- Ligament
- A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. "Ligament" is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin "ligare" meaning "to bind or tie."
* * *1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or more bones, cartilages, or other structures, or serving as support for fasciae or muscles. 2. A fold of peritoneum supporting any of the abdominal viscera. 3. Any structure resembling a l. though not performing the function of such. 4. The cordlike remains of a fetal vessel or other structure that has lost its original lumen. SYN: ligamentum [TA]. [L. ligamentum, a band, bandage]- accessory ligaments ligaments about a joint that are in addition to the articular capsule. They may lie within (intracapsular ligaments) or on the outside (extracapsular ligaments) of the articular capsule.- acromioclavicular l. [TA] a fibrous band extending from the acromion of the scapula to the clavicle. SYN: ligamentum acromioclaviculare [TA].- alar ligaments one of a pair of short stout bands that extends from the side of the dens of the axis to the tubercle on the medial aspect of the occipital condyle; SYN: check ligaments of odontoid.- alveolodental l. SYN: periodontium.- anococcygeal l. a musculofibrous band that passes between the anus and the coccyx. SYN: anococcygeal body, ligamentum anococcygeum, raphe anococcygea, Symington anococcygeal body.- anterior cruciate l. [TA] the l. that extends from the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the posterior part of the medial surface of the lateral condyle of the femur. SYN: ligamentum cruciatum anterius.- anterior l. of fibular head [TA] a l. uniting the anterior part of the head of the fibula to the tibia. SYN: ligamentum capitis fibulae anterius [TA].- anterior longitudinal l. [TA] the wide fibrous band interconnecting the anterolateral surfaces of the vertebral bodies, blending with the outer lamellae of the intervertebral disks as it passes between vertebrae. SYN: ligamentum longitudinale anterius [TA], lacertus medius.- anterior l. of malleus [TA] consists of two portions: Meckel band, passing from the base of the anterior process to the spine of the sphenoid through the petrotympanic fissure; and the anterior l. of Helmholtz, extending from the anterior aspect of the neck of the malleus to the anterior boundary of the tympanic notch. SYN: ligamentum mallei anterius [TA].- anterior meniscofemoral l. [TA] the ligamentous band that passes anterior to the posterior cruciate l., extending between the posterior portion of the lateral meniscus and the upper end of the anterior cruciate l.. SYN: ligamentum meniscofemorale anterius [TA], Humphry l..- anterior sacrococcygeal l. [TA] the continuation of the anterior longitudinal l. uniting the sacrum and coccyx. SYN: ligamentum sacrococcygeum anterius [TA], ventral sacrococcygeal l..- anterior sacroiliac ligaments [TA] the strong fibrous bands that reinforce the sacroiliac joint anteriorly. SYN: ligamenta sacroiliaca anteriora [TA], ventral sacroiliac ligaments.- anterior sacrosciatic l. SYN: sacrospinous l..- anterior sternoclavicular l. [TA] a fibrous band that reinforces the sternoclavicular anteriorly. SYN: ligamentum sternoclaviculare anterius [TA].- anterior talofibular l. [TA] the band of fibers that extends from the lateral malleolus to the neck of the talus. SYN: ligamentum talofibulare anterius [TA].- anterior talotibial l. SYN: anterior tibiotalar part of medial l. of ankle joint. SEE ALSO: medial l. of ankle joint.- anterior tibiofibular l. [TA] the l. that binds the anterior aspect of the tibiofibular syndesmosis. SYN: ligamentum tibiofibulare anterius [TA].- anular l. [TA] one of a number of ligaments encircling various parts; the principal anular ligaments are those of the stapes, radius, and trachea. See anular l. of radius, anular l. of stapes, anular ligaments of trachea. SYN: ligamentum anulare [TA], orbicular l..- anular l. of radius [TA] the l. that encircles and holds the head of the radius in the radial notch of the ulna, forming the proximal radioulnar joint and enabling pronation/supination of forearm; receives the radial collateral l. of the elbow. SYN: ligamentum anulare radii [TA], ligamentum orbiculare radii, orbicular l. of radius.- anular l. of stapes [TA] a ring of elastic fibers that attaches the base of the stapes to the margin of the fenestra vestibuli. SYN: ligamentum anulare stapedis [TA].- anular ligaments of trachea [TA] the fibrous membranes that connect adjacent tracheal cartilages. SYN: ligamenta anularia trachealia [TA], ligamenta trachealia.