v..
- Cuvier veins the common cardinal veins of the embryo. See cardinal veins.
- cystic veins [TA] veins, usually anterior and posterior, which drain the neck of the gallbladder and cystic duct, along which they pass to enter the right branch of the portal v.; they communicate extensively with surrounding veins of the stomach, duodenum, and pancreas. SYN: vena cystica [TA].
- deep cerebral veins [TA] the numerous veins draining the deep structures of the cerebral hemispheres; they empty into the tributaries of the great cerebral v.. SYN: venae profundae cerebri [TA].
- deep cervical v. [TA] large v. running with the artery of the same name between the semispinalis capitis and semispinalis cervicis, draining the deep muscles at the back of the neck and emptying into the brachiocephalic or the vertebral v.. SYN: vena cervicalis profunda [TA], vena colli profunda.
- deep circumflex iliac v. [TA] corresponds to the artery of the same name, courses medially parallel to the inguinal ligament, and empties, near or in a common trunk with the inferior epigastric v., into the external iliac v.. SYN: vena circumflexa iliaca profunda [TA].
- deep veins of clitoris [TA] the veins that pass from the dorsum of the clitoris to join the vesical plexus. SYN: venae profundae clitoridis [TA].
- deep dorsal v. of clitoris [TA] a tributary of the vesical venous plexus; it runs a course deep to the fascia on the dorsum of the clitoris. SYN: vena dorsalis clitoridis profunda [TA].
- deep dorsal v. of penis [TA] a v. on the dorsum of the penis deep to the fascia of the penis; it is a tributary to the prostatic venous plexus. SYN: vena dorsalis penis profunda [TA].
- deep facial v. [TA] the communicating v. that passes from the pterygoid venous plexus of the infratemporal fossa to the facial v.; it is devoid of valves. SYN: vena faciei profunda [TA].
- deep femoral v. SYN: profunda femoris v..
- deep lingual v. [TA] the principal v. of the tongue that accompanies the deep lingual artery and joins the lingual v.. It drains the body and apex of the tongue, running posteriorly near the median plane; often visible through the mucosa on the underside of the tongue, to each side of the frenulum. SYN: vena profunda linguae [TA].
- deep middle cerebral v. [TA] the v. that accompanies the middle cerebral artery in the depths of the lateral sulcus and empties into the basal v. of Rosenthal. SYN: vena media profunda cerebri [TA].
- deep veins of penis [TA] the veins deep to the fascia of the penis that drain via the internal pudendal v. to the internal iliac v.. SYN: venae profundae penis.
- deep temporal veins [TA] veins corresponding to the arteries of the same name; they empty into the pterygoid venous plexus. SYN: venae temporales profundae [TA].
- deep v. of thigh profunda femoris v..
- digital veins dorsal digital veins of foot, palmar digital veins, plantar digital veins.
- diploic v. [TA] one of the veins in the diploë of the cranial bones, connected with the cerebral sinuses by emissary veins; the main diploic veins are the frontal, anterior temporal, posterior temporal, and occipital. SYN: vena diploica [TA], Breschet v., Dupuytren canal.
- direct lateral veins [TA] one or more veins running a subependymal course in a coronal plane over the thalamus, terminating in the internal cerebral v.. SYN: venae directae laterales [TA], surface thalamic veins.
- dorsal callosal v. SYN: posterior v. of corpus callosum.
- dorsal v. of corpus callosum [TA] SYN: posterior v. of corpus callosum.
- dorsal digital veins of foot [TA] they receive intercapitular veins from the plantar venous arch, join to form four common dorsal digital veins, and terminate in the dorsal venous arch. SYN: venae digitales dorsales pedis [TA], dorsal digital veins of toes.
- dorsal digital veins of toes SYN: dorsal digital veins of foot.
- dorsal lingual v. [TA] multiple tributaries of the lingual v. draining the dorsum of the tongue, becoming increasingly larger toward the root of the tongue. SYN: venae dorsales linguae [TA].
- dorsal metacarpal veins [TA] three veins on the dorsum of the hand draining blood from the four medial digits into the dorsal venous network of the hand. SYN: venae metacarpeae dorsales [TA].
- dorsal metatarsal veins [TA] veins arising from the dorsal digital veins forming the dorsal venous arch of the foot. SYN: venae metatarseae dorsales [TA].
- dorsal veins of penis deep dorsal v. of penis, superficial dorsal veins of penis.
- dorsal scapular v. [TA] the vena comitans of the descending scapular artery; it is a tributary to the subclavian or the external jugular v.. SYN: vena scapularis dorsalis [TA].
- dorsispinal veins veins forming a plexus around the neural arches and processes of the vertebrae.
- emissary v. [TA] one of the channels of communication between the venous sinuses of the dura mater and the veins of the diploë and the scalp. SEE ALSO: condylar emissary v., mastoid emissary v., occipital emissary v., parietal emissary v.. SYN: vena emissaria [TA], emissarium, emissary (2).
- episcleral veins [TA] a series of small venules in the sclera close to the corneal margin that empty into the anterior ciliary veins. SYN: venae episclerales [TA].
- esophageal veins [TA] series of veins draining the submucous venous plexus of the esophagus; proceeding inferiorly from the cervical portion of the esophagus, they drain to the inferior thyroid v., the superior intercostal veins, and the azygos, accessory hemiazygos, and hemiazygos veins, all of which are ultimately tributaries of the superior vena cava; the most inferior esophageal veins, from the cardiac portion of the esophagus, drain via the esophageal branches of the left gastric v., a tributary of the portal v.. Thus, the submucosal veins of the inferior esophagus form a portocaval anastomoses, and are subject to the formation of varicosities in portal hypertension. SYN: venae esophageae [TA].
- ethmoidal veins [TA] veins that accompany the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries and pass into the superior ophthalmic v.; they drain the ethmoidal sinuses. SYN: venae ethmoidales [TA].
- external iliac v. [TA] a direct continuation of the femoral v. superior to the inguinal ligament, uniting with the internal iliac v. to form the common iliac v.. SYN: vena iliaca externa [TA].
- external jugular v. [TA] superficial v. formed inferior to the parotid gland by the junction of the posterior auricular v. and the retromandibular v., and passing down the side of the neck crossing to the sternocleidomastoid muscle vertically to empty into the subclavian v.. SYN: vena jugularis externa [TA].
- external nasal veins [TA] several vessels that drain the external nose, emptying into the angular or facial v.. SYN: venae nasales externae [TA].
- external palatine v. [TA] drains the palatine regions and empties into the facial v.. SYN: vena palatina externa [TA].
- external pudendal veins [TA] these correspond to the arteries of the same name; they empty into the great saphenous v. or directly into the femoral v., and receive the superficial dorsal v. of the penis (or clitoris) and the anterior scrotal (or labial) veins. SYN: venae pudendae externae [TA].
- veins of eyelids SYN: palpebral veins.
- facial v. [TA] a continuation of the angular v. at the medial angle of the eye; it passes diagonally downward and outward, uniting with the retromandibular v. below the border of the lower jaw before emptying into the internal jugular v.. SYN: vena facialis [TA], anterior facial v., vena facialis anterior.
- femoral v. [TA] a continuation of the popliteal v., it accompanies the femoral artery through the adductor canal and into the femoral triangle where it lies within the femoral sheath; it becomes the external iliac v. as it passes deep to the inguinal ligament. SYN: vena femoralis [TA].
- fibular veins [TA] venae comitantes of the peroneal artery; they join the posterior tibial veins to enter the popliteal v.. SYN: venae fibulares [TA], peroneal veins, venae peroneae.
- frontal veins 1. the superficial veins draining the frontal cortex and emptying into the superior sagittal sinus; 2. SYN: supratrochlear veins.
- veins of Galen 1. SYN: internal cerebral veins. 2. See great cerebral v..
- gastric veins short gastric veins, right gastric v., left gastric v..
- gastroepiploic veins See right gastroomental v., left gastroomental v..
- genicular veins [TA] the veins that accompany the genicular arteries; they drain blood from the structures around the knee, terminating in the popliteal v.. SYN: venae geniculares [TA], veins of knee.
- gluteal veins inferior gluteal veins, superior gluteal veins.
- great cardiac v. [TA] begins at the apex of the heart (where it anastomoses with the middle cardiac v.), runs first with the anterior interventricular artery as it ascends the anterior interventricular groove, then turns to the left as it approaches or reaches the coronary groove to run with the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery; it merges with the oblique v. of the left atrium to form the coronary sinus. SYN: vena cordis magna [TA], left coronary v., vena cardiaca magna.
- great cerebral v. [TA] SYN: great cerebral v. of Galen.
- great cerebral v. of Galen a large, unpaired v. formed by the junction of the two internal cerebral veins in the caudal part of the tela choroidea of the third ventricle; it passes caudally between the splenium of the corpus callosum and the pineal gland, curving dorsally to merge with the inferior sagittal sinus to form the straight sinus. SYN: great cerebral v. [TA], vena magna cerebri [TA], great v. of Galen.
- great v. of Galen SYN: great cerebral v. of Galen.
- great saphenous v. [TA] formed by the union of the dorsal v. of the great toe and the dorsal venous arch of the foot, ascends in front of the medial malleolus, behind the medial condyle of the femur, and traverses the saphenous hiatus in the fascia lata to empty into the femoral v. in the upper part of the femoral triangle. SYN: vena saphena magna [TA], large saphenous v., long saphenous v..
- veins of heart [TA] collective term for all venous structures of the heart, including the coronary sinus and all cardiac veins. SYN: venae cordis [TA].
- hemiazygos v. [TA] formed by the merger of the left ascending lumbar v. with the left subcostal v. or a communication from the inferior vena cava, it pierces the left crus of the diaphragm, ascends along the left side of the bodies of the lower thoracic vertebrae, opposite the eighth vertebra, crosses the midline behind the aorta, thoracic duct, and esophagus, and empties into the azygos v., sometimes in common with the accessory hemiazygos v.. SYN: vena hemiazygos [TA], inferior hemiazygos v., vena azygos minor inferior.
- hemorrhoidal veins obsolete term for rectal veins. See inferior rectal veins, middle rectal veins, superior rectal v..
- hepatic veins [TA] the veins that drain the liver; they collect blood from the central veins and terminate in three large veins opening into the inferior vena cava below the diaphragm and several small inconstant veins entering the vena cava at more inferior levels. SYN: venae hepaticae [TA].
- hepatic portal v. [TA] a wide short v. formed by the confluence of the superior mesenteric and splenic v. posterior to the neck of the pancreas, ascending anterior to the inferior vena cava, and dividing at the right end of the porta hepatis into right and left branches, which ramify within the liver. SYN: vena portae hepatis [TA], portal v., vena portalis.
- highest intercostal v. SYN: supreme intercostal v..
- hypogastric v. obsolete term for internal iliac v..
- ileal veins jejunal and ileal veins.
- ileocolic v. [TA] a large tributary of the superior mesenteric v. that runs parallel to the ileocolic artery and drains the terminal ileum, appendix, cecum, and the lower part of the ascending colon. SYN: vena ileocolica [TA].
- iliolumbar v. [TA] accompanying the artery of the same name, anastomosing with the lumbar and deep circumflex iliac veins, and emptying into the internal iliac v.. SYN: vena iliolumbalis [TA].
- inferior anastomotic v. [TA] an inconstant v. that passes from the superficial middle cerebral v. posteriorly over the lateral aspect of the temporal lobe to enter the transverse sinus. SYN: vena anastomotica inferior [TA], Browning v., Labbé v..
- inferior basal v. [TA] tributary to the common basal v. draining the medial and posterior part of the inferior lobe in each lung. SYN: vena basalis inferior [TA].
- inferior veins of cerebellar hemisphere [TA] several veins draining the inferior portion of the cerebellar hemispheres; they terminate in the petrosal v.. SYN: venae inferiores cerebelli [TA].
- inferior cerebral veins [TA] numerous cerebral veins that drain the undersurface of the cerebral hemispheres and empty into the cavernous and transverse sinuses. Included in these veins are named branches serving the uncus (v. of uncus [TA], vena uncalis [TA]), the orbital cortex (orbital veins [TA]), venae orbitae [TA], and the temporal lobe (temporal veins [TA], venae temporales [TA]). SYN: venae inferiores cerebri [TA].
- inferior choroid v. [TA] a small v. draining the lower part of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle into the basal v.. SEE ALSO: basal v.. SYN: vena choroidea inferior [TA], vena choroidea inferior [TA].
- inferior epigastric v. [TA] corresponds to the artery of the same name and empties into the external iliac v. just proximal to the inguinal ligament. SYN: vena epigastrica inferior [TA], deep epigastric v..
- veins of inferior eyelid SYN: inferior palpebral veins.
- inferior gluteal veins [TA] the venae comitantes of the inferior gluteal artery uniting at the sciatic foramen to form a common trunk which empties into the internal iliac v.. SYN: venae gluteae inferiores [TA].
- inferior hemiazygos v. SYN: hemiazygos v..
- inferior hemorrhoidal veins obsolete term for inferior rectal veins.
- inferior labial v. [TA] a tributary of the facial v. draining the lower lip. SYN: vena labialis inferior [TA].
- inferior laryngeal v. [TA] the v. passing from the lower part of the larynx to the unpaired thyroid plexus. SYN: vena laryngea inferior [TA].
- inferior mesenteric v. [TA] a continuation of the superior rectal v. at the brim of the pelvis, ascending to the left of the aorta behind the peritoneum and emptying into the splenic v. or into the superior mesenteric v. or rarely in the angle between these veins. SYN: vena mesenterica inferior [TA].
- inferior ophthalmic v. [TA] arises from the inferior palpebral and lacrimal veins and divides into two terminal branches, one of which runs to the pterygoid plexus while the other joins the superior ophthalmic v. or empties into the cavernous sinus. SYN: vena ophthalmica inferior [TA].
- inferior palpebral veins [TA] veins of inferior eyelid; veins originating in the inferior eyelid and emptying into the angular v.. SYN: venae palpebrales inferiores [TA], veins of inferior eyelid.
- inferior phrenic v. [TA] the v. that drains the substance of the diaphragm and empties on the right side into the inferior vena cava, on the left side into the left suprarenal v.; often a second v. on the left side passes transversely across the diaphragm anterior to the esophageal hiatus to enter the inferior vena cava. SYN: vena phrenica inferior [TA].
- inferior rectal veins [TA] veins that pass to the internal pudendal v. from the inferior rectal venous plexus around the anal canal. SYN: venae rectales inferiores [TA].
- inferior thalamostriate veins [TA] veins draining the thalamus and striate body exiting the anterior perforated substance; tributary to the basal v.. SEE ALSO: basal v.. SYN: venae thalamostriatae inferiores [TA], striate veins, venae striatae.
- inferior thyroid v. [TA] unpaired v. formed by veins from the isthmus and lateral lobe of the thyroid gland and from the plexus thyroideus impar; it terminates in the left brachiocephalic v.. SYN: vena thyroidea inferior [TA], vena thyroidea ima.
- inferior ventricular v. [TA] v. draining the deep white matter of the superior and lateral portions of the temporal lobe; it begins in the body of the lateral ventricle and exits from the choroid fissure of the inferior horn where it joins the basal v.. SEE ALSO: basal v.. SYN: vena ventricularis inferior [TA].
- inferior v. of vermis [TA] a v. draining part of the inferior part of the cerebellum; it courses on the inferior surface of the vermis and terminates in the straight sinus. SYN: vena inferior vermis [TA].
- infrasegmental veins intersegmental v..
- innominate veins obsolete term for (left and right) brachiocephalic veins.
- innominate cardiac veins the small superficial veins of the heart. SYN: Vieussens veins.