- apical l. of dens [TA] a l. that extends from the apex of the dens of the axis to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum; includes vestiges of notochord. SYN: ligamentum apicis dentis.- Arantius l. SYN: ligamentum venosum.- arcuate popliteal l. [TA] a broad fibrous band attached above to the lateral condyle of the femur and passing medially and downward, blending with the posterior part of the fibrous capsule of the knee joint, arching over the tendon of the popliteus muscle. SYN: ligamentum popliteum arcuatum [TA], popliteal arch, posterior l. of knee.- arterial l. SYN: ligamentum arteriosum.- ligaments of auditory ossicles [TA] the ligaments connecting the ear bones with one another and with the walls of the tympanic cavity. SYN: ligamenta ossiculorum auditus [TA], ligamenta ossiculorum auditorium.- ligaments of auricle [TA] the three ligaments that attach the auricle to the side of the head : anterior l. of auricle (ligamentum auriculare anterius), which extends from the root of the zygomatic process to the spine of the helix; posterior l. of auricle (ligamentum auriculare posterius), which extends from the mastoid process to the conchal eminence; superior l. of auricle (ligamentum auriculare superius), which extends from the superior margin of the osseous external acoustic meatus to the spine of the helix. SYN: ligamenta auricularia [TA], auricular ligaments, Valsalva ligaments.- Bellini l. a fasciculus from the ischiofemoral portion of greater articular fibrous capsule of the hip that extends to the greater trochanter.- Bertin l. SYN: iliofemoral l..- bifurcate l. [TA] a strong, V-shaped dorsal tarsal l. on the dorsum of the foot that passes from the calcaneus distal to the tarsal sinus and attaches to cuboid and navicular bones; it is divided into the calcaneocuboid l. and the calcaneonavicular l.. SYN: ligamentum bifurcatum [TA], bifurcated l..- bifurcated l. SYN: bifurcate l..- Bigelow l. SYN: iliofemoral l..- Botallo l. SYN: ligamentum arteriosum.- broad l. of the uterus [TA] the peritoneal fold passing from the lateral margin of the uterus to the wall of the pelvis on either side, and in so doing also ensheathing the ovaries and uterine tubes. SYN: ligamentum latum uteri [TA].- calcaneocuboid l. [TA] the lateral part of the bifurcate ligamentum. SYN: ligamentum calcaneocuboideum [TA].- calcaneofibular l. [TA] the middle of the three fascicles that form the lateral l. of the ankle joint, reinforcing the lateral side of the ankle joint and resisting excessive inversion of the foot; the remaining two ligaments of the lateral ligaments are the anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments. SYN: ligamentum calcaneofibulare [TA].- calcaneonavicular l. [TA] the medial part of the bifurcate l.. SYN: ligamentum calcaneonaviculare [TA].- calcaneotibial l. SYN: tibiocalcaneal part of medial l. of ankle joint. SEE ALSO: medial l. of ankle joint.- Caldani l. SYN: coracoclavicular l..- capsular l. [TA] thickened portions of the fibrous membrane of an articular capsule. SYN: ligamentum capsulare [TA].- cardinal l. [TA] a fibrous band attached to the uterine cervix and the vault of the lateral fornix of the vagina; continuous with the tissue ensheathing the pelvic vessels. SYN: ligamentum cardinale [TA], transverse cervical l., cervical l. of uterus, ligamentum transversale cervicis, Mackenrodt l..- caroticoclinoid l. the l. that connects the anterior to the middle clinoid process of the sphenoid bone.- carpometacarpal ligaments (dorsal and palmar) [TA] the ligaments uniting the metacarpal and carpal bones. SYN: ligamenta carpometacarpalia (dorsalia/palmaria) [TA].- caudal l. SYN: retinaculum caudale.- ceratocricoid l. [TA] one of three ligaments (anterior, posterior, and lateral) reinforcing the capsule of the cricothyroid articulation on either side. SYN: ligamentum ceratocricoideum [TA].- check ligaments of eyeball, medial and lateral SYN: check ligaments of medial and lateral rectus muscles.- check ligaments of medial and lateral rectus muscles [TA] expansions of the sheaths of the medial and lateral rectus muscles of the eyeball that are attached, respectively, to the lacrimal bone and to the orbital tubercle of the zygomatic bone; they serve to prevent overaction of these muscles. Terminologia Anatomica recognizes only the check ligametn of lateral rectus muscle. SYN: check ligaments of eyeball, medial and lateral.- chondroxiphoid l. SYN: costoxiphoid l..- Civinini l. SYN: pterygospinous l..