- insular veins [TA] SYN: venae insulares, under vena.
- intercapitular veins [TA] the veins connecting the dorsal and palmar veins in the hand, or the dorsal and plantar veins in the foot. SYN: venae intercapitulares.
- interlobar veins of kidney [TA] the veins in the kidney that parallel the interlobar arteries, receiving blood from arcuate veins, and terminate in the renal v.. SYN: venae interlobares renis [TA].
- interlobular veins of kidney [TA] veins that parallel the interlobular arteries and drain the peritubular capillary plexus, emptying into the arcuate veins. SYN: venae interlobulares renis [TA].
- interlobular veins of liver [TA] the terminal branches of the portal v. that course in the portal canals between the conceptual liver lobules and empty into the liver sinusoids. SYN: venae interlobulares hepatis [TA].
- intermediate basilic v. [TA] the medial branch of the median antebrachial v. that joins the basilic v., often replacing a median cubital v.. SYN: vena intermedia basilica [TA], median basilic v., vena mediana basilica.
- intermediate cephalic v. [TA] the lateral branch of the median antebrachial v. that joins the cephalic v. near the elbow, often replacing a median cubital v.. SYN: vena intermedia cephalica [TA], median cephalic v., vena mediana cephalica.
- intermediate hepatic veins [TA] veins draining the central portion of the liver (the left sides of the superior anterior segment [VIII]) and the inferior anterior segment [V] of the right (part of the) liver and the right side of the medial segment [IV] of the left (part of the) liver, forming a trunk that merges with that of the left hepatic veins about 90% of the time prior to entering the left side of the inferior vena cava. SYN: venae hepaticae intermediae [TA], venae hepaticae mediae [TA], middle hepatic veins.
- internal auditory veins SYN: labyrinthine veins.
- internal cerebral veins [TA] paired veins passing caudally near the midline in the tela choroidea of the third ventricle, formed by the union of the choroid v., thalamostriate (terminal) v., and v. of septum pellucidum, and uniting caudally so as to form the great cerebral v.. SYN: venae internae cerebri [TA], veins of Galen (1).
- internal iliac v. [TA] veins that course in the lesser pelvis from the upper border of the greater sciatic notch to the brim of the pelvis where it joins the external iliac v. to form the common iliac v.; it drains most of the territory supplied by the internal iliac artery. SYN: vena iliaca interna [TA].
- internal jugular v. [TA] main venous structure of the neck, formed as a continuation of the sigmoid sinus of the dura mater, contained within the carotid sheath as it descends the neck uniting, behind the sternoclavicular joint, with the subclavian v. to form the brachiocephalic v.. SYN: vena jugularis interna [TA].
- internal pudendal v. [TA] a tributary of the internal iliac v. that accompanies the internal pudendal artery as a single or double vessel. It drains the perineum. SYN: vena pudenda interna [TA].
- internal thoracic v. [TA] venae comitantes of each artery of the same name, fusing into one at the upper part of the thorax and emptying into the brachiocephalic v. of the same side; receive drainage of anterior chest wall. SYN: vena thoracica interna [TA].
- intersegmental v. a v. receiving blood from adjacent bronchopulmonary segments; it emerges from the inferior margin of a segment to become a tributary of a branch of a pulmonary v.. SYN: intersegmental part of pulmonary v. [TA], partes intersegmentales venarum pulmonum [TA], infrasegmental part.
- intervertebral v. [TA] one of numerous veins accompanying the spinal nerves through the intervertebral foramina, draining the spinal cord and vertebral venous plexuses, and emptying in the neck into the vertebral v., in the thorax into the intercostal veins, in the lumbar and sacral regions into the lumbar and sacral veins. SYN: vena intervertebralis [TA].
- intrasegmental veins SYN: intrasegmental part of pulmonary veins.
- jejunal and ileal veins [TA] the veins that drain the jejunum and ileum; they terminate in the superior mesenteric v.. SYN: venae jejunales et ilei [TA].
- key v. a deep-seated, dilated v. causing a “spider burst” on the surface.
- veins of kidney [TA] the tributaries of the renal v. that drain the kidney; they parallel the arteries in the kidney and consist of interlobular, arcuate, and interlobar veins.
- veins of knee SYN: genicular veins.
- Krukenberg veins SYN: central veins of liver.
- Labbé v. SYN: inferior anastomotic v..
- labyrinthine veins [TA] one or more veins accompanying the labyrinthine artery; they drain the internal ear, pass out through the internal acoustic meatus, and empty into the transverse sinus or the inferior petrosal sinus. SYN: venae labyrinthi [TA], internal auditory veins.
- lacrimal v. [TA] small v. that drains the lacrimal gland, passing posteriorly through the orbit with the lacrimal artery to empty into the superior ophthalmic v.. SYN: vena lacrimalis [TA].
- large v. a v., such as the inferior vena cava, characterized by having a reduced or absent tunica media and an adventitia with large bundles of longitudinally disposed smooth muscle.
- large saphenous v. SYN: great saphenous v..
- Latarget v. SYN: prepyloric v..
- lateral circumflex femoral veins [TA] the veins that accompany the lateral circumflex femoral artery, usually terminating in the femoral v.. SYN: venae circumflexae femoris laterales [TA].
- lateral direct veins [TA] one or more veins running a subependymal course in a coronal plane over the thalamus, terminating in the internal cerebral v..
- lateral v. of lateral ventricle [TA] a v. draining deep portions of the temporal and parietal lobes; it runs in the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle to terminate in the superior thalamostriate v.. SYN: vena lateralis ventriculi lateralis [TA], lateral atrial v., vena atrii lateralis.
- v. of lateral recess of fourth ventricle [TA] a small v. originating in the cerebellar tonsil, coursing by the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle on its way to terminate in the petrosal v.. SYN: vena recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti [TA].
- lateral sacral veins [TA] several veins that receive the drainage of the sacral venous plexus and sacral intervertebral veins, then accompany the corresponding artery and empty into the internal iliac v. on each side. SYN: venae sacrales laterales [TA].
- lateral thoracic v. [TA] a tributary of the axillary v. that drains the lateral thoracic wall and communicates with the thoracoepigastric and intercostal veins. SYN: vena thoracica lateralis [TA].
- left colic v. [TA] a tributary of the inferior mesenteric v. that accompanies the left colic artery and drains the left flexure and descending colon. SYN: vena colica sinistra [TA].
- left coronary v. SYN: great cardiac v..
- left gastric v. [TA] arises from a union of veins from both surfaces of the cardia of the stomach and an esophageal tributary from the cardiac portion of the esophagus; it runs in the lesser omentum and empties into the portal v.. SEE ALSO: esophageal veins. SYN: vena gastrica sinistra [TA], coronary v., vena coronaria ventriculi.
- left gastroepiploic v. left gastroomental v..
- left gastroomental v. [TA] the v. that accompanies the left gastroepiploic artery along the greater curvature of the stomach; it empties into the splenic v.. SYN: left gastroepiploic v., vena gastro- omentalis sinistra.
- left hepatic v. [TA] v. draining the medial segment [IV] and the left lateral segments [II & III] of the liver, a single or paired trunk of variable size that usually (90% of the time) merges with the middle hepatic v. prior to entering the terminal portion of the superior vena cava. SYN: venae hepaticae sinistrae [TA].
- left inferior pulmonary v. [TA] the v. returning oxygenated blood from the inferior lobe of the left lung to the left atrium; tributaries include the superior and common basal veins (branches) from the inferior lobe. SYN: vena pulmonalis inferior sinistra [TA].
- left ovarian v. [TA] begins as the pampiniform plexus at the hilum of the ovary and empties into the left renal v.. SYN: vena ovarica sinistra [TA].
- (left and right) brachiocephalic veins [TA] formed by the union of the internal jugular and subclavian veins; other tributaries of the right brachiocephalic v. are the right vertebral and internal thoracic veins, and the right lymphatic duct; other tributaries of the left brachiocephalic v. are the left vertebral, internal thoracic, superior intercostal, thyroidea ima, and various anterior pericardial, bronchial, mediastinal veins, and the thoracic duct. SYN: venae brachiocephalicae (dextrae et sinistrae) [TA].
- left superior intercostal v. [TA] the v. formed by the union of the left second, third, and fourth intercostal veins; it passes forward across the arch of the aorta to empty into the left brachiocephalic v. and frequently communicates also with the accessory hemiazygos v.. SYN: vena intercostalis superior sinistra [TA].
- left superior pulmonary v. [TA] the v. returning oxygenated blood from the left superior lobe of the lung to the left atrium; tributaries include the apicoposterior, anterior, and lingular veins (branches) from the superior lobe. SYN: vena pulmonalis superior sinistra [TA].
- left suprarenal v. [TA] the v. from the hilum of the left suprarenal gland that passes downward to open into the left renal v.; it usually is joined by the left inferior phrenic v.. SYN: vena suprarenalis sinistra [TA].
- left testicular v. [TA] v. conveying blood from the left testis, originating as the pampiniform plexus and entering the left renal v.. SYN: vena testicularis sinistra [TA].
- left umbilical v. the v. that returns the blood from the placenta to the fetus; traversing the umbilical cord, it enters the fetal body at the umbilicus and passes thence into the liver, where it is joined by the portal v.; its blood then flows by way of the ductus venosus and the inferior vena cava to the right atrium. SYN: vena umbilicalis [TA].
- levoatrio-cardinal v. the communication of a systemic v. with the left atrium, other than a left superior vena cava or coronary sinus; may be the right superior vena cava.
- lingual v. [TA] v. that receives blood from the tongue, sublingual and submandibular glands, and muscles of the floor of the mouth; empties into the internal jugular or the facial v.. SYN: vena lingualis.
- lingular v. [TA] the lingular branch of the left superior pulmonary v.. SYN: ramus lingularis venae pulmonis sinistrae superioris, vena lingularis.
- long saphenous v. SYN: great saphenous v..
- long thoracic v. incorrect term for lateral thoracic v..
- veins of lower limb [TA] all veins, superficial and deep, draining blood from the lower limb. SYN: venae membri inferioris [TA].
- lumbar veins [TA] five in number, these veins accompany the lumbar arteries, drain the posterior body wall and the lumbar vertebral venous plexuses, and terminate anteriorly as follows: the first and second in the ascending lumbar v., the third and fourth in the inferior vena cava, and the fifth in the iliolumbar v.; all communicate via the ascending lumbar veins. SYN: venae lumbales [TA].
- Marshall oblique v. SYN: oblique v. of left atrium.
- masseteric veins plexiform veins accompanying the masseteric artery that empty into the pterygoid venous plexus.
- mastoid emissary v. [TA] the v. that connects the sigmoid sinus with the occipital v. or one of the tributaries of the external jugular v. by way of the mastoid foramen. SYN: vena emissaria mastoidea [TA], emissarium mastoideum.
- maxillary v. [TA] the posterior continuation of the pterygoid plexus; it joins the superficial temporal v. to form the retromandibular v.. SYN: vena maxillaris [TA].
- Mayo v. SYN: prepyloric v..
- medial circumflex femoral veins [TA] the venae comitantes that parallel the medial circumflex femoral artery. SYN: venae circumflexae femoris mediales [TA].
- medial v. of lateral ventricle [TA] a v. that drains deep portions of the parietal and occipital lobes; it runs in the medial wall of the lateral ventricle to empty into the internal capsule v. or the great cerebral v.. SYN: vena medialis ventriculi lateralis [TA], medial atrial v., vena atrii medialis.
- median antebrachial v. [TA] it begins at the base of the dorsum of the thumb, curves around the radial side, ascends the middle of the forearm, and just below the bend of the elbow divides into the intermediate basilic and intermediate cephalic veins; sometimes it divides lower down, one branch going to the basilic v., the other to the intermediate v. of the elbow. SYN: vena mediana antebrachii [TA], median v. of forearm, intermediate antebrachial v., intermediate v. of forearm, vena intermedia antebrachii.
- median basilic v. SYN: intermediate basilic v..
- median cubital v. [TA] a v. which passes across the anterior aspect of the elbow from the cephalic v. to the basilic v.; commonly this v. is replaced by intermediate basilic and intermediate cephalic veins. The median cubital v. is often used for venipuncture. SYN: vena mediana cubiti [TA], intermediate cubital v., vena intermedia cubiti.
- median v. of neck a v. occasionally present due to fusion of the two anterior jugular veins.
- median sacral v. [TA] an unpaired v. accompanying the middle sacral artery receiving blood from the sacral venous plexus and emptying into the left common iliac v.. SYN: vena sacralis mediana [TA].
- mediastinal veins [TA] several small veins from the mediastinum emptying into the brachiocephalic veins or the superior vena cava. SYN: venae mediastinales [TA].
- medium v. a v. characterized by having a thinner wall and larger lumen than its corresponding artery, and a media with small bundles of circular muscle separated by considerable connective tissue; valves also occur.
- veins of medulla oblongata the several veins that drain the medulla oblongata; they are tributaries primarily of the anterior spinal and the petrosal veins. The veins of the medulla oblongata are the anteromedian medullary v. [TA] (vena medullaris anteromediana [TA]), anterolateral medullary v. [TA] (vena medullaris anteromedialis [TA]), transverse medullary veins [TA] (venae medullares transversae [TA]), dorsal medullary veins [TA] (venae medullares dorsales [TA]), and posteromedian medullary v. [TA] (vena medullaris posteromediana [TA]). SYN: venae medullae oblongatae [TA].
- meningeal veins [TA] veins that accompany the meningeal arteries; they communicate with venous sinuses and diploic veins and drain into regional veins outside the cranial vault. SYN: venae meningeae [TA].
- mesencephalic veins the several veins that drain the mesencephalon; the posterior ones are tributaries to the great cerebral v.; the lateral ones are tributaries to the basal v.. The main veins are: pontomesencephalic v. [TA] (vena pontomesencephalica [TA]), interpeduncular veins [TA] (venae interpedunculares [TA]), intercollicular v. [TA] (vena intercollicularis [TA]), and the lateral mesencephalic v. [TA] (vena mesencephalica lateralis [TA]). SYN: venae mesencephalicae.
- middle cardiac v. [TA] v. that begins at the apex of the heart (where it anastomoses with the great cardiac v.), and ascends within the posterior interventricular sulcus to the coronary sinus. SYN: vena cordis media [TA], inferior cardiac v..
- middle colic v. [TA] the tributary of the superior mesenteric v. that carries drainage of the transverse colon and accompanies the middle colic artery. SYN: vena colica media [TA].
- middle hemorrhoidal veins obsolete term for middle rectal veins.
- middle hepatic veins SYN: intermediate hepatic veins.
- middle lobe v. [TA] middle lobe branch of 1) the right pulmonary artery (arteriae pulmonalis dextrae [NA]); 2) the right superior pulmonary v. (venae pulmonalis dextrae superior [NA]). SYN: vena lobi medii [TA], middle lobe branch of right superior pulmonary v., ramus lobi medii venae pulmonalis dextrae superioris.
- middle meningeal veins [TA] the venae comitantes of the middle meningeal artery that empty into the pterygoid plexus. SYN: venae meningeae mediae [TA].
- middle rectal veins [TA] several veins that pass from the rectal venous plexus (in which they anastomose with the superior rectal veins) to the internal iliac v., which ultimately drains into the inferior vena cava. Since the superior rectal veins ultimately drain into the portal v., the middle retal veins participate in a portocaval anastomosis, and the rectal venous plexus is subject to varicosities (hemorrhoids) although they commonly occur in the absence of portal hypertension. SYN: venae rectales mediae [TA].
- middle temporal v. [TA] v. that arises near the lateral angle of the eye and joins the superficial temporal veins to form the retromandibular v.. SYN: vena temporalis media [TA].