- collateral l. [TA] one of a number of ligaments on either side of, and serving as a radius of movement of, a joint having a hingelike movement; they occur at the following joints: elbow, knee, wrist, and the metacarpo- or metatarsophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints of the hands and feet. SYN: ligamentum collaterale [TA].- conoid l. [TA] the medial part of the coracoclavicular l. that attaches to the conoid tubercle of the clavicle. The conoid l. and its partner coracoclavicular l., the trapezoid l., passively suspend the free upper limb from the strut formed by the clavicle. SYN: ligamentum conoideum [TA].- Cooper ligaments 1. SYN: suspensory ligaments of breast. 2. SYN: pectineal l.. 3. SYN: transverse l. of elbow.- coracoacromial l. [TA] the heavy arched fibrous band that passes between the coracoid process and the acromion above the shoulder joint; the osseofibrous arch thus formed prevents upward dislocation of the shoulder (glenohumeral) joint. SYN: ligamentum coracoacromiale [TA].- coracoclavicular l. [TA] the strong compound l. that unites the clavicle to the coracoid process; it is subdivided into the conoid ligamentum and the trapezoid ligamentum. The free upper limb is passively suspended from the clavicular “strut” by the coracoclavicular l.; the l. also plays an important role in preventing dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint. SYN: ligamentum coracoclaviculare [TA], Caldani l..- coracohumeral l. [TA] the l. that passes from the base of the coracoid process to the greater tubercle of the humerus. SYN: ligamentum coracohumerale [TA].- corniculopharyngeal l. SYN: cricopharyngeal l..- coronary l. of knee portions of the articular capsule of the knee joint that connect the circumference of the menisci with the margins of the condyles of the tibia.- coronary l. of liver [TA] peritoneal reflections from the liver to the diaphragm at the margins of the bare area of the liver. SYN: ligamentum coronarium hepatis [TA].- costoclavicular l. [TA] the l. that connects the first rib and the clavicle near its sternal end; limits elavation of shoulder (at sternoclavicular joint). SYN: ligamentum costoclaviculare [TA], rhomboid l..- costocolic l. SYN: phrenicocolic l..- costotransverse l. [TA] the l. that connects the dorsal aspect of the neck of a rib to the ventral aspect of the corresponding transverse process. SEE ALSO: lateral costotransverse l., superior costotransverse l.. SYN: ligamentum costotransversarium [TA], ligamentum colli costae, middle costotransverse l..- costoxiphoid l. [TA] the l. that connects the xiphoid process to the seventh, and often to the sixth, costal cartilages. SYN: ligamentum costoxiphoideum [TA], chondroxiphoid l..- cotyloid l. SYN: acetabular labrum.- Cowper l. the part of the fascia lata which is anterior to and provides origin for fibers of the pectineus muscle.- cricoarytenoid l. [TA] the l. that passes downward from the posterior border of the arytenoid cartilage to the lamina of the cricoid cartilage. SYN: ligamentum cricoarytenoideum posterius, posterior cricoarytenoid l..- cricopharyngeal l. [TA] an elastic band connecting the tip of the corniculate (Santorini) cartilage and the lamina of the cricoid cartilage and continuing into the pharyngeal mucosa covering the cricoid lamina. SYN: ligamentum cricopharyngeum [TA], corniculopharyngeal l., cricosantorinian l., jugal l., ligamentum corniculopharyngeum, ligamentum jugale.- cricosantorinian l. SYN: cricopharyngeal l..- cricotracheal l. [TA] a midline fibrous band connecting the cricoid cartilage with the first ring of the trachea. SYN: ligamentum cricotracheale [TA], cricotracheal membrane.- crucial l. 1. See inferior extensor retinaculum, superior extensor retinaculum. 2. SYN: cruciate ligaments of knee. 3. SYN: cruciate l. of the atlas. 4. SYN: cruciform part of fibrous digital sheath.- cruciate l. of the atlas [TA] the strong l. that lies posterior to the dens of the axis holding it against the anterior arch of the atlas; it consists primarily of the transverse l. of the atlas that forms the cross-bar of the cross and is most important functionally, and longitudinal bands of the cruciform l., forming the upright or vertical beams of the cross. SYN: ligamentum cruciforme atlantis [TA], crucial l. (3), cruciform l. of atlas, ligamentum cruciatum atlantis.- cruciate ligaments of knee the two ligaments that pass from the intercondylar area of the tibia to the intercondylar fossa of the femur. See anterior cruciate l., posterior cruciate l.. SEE ALSO: anterior cruciate l., posterior cruciate l.. SYN: crucial l. (2), ligamenta cruciata genus.- Cruveilhier ligaments SYN: plantar ligaments.