- middle thyroid v. [TA] v. that passes from the thyroid gland across the common carotid artery (generally parallel with, but usually separate from) the inferior thyroid arteries to empty into the internal jugular v.. SYN: vena thyroidea media [TA].
- musculophrenic veins [TA] the veins that accompany the musculophrenic artery and drain blood from the upper abdominal wall and anterior portions of the lower intercostal spaces and the diaphragm. SYN: venae musculophrenicae [TA].
- nasofrontal v. [TA] the v. located in the anterior medial part of the orbit that connects the superior ophthalmic v. with the angular v.. SYN: vena nasofrontalis [TA].
- oblique v. of left atrium [TA] a small v. on the posterior wall of the left atrium which merges with the great cardiac v. to form the coronary sinus; it is developed from the left common cardinal v., and occasionally persists as a left superior vena cava. SYN: vena obliqua atrii sinistri [TA], Marshall oblique v..
- obturator veins [TA] formed by the union of tributaries draining the hip joint and the obturator and adductor muscles of the thigh; they enter the pelvis by the obturator canal as venae comitantes of the obturator artery and empty into the internal iliac v.. SYN: vena obturatoria [TA].
- occipital v. [TA] v. that drains the occipital region and empties into the internal jugular v. or the suboccipital plexus. SYN: vena occipitalis [TA].
- occipital cerebral veins the superior cerebral veins draining the occipital cortex and emptying into the superior sagittal sinus and the transverse sinus. SYN: venae encephali occipitales [TA].
- occipital emissary v. [TA] an inconstant vessel perforating the squama of the occipital bone to connect the occipital veins with the confluens sinuum. SYN: vena emissaria occipitalis [TA], emissarium occipitale.
- v. of olfactory gyrus [TA] a tributary of the basal v. which drains the medial olfactory stria. SEE ALSO: basal v.. SYN: vena gyri olfactorii [TA].
- ovarian veins right ovarian v., left ovarian v..
- palmar digital veins [TA] paired venae comitantes of the proper and common digital arteries that empty into the superficial palmar venous arch. SYN: venae digitales palmares [TA].
- palmar metacarpal veins [TA] veins emptying into the deep venous arch from which the radial and ulnar veins arise. SYN: venae metacarpeae palmares [TA].
- palpebral veins [TA] veins draining the superior eyelid posteriorly as tributaries of the superior ophthalmic v.. SYN: venae palpebrales [TA], veins of eyelids.
- pancreatic veins [TA] veins draining the pancreas, emptying into the splenic v. and the superior mesenteric v.. SYN: venae pancreaticae [TA].
- pancreaticoduodenal veins [TA] veins that accompany the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, emptying into the superior mesenteric or portal v.. SYN: venae pancreaticoduodenales [TA].
- paraumbilical veins [TA] several small veins arising from cutaneous veins about the umbilicus running along the round ligament of the liver, and terminating as accessory portal veins in the substance of this organ; they constitute a portocaval anastomosis and are subject to varicosity during portal hypertension; varicose paraumbilical veins form the “caput medussae.” SYN: venae paraumbilicales [TA], Sappey veins.
- parietal veins [TA] the superficial veins draining the parietal cerebral cortex and emptying into the superior sagittal sinus. SYN: venae parietales.
- parietal emissary v. [TA] the v. that connects the superior sagittal sinus with the tributaries of the superficial temporal v. and other veins of the scalp. SYN: vena emissaria parietalis [TA], emissarium parietale, Santorini v..
- parotid veins [TA] branches draining part of the parotid gland and emptying into the retromandibular v.. SYN: venae parotideae [TA], posterior parotid veins.
- pectoral veins [TA] veins draining the pectoral muscles and emptying directly into the subclavian v.. SYN: venae pectorales [TA].
- peduncular veins [TA] small tributaries of the basal v. from the cerebral peduncle. SEE ALSO: basal v.. SYN: venae pedunculares [TA].
- perforating veins [TA] 1. the veins that accompany the perforating arteries from the profunda femoris artery; they drain blood from the vastus lateralis and hamstring muscles and terminate in the profunda femoris v.. 2. valved communicating veins that drain superficial veins—especially those of the lower limb—into deep (subfascial) veins so that the musculovenous pump can propel the venous blood to the heart against gravity. SYN: venae perforantes [TA].
- pericardiacophrenic veins [TA] the veins accompanying the pericardiacophrenic artery and emptying into the brachiocephalic veins or superior vena cava. SYN: venae pericardiacophrenicae [TA].
- pericardial veins [TA] several small veins from the pericardium emptying directly into the brachiocephalic veins or superior vena cava. SYN: venae pericardiacae [TA].
- peroneal veins fibular veins.
- petrosal v. [TA] a tributary of the superior petrosal sinus that receives venous channels from the midbrain, pons, and the lateral portions of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum.
- pharyngeal veins [TA] several veins from the pharyngeal venous plexus emptying into the internal jugular v.. SYN: venae pharyngeae [TA].
- plantar digital veins [TA] veins that drain the plantar and distal dorsal aspects (nail beds) of the toes and pass back to form four metatarsal veins that in turn empty into the plantar venous arch. SYN: venae digitales plantares [TA].
- plantar metatarsal veins [TA] veins receiving the plantar digital veins and draining in turn into the deep plantar venous arch, which empties into the medial and lateral plantar veins. SYN: venae metatarseae plantares [TA].
- veins of pons SYN: pontine veins.
- pontine veins several veins running transversely or obliquely on the pons to join the petrosal v.; the main pontine veins are: anteromedian pontine v. [TA] (vena pontis anteromediana [TA]), anterolateral pontine v. [TA] (vena pontis anterolateralis [TA]), transverse pontine veins [TA] (venae pontis transversae [TA]), and the lateral pontine v. [TA] (vena pontis lateralis [TA]). SYN: venae pontis [TA], veins of pons.
- pontomesencephalic v. See anterior pontomesencephalic v..
- popliteal v. [TA] formed at the lower border of the popliteus muscle by the union of the anterior and posterior tibial veins, ascends through the popliteal space where it receives the lesser saphenous v. and passes through the adductor hiatus, entering the adductor canal as the femoral v.. SYN: vena poplitea [TA].
- portal v. SYN: hepatic portal v..
- posterior anterior jugular v. a variable tributary of the external jugular v. arising in the upper posterior part of the neck.
- posterior auricular v. [TA] v. that drains the region posterior to the ear and then merges with the retromandibular v. to form the external jugular v.. SYN: vena auricularis posterior [TA].
- posterior cardinal veins cardinal veins.
- posterior circumflex humeral v. [TA] v. accompanying the artery of the same name, passing posterior to the surgical neck of the humerus and through the quadrangular space to enter the axillary v.. SYN: vena circumflexa humeri posterior [TA].
- posterior v. of corpus callosum [TA] it originates on the superior surface of the corpus callosum and runs posteriorly to terminate in the great cerebral v.. SYN: dorsal v. of corpus callosum [TA], vena posterior corporis callosi [TA], vena dorsalis corporis callosi, dorsal callosal v., posterior marginal v., posterior pericallosal v..
- v. of posterior horn a small v. draining the surface region of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle; it is a tributary to the great cerebral v.. SYN: vena cornus posterioris [TA].
- posterior intercostal veins [TA] veins draining the intercostal spaces posteriorly; those of the first 1-C space drain into the brachiocephalic veins; from spaces 2–3 they drain into right and left superior intercostal veins; from the 4th to the 11th spaces on the right they are tributaries of the azygos v.; on the left they empty into either the hemiazygos or accessory hemiazygos veins. SYN: venae intercostales posteriores [TA].
- posterior labial veins [TA] veins that pass posteriorly from the labia majora and minora to the internal pudendal veins. SYN: venae labiales posteriores [TA].
- posterior marginal v. SYN: posterior v. of corpus callosum.
- posterior parotid veins SYN: parotid veins.
- posterior pericallosal v. SYN: posterior v. of corpus callosum.
- posterior scrotal veins [TA] veins from the posterior aspect of the scrotum to the internal pudendal veins. SYN: venae scrotales posteriores [TA].
- posterior v. of septum pellucidum [TA] v. draining the posterior part of the transparent septum; it empties into the superior thalamostriate v.. SYN: vena posterior septi pellucidi [TA].
- posterior v.(s) of left ventricle [TA] arise(s) on the diaphragmatic surface of the heart near the apex, run(s) to the left and parallel to the posterior interventricular sulcus, and empties(empty) in the coronary sinus. SYN: vena(e) posterior(es) ventriculi sinistri.
- posterior tibial veins [TA] venae comitantes of the posterior tibial artery that join those of the anterior tibial artery to form the popliteal v.. SYN: venae tibiales posteriores [TA].
- precentral cerebellar v. [TA] an unpaired v. originating in the precentral cerebellar fissure passing anterior and superior to the culmen on its way to terminate in the great cerebral v.. SYN: vena precentralis cerebelli [TA].
- prefrontal veins the superficial veins draining the prefrontal cerebral cortex and emptying into the superior sagittal sinus. SYN: venae prefrontales [TA].
- prepyloric v. [TA] a tributary of the right gastric v. that passes anterior to the pylorus at its junction with the duodenum. SYN: vena prepylorica [TA], Latarget v., Mayo v..
- profunda femoris v. [TA] the v. that accompanies the deep femoral artery, receiving perforating veins from the lateral and posterior aspects of the thigh. It joins the femoral v. in the femoral triangle, usually in common with the medial and lateral circumflex femoral veins. SYN: vena profunda femoris [TA], deep v. of thigh, deep femoral v..
- v. of pterygoid canal [TA] a v. accompanying the nerve and artery through the pterygoid canal and emptying into the pharyngeal venous plexus. SYN: vena canalis pterygoidei [TA], vidian v..
- pulmonary veins [TA] four veins, two on each side, conveying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. Those from the left lung and the inferior v. from the right lung are lobar veins, each draining a single lobe with the corresponding name; the right superior pulmonary v. drains both the superior and middle lobes of the right lung. SEE ALSO: left inferior pulmonary v., left superior pulmonary v., right inferior pulmonary v., right superior pulmonary v.. SYN: venae pulmonales [TA].
- pyloric v. SYN: right gastric v..
- radial veins [TA] venae comitantes of the radial artery continuing from those of the radial aspect of the deep palmar arch, draining into the venae comitantes of the brachial artery in the cubital fossa. SYN: venae radiales [TA].
- renal veins [TA] large veins formed at the renal hilus by the merger of the segmental veins anterior to the corresponding arteries; they open at right angles into the inferior vena cava at the level of the second lumbar vertebra. The left renal v. receives the left suprarenal v. and the left gonadal v., and passes through the angle between the abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery where it may be compressed. SYN: venae renales.
- retromandibular v. [TA] v. formed by the union of the superficial temporal and maxillary veins in front of the ear; it runs posterior to the ramus of the mandible through the parotid gland, and unites with the posterior auricular v. to form the external jugular v.; it usually has a large communicating branch with the facial v.. SYN: vena retromandibularis [TA], posterior facial v., temporomaxillary v., vena facialis posterior.
- retroperitoneal veins portacaval anastomoses formed from veins in the walls of retroperitoneal viscera, such as the ascending and descending colon, passing to the tributaries of the inferior vena cava in the posterior body wall instead of those of the portal v.. SYN: Retzius veins, Ruysch veins, venae retroperitoneales.
- Retzius veins SYN: retroperitoneal veins.
- right colic v. [TA] the v. that parallels the right colic artery and drains blood from the ascending colon and right colic flexure. SYN: vena colica dextra [TA].
- right gastric v. [TA] it receives veins from both surfaces of the upper portion of the stomach, runs to the right along the lesser curvature of the stomach, and empties into the portal v.. SYN: vena gastrica dextra [TA], pyloric v..
- right gastroepiploic v. right gastroomental v..
- right gastroomental v. [TA] a tributary of the superior mesenteric v. that parallels the right gastroepiploic artery along the greater curvature of the stomach. SYN: vena gastro- omentalis dextra [TA], right gastroepiploic v..
- right hepatic veins [TA] veins draining much of the right lobe of the liver (posterior lateral segment [VI] and right anterior lateral segment [VI] and the lateral parts of the posterior and inferior anterior medial segments [V and VII]) that merge to form a single or sometimes double trunk, draining into the right side of the suprahepatic portion of the inferior vena cava (between the superior surface of the liver and the diaphragm); when single, it is the largest v. of the liver. SYN: venae hepaticae dextrae [TA].
- right inferior pulmonary v. [TA] the v. returning oxygenated blood from the inferior lobe of the right lung to the left atrium; tributaries include the superior v. and the common basal v. from the right inferior lobe. SYN: vena pulmonalis inferior dextra [TA].
- right ovarian v. [TA] begins as the pampiniform plexus at the hilum of the ovary and opens into the inferior vena cava. SYN: vena ovarica dextra [TA].
- right superior intercostal v. [TA] a tributary of the azygos v. formed by the union of the right second, third, and fourth posterior intercostal veins. SYN: vena intercostalis superior dextra [TA].
- right superior pulmonary v. [TA] the v. returning oxygenated blood from the superior and middle lobes of the right lung to the left atrium; tributaries include apical anterior and posterior veins (branches) from the right superior lobe and the middle lobe v.. SYN: vena pulmonalis superior dextra [TA].
- right suprarenal v. [TA] the short v. that passes from the hilum of the right suprarenal to the inferior vena cava. SYN: vena suprarenalis dextra [TA].
- right testicular v. [TA] begins as the pampiniform plexus and ascends to joint the inferior vena cava. SYN: vena testicularis dextra [TA].
- Rosenthal v. SYN: basal v..
- Ruysch veins SYN: retroperitoneal veins.
- sacral veins lateral sacral veins, median sacral v..
- saphenous veins accessory saphenous v., great saphenous v., small saphenous v..
- Sappey veins SYN: paraumbilical veins.
- v. of scala tympani [TA] tributary of common modiolar v. draining the scala tympani of the cochlea. SYN: vena scalae tympani [TA].
- v. of scala vestibuli [TA] tributary of the common modiolar v. draining the scala tympani of the cochlea. SYN: vena scalae vestibuli [TA].
- scleral veins [TA] small veins draining the sclera; they are tributaries of the anterior ciliary veins. SYN: venae sclerales [TA].
- scrotal veins anterior scrotal veins, posterior scrotal veins.
- veins of semicircular ducts [TA] veins draining the semicircular ducts, especially the ampullary parts, into the v. of the vestibular aqueduct. SYN: venae ductuum semicircularium [TA].
- v. of septum pellucidum anterior v. of septum pellucidum, posterior v. of septum pellucidum.
- short gastric veins [TA] small vessels that drain the fundus and left portion of the stomach wall and empty into the splenic v.. SYN: venae gastricae breves [TA].
- short saphenous v. SYN: small saphenous v..
- sigmoid veins [TA] the several tributaries of the inferior mesenteric v. that drain the sigmoid colon. SYN: venae sigmoideae [TA].
- small v. a v. in which the three tunics are poorly defined and thin; longitudinal elastic networks occur and the smooth muscle of the media, which is circularly arranged, may be incomplete or in one or two layers.
- small cardiac v. [TA] an inconstant vessel, accompanying the right coronary artery in the coronary sulcus, from the right margin of the right ventricle, and emptying into the coronary sinus or the middle cardiac v.. SYN: vena cordis parva [TA].
- smallest cardiac veins [TA] numerous small valveless venous channels that open directly into the chambers of the heart from the capillary bed in the cardiac wall, enabling a form of collateral circulation unique to the heart. SYN: venae cardiacae minimae [TA], venae cordis minimae, thebesian veins.