- cuboideonavicular ligaments [TA] l. uniting the cuboid bone with the navicular bone. See dorsal cuboideonavicular l., plantar cuboideonavicular ligaments. SYN: ligamenta cuboideonaviculare [TA].- cuneocuboid ligaments [TA] l. uniting the lateral cuneiform bone with the cuboid bone. See dorsal cuneocuboid l., cuneocuboid interosseous l., plantar cuneocuboid l.. SYN: ligamentum cuneocuboideum [TA].- cuneocuboid interosseous l. [TA] the fibrous band that unites adjacent margins of the distal end of the lateral cuneiform and cuboid bones. SYN: interosseous cuneocuboid l., ligamentum cuneocuboideum interosseum.- cuneometatarsal interosseous ligaments [TA] ligaments that pass from the cuneiform bones to the metatarsals, the one from the first cuneiform to the second metatarsal being the strongest. SYN: ligamenta cuneometatarsalia interossea [TA], interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments, Lisfranc ligaments.- cuneonavicular ligaments ligaments uniting the medial cuneiform bone with the navicular. SEE ALSO: dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments, plantar cuneonavicular ligaments.- cystoduodenal l. a peritoneal fold that sometimes passes from the gallbladder to the first part of the duodenum.- deep posterior sacrococcygeal l. the continuation of the posterior longitudinal l. uniting the sacrum and coccyx. SYN: deep dorsal sacrococcygeal l., ligamentum sacrococcygeum posterius profundum.- deep transverse metacarpal l. [TA] the l. that interconnects the palmar surface of the heads of the second to fifth metacarpals, being continuous with the palmar ligaments or palmar plates; it lies in the plane of the palmar interosseous fascia. SYN: ligamentum metacarpale transversum profundum [TA], transverse metacarpal l..- deep transverse metatarsal l. [TA] the l. that interconnects the plantar surface of the heads of the metatarsals, being continuous with the plantar ligaments. SYN: ligamentum metatarsale transversum profundum [TA], transverse metatarsal l..- Denonvilliers l. SYN: puboprostatic l..- denticulate l. [TA] a serrated, shelflike extension of the spinal pia mater projecting in a frontal plane from either side of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord; its approximately 21 pointed processes fuse laterally with the arachnoid and dura mater midway between the exits of the roots of adjacent spinal nerves, with the highest process attaching immediately superior to foramen magnum. SYN: ligamentum denticulatum [TA].- Denucé l. SYN: quadrate l..- diaphragmatic l. of the mesonephros the segment of the urogenital ridge that extends from the mesonephros to the diaphragm; becomes the suspensory l. of the ovary. SYN: urogenital mesentery.- dorsal calcaneocuboid l. See bifurcate l..- dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands that connect the dorsal surfaces of the carpal and metacarpal bones. SYN: ligamenta carpometacarpalia dorsalia [TA].- dorsal cuboideonavicular l. [TA] the dorsal tarsal l. that unites the dorsal surfaces of the cuboid and navicular bones of the tarsus. SYN: ligamentum cuboideonaviculare dorsale [TA].- dorsal cuneocuboid l. [TA] one of the dorsal tarsal ligaments appearing as a fibrous band that unites the dorsal margins of the lateral cuneiform and cuboid bones. SYN: ligamentum cuneocuboideum dorsale [TA].- dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments [TA] several ligaments connecting the dorsal surface of the navicular with the three cuneiform bones. SYN: ligamenta cuneonavicularia dorsalia [TA].- dorsal intercuneiform ligaments [TA] the dorsal tarsal l. extending between adjacent cuneiform bones.- dorsal metacarpal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands connecting the dorsal aspects of the bases of metacarpals two to five. SYN: ligamenta metacarpalia dorsalia [TA].- dorsal metatarsal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands that connect the dorsal aspects of the bases of the metatarsals. SYN: ligamenta metatarsalia dorsalia [TA].- dorsal radiocarpal l. [TA] the l. that extends from the distal end of the radius posteriorly to the proximal row of carpal bones. SYN: ligamentum radiocarpale dorsale [TA].- dorsal tarsal ligaments [TA] ligaments connecting dorsal aspects of the tarsal bones as a group; included in the group are the: talonavicular l. [TA] (ligamentum talonaviculare [TA]), bifurcate l. [TA] (ligamentum bifurcatum [TA]), and the following dorsal ligaments (ligamentum/a... dorsalia/e): intercuneiform [TA] (intercuneiformia [TA]), cuneocuboid [TA] (cuneocuboideum [TA]), cuboideonavicular [TA] (cuboideonaviculare [TA]), cuneonavicular [TA] (cuneonavicularia [TA]), and calcaneocuboid [TA] (calcaneocuboideum [TA]). SYN: ligamenta tarsi dorsalia [TA].- dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments [TA] strong, flat, longitudinal, and oblique bands reinforcing the dorsal aspects of the tarsometatarsal joints (joints between the metatarsals and the cuboid and cuneiform bones); the first metatarsal and medial cuneiform share an exclusive joint capsule, and the medial dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments connect only those bones; the remaining metatarsals have attachments to multiple bones, with the ligaments reinforcing the dorsal aspect of their common joint capsule. SYN: ligamenta tarsometatarsalia dorsalia [TA].- duodenorenal l. a fold of peritoneum occasionally passing from the termination of the hepatoduodenal l. to the front of the right kidney. SYN: ligamentum duodenorenale.- ligaments of epididymis (inferior and superior) one of two folds (superior and inferior) of the tunica vaginalis between the epididymis and the testis. SYN: ligamenta epididymidis (inferius et superius) [TA].- epihyal l. SYN: stylohyoid l..- extracapsular ligaments [TA] ligaments associated with a synovial joint but separate from and external to its articular capsule. SYN: ligamenta extracapsularia [TA].- falciform l. of liver [TA] a crescentic fold of peritoneum extending to the surface of the liver from the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall; the round l. lies in its free inferior border, derivative of embryonic ventral mesogastrium. SYN: ligamentum falciforme hepatis [TA].- fibular collateral l. [TA] the cordlike l. that passes from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula. SYN: ligamentum collaterale fibulare [TA], lateral l. of knee, Winslow l..- Flood l. a band of the coracohumeral l., attached to the lower part of the lesser tuberosity of the humerus.- fundiform l. of clitoris [TA] fibrous condensation of the subcutaneous tissue descending from the linea alba above the pubic symphysis to split and surround the root of the body of the clitoris, before fusing with the fascia of the clitoris. SYN: ligamentum fundiforme clitoridis [TA].- fundiform l. of penis [TA] a band of elastic fibers of the superficial fascial layer that extends from the linea alba above the pubic symphysis splitting to surround the penis before attaching to the fascia of the penis. SYN: ligamentum fundiforme penis [TA].- gastrocolic l. [TA] the major, apron-like portion of the greater omentum that extends between the stomach and the transverse colon. SYN: ligamentum gastrocolicum [TA].- gastrodiaphragmatic l. SYN: gastrophrenic l..- gastrolienal l. SYN: gastrosplenic l..- gastrophrenic l. [TA] the portion of the greater omentum that extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the inferior surface of the diaphragm. SYN: ligamentum gastrophrenicum [TA], gastrodiaphragmatic l., phrenogastric l..- gastrosplenic l. [TA] the portion of the greater omentum that lies between the greater curvature of the stomach and the hilum of the spleen. SYN: ligamentum gastrosplenicum [TA], ligamentum gastrolienale, gastrolienal l., gastrosplenic omentum.- genital l. an embryonic mesenchymatous band providing support for the internal genitalia. SYN: suspensory l. of gonad.- genitoinguinal l. in the fetus, a fold of the mesorchium containing the gubernaculum testis. SYN: ligamentum genitoinguinale, plica gubernatrix.- Gillette suspensory l. SYN: cricoesophageal tendon.- gingivodental l. SYN: periodontium.- glenohumeral ligaments [TA] three fibrous bands (capsular ligaments) that reinforce the anterior part of the articular capsule of the shoulder joint; they are in continuity with the glenoid labrum at the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and blend with the fibrous capsule as it attaches to the anatomic neck of the humerus; they are conspicuous as folds or ridges on the internal aspect of the articular capsule. SYN: ligamenta glenohumeralia [TA].- glossoepiglottic l. an elastic ligamentous band passing from the base of the tongue to the epiglottis in the middle glossoepiglottic fold.- l. of head of femur [TA] a flattened l. that passes from the fovea in the head of the femur to the borders of the acetabular notch (transverse acetabular l.); developmentally, an artery passes to the head of the femur with the l. which may or may not persist into adulthood; the l. does not contribute to the integrity of the joint or control movements there. SYN: ligamentum capitis femoris [TA], ligamentum teres femoris, round l. of femur.