- small saphenous v. [TA] arises on the lateral side of the foot from a union of the dorsal v. of the little toe with the dorsal venous arch, ascends behind the lateral malleolus, along the lateral border of the calcanean tendon and then through the middle of the calf to the lower portion of the popliteal space where it empties into the popliteal v.. SYN: vena saphena parva [TA], short saphenous v..
- spermatic v. right testicular v., left testicular v..
- spinal veins [TA] the veins that drain the spinal cord; they form a plexus on the surface of the cord from which veins pass along the spinal roots to the internal vertebral venous plexus and then to the regional segmental veins, e.g., the posterior intercostal veins in the thoracic region. SYN: venae spinales [TA].
- veins of spinal cord [TA] the anterior and posterior spinal veins that lie on the surface of the spinal cord. SYN: venae medullae spinalis [TA].
- spiral v. of modiolus SYN: common modiolar v..
- splenic v. [TA] arises by the union of several small veins at the hilum on the anterior surface of the spleen with the short gastric and left gastroomental veins; passes backward through the splenorenal ligament to the left kidney, then runs behind the upper border of the pancreas to the neck of the pancreas where it joins the superior mesenteric v. to form the portal v.. SYN: vena splenica [TA], vena lienalis.
- stellate veins SYN: venulae stellatae, under venula.
- Stensen veins SYN: vorticose veins.
- sternocleidomastoid v. [TA] arises in the sternocleidomastoid muscle and accompanies the sternocleidomastoid branch of the occipital artery; drains into the internal jugular or superior thyroid v.. SYN: vena sternocleidomastoidea [TA].
- striate veins SYN: inferior thalamostriate veins.
- stylomastoid v. [TA] drains the tympanic cavity, traverses the facial canal exiting via the stylomastoid foramen, and empties into the retromandibular v.. SYN: vena stylomastoidea [TA].
- subclavian v. [TA] the direct continuation of the axillary v. at the lateral border of the first rib; it passes medially to join the internal jugular v. and form the brachiocephalic v. on each side. SYN: vena subclavia [TA].
- subcutaneous veins of abdomen the network of superficial veins of the abdominal wall that empty into the thoracoepigastric, superficial epigastric, or superior epigastric veins and form portocaval anastomoses through their communications with the paraumbilical veins. SYN: venae subcutaneae abdominis.
- sublingual v. [TA] v. which accompanies the sublingual artery in the floor of the mouth, lateral to the hypoglossal nerve; it may join the deep lingual v. to form the lingual v., or join the vena comitans nerve hypoglossi. SYN: vena sublingualis [TA].
- submental v. [TA] a v. situated below the chin, anastomosing with the sublingual v., connecting with the anterior jugular v., and emptying into the facial v.. SYN: vena submentalis [TA].
- superficial v. [TA] one of a number of veins that course in the subcutaneous tissue and empty into deep veins; they form prominent systems of vessels in the limbs and are usually not accompanied by arteries. SYN: vena superficialis [TA], cutaneous v., vena cutanea.
- superficial cerebral veins [TA] the veins on the superficial surface of the cerebral hemispheres; they comprise three groups: superior, middle, and inferior. SYN: venae superficiales cerebri [TA].
- superficial circumflex iliac v. [TA] corresponding to the artery of the same name, emptying usually into the great saphenous v., or sometimes into the femoral v.. SYN: vena circumflexa iliaca superficialis [TA].
- superficial dorsal veins of clitoris [TA] a pair of veins on the dorsum of the clitoris, tributary to the external pudendal v. on either side. SYN: venae dorsales clitoridis superficiales [TA].
- superficial dorsal veins of penis [TA] a pair of veins on the dorsum of the penis superficial to the fascia penis; they are tributaries of the external pudendal veins on each side. SYN: venae dorsales penis superficiales [TA].
- superficial epigastric v. [TA] drains the lower and medial part of the anterior abdominal wall and empties into the great saphenous v.. SYN: vena epigastrica superficialis [TA].
- superficial middle cerebral v. [TA] a large v. passing along the line of the sylvian fissure to join the cavernous sinus; it communicates with the superior sagittal sinus and transverse sinus via the superior and inferior anastomotic veins, respectively. SYN: vena media superficialis cerebri.
- superficial temporal veins [TA] veins that pass from the temporal region to join the maxillary v. to form the retromandibular v.. SYN: venae temporales superficiales [TA].
- superior anastomotic v. [TA] a large communicating v. between the superficial middle cerebral v. and the superior sagittal sinus; it passes upward from the lateral sulcus, often following the line of the central sulcus (Rolando fissure). SYN: vena anastomotica superior [TA], Trolard v..
- superior basal v. [TA] tributary to the common basal v. draining the lateral and anterior part of the inferior lobe of each lung. SYN: vena basalis superior [TA].
- superior veins of cerebellar hemisphere [TA] several veins draining the superior part of the cerebellar hemispheres; they terminate in the superior petrosal sinus or the petrosal v.. SYN: venae hemispherii cerebelli superiores [TA].
- superior cerebral veins [TA] numerous (8–10) veins that drain the dorsal convexity of the cortical hemisphere and empty into the superior sagittal sinus, curving rostrally in passing through the subdural space so as to enter the sinus at an acute forward angle; can be divided into 5 general groups based on the area of cortex served: prefrontal veins [TA], frontal veins [TA] (venae frontales [TA]), parietal veins [TA], temporal veins [TA] (venae temporales [TA]), and occipital veins [TA] (venae occipitales [TA]). SYN: venae superiores cerebri [TA].
- superior choroid v. [TA] a tortuous v. that follows the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle and unites with the superior thalamostriate v. and the anterior v. of the transparent septum to form the internal cerebral v.. SYN: vena choroidea superior [TA].
- superior epigastric veins [TA] the venae comitantes of the artery of the same name, tributaries of the internal thoracic v.. SYN: venae epigastricae superiores [TA].
- veins of superior eyelid SYN: superior palpebral veins.
- superior gluteal veins [TA] the veins that accompany the superior gluteal artery, entering the pelvis as two veins which unite into one and empty into the internal iliac v.. SYN: venae gluteae superiores [TA].
- superior hemorrhoidal v. outmoded term for superior rectal v..
- superior labial v. [TA] veins taking blood from the upper lip and discharging into the facial v.. SYN: vena labialis superior [TA].
- superior laryngeal v. [TA] v. which accompanies the superior laryngeal artery and empties into the superior thyroid v.. SYN: vena laryngea superior [TA].
- superior mesenteric v. [TA] begins at the ileum in the right iliac fossa, ascends in the root of the mesentery, and unites behind the pancreas with the splenic v. to form the hepatic portal v.. SYN: vena mesenterica superior [TA].
- superior ophthalmic v. [TA] begins anteriorly from the nasofrontal v., passes along the upper part of the medial wall of the orbit, passes through the superior orbital fissure, to empty into the cavernous sinus. SYN: vena ophthalmica superior [TA].
- superior palpebral veins [TA] veins draining the superior eyelid anteriorly into the angular v.. SYN: venae palpebrales superiores [TA], veins of superior eyelid.
- superior phrenic veins [TA] small veins that drain the upper surface of the diaphragm; they are tributaries of the azygos and hemiazygos veins. SYN: venae phrenicae superiores [TA].
- superior rectal v. [TA] it drains the greater part of the rectal venous plexus, and ascends between the layers of the mesorectum to the brim of the pelvis, where it becomes the inferior mesenteric v.. As a tributary of the portal v., it forms a portocaval anastomosis with the middle and inferior rectal veins (caval tributaries) via the rectal venous plexus. SYN: vena rectalis superior [TA].
- superior thalamostriate v. [TA] a long v. passing forward in the groove between the thalamus and caudate nucleus, covered by the lamina affixa, receiving the transverse caudate veins along its lateral side, and joining at the caudal wall of Monro foramen with the choroidal v. and v. of septum pellucidum to form the internal cerebral v.. SYN: vena thalamostriata superior [TA], terminal v., vena terminalis, v. of corpus striatum.
- superior thyroid v. [TA] receives blood from the upper part of the thyroid gland and larynx, accompanies the artery of the same name, and empties into the internal jugular v.. SYN: vena thyroidea superior [TA].
- superior v. of vermis [TA] a v. draining part of the superior part of the cerebellum; it runs on the superior surface of the vermis to terminate in the internal cerebral v.. SYN: vena superior vermis [TA].
- supraorbital v. [TA] drains the front of the scalp and unites with the supratrochlear veins to form the angular v.. SYN: vena supraorbitalis [TA].
- suprarenal veins right suprarenal v., left suprarenal v..
- suprascapular v. [TA] v. that accompanies the suprascapular artery and empties into the external jugular v.. SYN: vena suprascapularis [TA], transverse v. of scapula, vena transversa scapulae.
- supratrochlear veins [TA] several veins that drain the front part of the scalp and unite with the supraorbital v. to form the angular v.. SYN: venae supratrochleares [TA], frontal veins (2), venae frontales.
- supreme intercostal v. [TA] the v. draining the first intercostal space into either the vertebral or the brachiocephalic v.. SYN: vena intercostalis suprema [TA], highest intercostal v..
- surface thalamic veins SYN: direct lateral veins.
- veins of temporomandibular joint several small tributaries to the retromandibular v. from the temporomandibular joint. SYN: venae articulares temporomandibulares.
- terminal v. superior thalamostriate v..
- testicular veins right testicular v., left testicular v..
- thalamostriate veins See inferior thalamostriate veins, superior thalamostriate v..
- thebesian veins SYN: smallest cardiac veins.
- thoracoacromial v. [TA] v. corresponding to the artery of the same name, emptying into the axillary v., sometimes by a common trunk with the cephalic v.. SYN: vena thoracoacromialis [TA], thoracic axis (2).
- thoracoepigastric v. [TA] one of two veins, sometimes a single v., arising from the region of the superficial epigastric v. and opening into the axillary or the lateral thoracic v., thus forming an anastomotic or collateral pathway between tributaries of the inferior and superior venae cavae. SYN: vena thoracoepigastrica [TA].
- thymic veins [TA] a number of small veins from the thymus emptying into the left brachiocephalic v.. SYN: venae thymicae [TA].
- thyroid veins inferior thyroid v., middle thyroid v., superior thyroid v., plexus venosus thyroideus impar.
- tracheal veins [TA] several small venous trunks from the trachea, emptying into the brachiocephalic veins or the superior vena cava. SYN: venae tracheales [TA].
- transverse cervical veins [TA] venae comitantes of the corresponding arteries, emptying into the external jugular v. or sometimes into the subclavian v.. SYN: venae transversae cervicis [TA], venae transversae colli, transverse veins of neck.
- transverse v. of face SYN: transverse facial v..
- transverse facial v. [TA] a tributary of the superficial temporal or retromandibular veins, anastomosing with the facial v.. SYN: vena transversa faciei [TA], transverse v. of face.
- transverse veins of neck SYN: transverse cervical veins.
- tympanic veins [TA] veins exiting from the tympanic cavity through the petrotympanic fissure with the chorda tympani and emptying into the retromandibular v.. SYN: venae tympanicae [TA].
- ulnar veins [TA] venae comitantes of the ulnar artery, continuing from those of the supericial palmar arch and joining with those of the radial artery to form the brachial veins in the cubital fossa. SYN: venae ulnares [TA].
- umbilical v. [TA] See left umbilical v..
- v. of uncus [TA] SYN: vena uncalis.
- veins of upper limb [TA] all veins, superficial and deep, that drain blood from the upper limb. SYN: venae membri superioris [TA].
- uterine veins [TA] two veins on each side that arise from the uterine venous plexus, pass through a part of the broad ligament and then through a peritoneal fold, and empty into the internal iliac v.. SYN: venae uterinae [TA].
- varicose veins permanent dilation and tortuosity of veins, most commonly seen in the legs, probably as a result of congenitally incomplete valves; there is a predisposition to varicose veins among persons in occupations requiring long periods of standing, and in pregnant women.
- vertebral v. [TA] a v. derived from tributaries (venae comitantes) that run through the foramina in the transverse processes of the first six cervical vertebrae and form a plexus around the vertebral artery; it empties as a single trunk into the brachiocephalic veins. SYN: vena vertebralis [TA].
- veins of vertebral column [TA] includes the internal and external vertebral venous plexuses, the basivertebral veins, and the anterior and posterior spinal veins. SYN: venae columnae vertebralis [TA].
- Vesalius v. the emissary v. passing through the foramen venosum.
- vesical veins [TA] veins that drain the vesical venous plexus; they join the internal iliac veins. SYN: venae vesicales [TA].
- v. of vestibular aqueduct [TA] a small v. accompanying the endolymphatic duct; it drains much of the vestibular portion of the labyrinth and terminates in the inferior petrosal sinus. SYN: vena aqueductus vestibuli [TA].
- v. of vestibular bulb SYN: v. of bulb of vestibule.
- vidian v. SYN: v. of pterygoid canal.
- Vieussens veins SYN: innominate cardiac veins.
- vitelline v. a v. returning blood from the yolk sac to the embryo. SYN: vena vitellina.
- vortex veins SYN: vorticose veins.
- vorticose veins [TA] several veins (usually four) from the vascular tunic formed of veins accompanying the posterior ciliary arteries and the ciliary body; then drain into the superior or inferior ophthalmic v.. SYN: venae vorticosae [TA], choroid veins of eye, Stensen veins, vasa vorticosa, venae choroideae oculi, vortex veins.

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vein 'vān n any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart and have thinner walls than the arteries and often valves at intervals to prevent reflux of the blood which flows in a steady stream and is in most cases dark-colored due to the presence of reduced hemoglobin

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a blood vessel conveying blood towards the heart. All veins except the pulmonary vein carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues, via the capillaries, to the vena cava. The walls of veins consist of three tissue layers, but these are much thinner and less elastic than those of arteries. Veins contain valve that assist the flow of blood back to the heart. Anatomical name: vena.
venous adj.

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(vān) [L. vena] a vessel through which blood passes from various organs or parts back to the heart; all veins except the pulmonary veins carry blood low in oxygen. Like arteries, veins have three coats, an inner, middle, and outer, but the coats are not so thick, and they collapse when the vessel is cut. Many veins have valves formed of reduplications of their lining membrane, which prevent the backward flow of blood away from the heart. Called also vena [TA].

The three coats of a vein: (A), tunica intima (endothelium); (B), tunica media; (C), tunica externa.





For descriptions of specific veins, see under vena.

Medical dictionary. 2011.


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  • vein´er — vein «vayn», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) one of the blood vessels or tubes that carry the blood to the heart from all parts of the body. b) any blood vessel. 2. the rib of a leaf; one of the strands or bundles of vascular tissue forming the principal… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vein — [ veın ] noun ** 1. ) count; count one of the tubes in your body that carry blood to your heart. A tube that carries blood away from your heart is an artery. a ) one of the tubes that carry liquids through plants or insects 2. ) singular a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Vein — Vein, n. [OE. veine, F. veine, L. vena.] 1. (Anat.) One of the vessels which carry blood, either venous or arterial, to the heart. See {Artery}, 2. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) One of the similar branches of the framework of a leaf. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • vein — ► NOUN 1) any of the tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from all parts of the body towards the heart. 2) (in general use) a blood vessel. 3) (in plants) a slender rib running through a leaf, containing… …   English terms dictionary

  • vein — [vān] n. [ME veine < OFr < L vena] 1. a) any blood vessel that carries blood from some part of the body back toward the heart b) loosely any blood vessel: cf. ARTERY, CAPILLARY 2. any of the riblike supports strengthening the membranous… …   English World dictionary

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