- Helmholtz axis l. a l. forming the axis about which the malleus rotates; it consists of two portions extending from the anterior and the posterior border, respectively, of the tympanic notch to the malleus. SYN: axis l. of malleus.- Hensing l. the left superior colic l.; a small serous horizontal or oblique fold sometimes found extending between the upper end of the descending colon and the abdominal wall. See phrenicocolic l..- hepatocolic l. [TA] an inconstant extension of the hepatoduodenal l. to the transverse colon. SYN: ligamentum hepatocolicum [TA].- hepatoduodenal l. [TA] the portion of the lesser omentum that connects the liver and duodenum. SYN: ligamentum hepatoduodenale [TA].- hepatoesophageal l. [TA] the part of the lesser omentum that extends between the liver and the abdominal part of the esophagus. SYN: ligamentum hepatoesophageum [TA].- hepatogastric l. [TA] the part of the lesser omentum that extends between the liver and lesser curvature of the stomach. SYN: ligamentum hepatogastricum [TA].- hepatorenal l. [TA] a prolongation of the coronary l. downward over the right kidney. SYN: ligamentum hepatorenale [TA].- Hesselbach l. SYN: interfoveolar l..- hyalocapsular l. attachment of the vitreous body to the posterior surface of the lens of the eye. SYN: ligamentum hyaloideo-capsulare.- hyoepiglottic l. [TA] a short elastic band that unites the epiglottis to the upper border of the hyoid bone. SYN: ligamentum hyoepiglotticum [TA].- hypsiloid l. SYN: iliofemoral l..- iliofemoral l. [TA] a triangular l. attached by its apex to the anterior inferior spine of the ilium and rim of the acetabulum, and by its base to the anterior intertrochanteric line of the femur; the strong medial band is attached to the lower part of the intertrochanteric line; the strong lateral part is fixed to the tubercle at the upper part of this line; the bands diverge, forming a Y-like figure with a weak area between; among the strongest of the body's ligaments, it limits extension at the hip joint. SYN: ligamentum iliofemorale [TA], Bertin l., Bigelow l., hypsiloid l., Y-shaped l..- iliolumbar l. [TA] the strong l. that connects the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae with the ilium, spanning the “notch” between the vertebral column and the wing of the ilium. SYN: ligamentum iliolumbale [TA].- iliopectineal l. SYN: iliopectineal arch.- iliotrochanteric l. the lateral strong band of the Y-shaped iliofemoral l.; it is attached below to the tubercle at the upper part of the intertrochanteric line.- inferior l. of epididymis [TA] the lower of the folds of the tunica vaginalis between the body of the epididymis and the testis. SYN: ligamentum epididymidis inferius [TA].- inferior pubic l. [TA] the l. that arches across the inferior aspect of the pubic symphysis. SYN: ligamentum pubicum inferius [TA], arcuate pubic l., ligamentum arcuatum pubis.- inferior transverse scapular l. [TA] an inconstant fibrous band that passes from the lateral border of the spine of the scapula to the posterior margin of the glenoid cavity. SYN: ligamentum transversum scapulae inferius [TA], spinoglenoid l..- inguinal l. [TA] a fibrous band formed by the thickened inferior border of the aponeurosis of the external oblique that extends from the anterior superior spine of the ilium to the pubic tubercle, bridging muscular and vascular lacunae; forms the floor of the inguinal canal; gives origin to the lowermost fibers of internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. SEE ALSO: aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. SYN: ligamentum inguinale [TA], arcus inguinalis, crural arch, fallopian arch, fallopian l., femoral arch, Poupart l..- intercarpal ligaments [TA] three sets of short fibrous bands that bind together the two rows of carpal bones; according to their location they are named dorsal intercarpal ligaments (ligamenta intercarpalia dorsalia), interosseous intercarpal ligaments (ligamenta intercarpalia interossea), and palmar intercarpal ligaments (ligamenta intercarpalia palmaria). SYN: ligamenta intercarpalia [TA].- interclavicular l. [TA] a strong l. that connects the two sternoclavicular joints across the upper border of the manubrium. SYN: ligamentum interclaviculare [TA].- interclinoid l. a band of dura mater connecting the anterior and posterior clinoid processes of the sphenoid bone; may become ossified.- intercornual l. SYN: lateral sacrococcygeal l..- intercostal ligaments SYN: intercostal membranes, under membrane.- intercuneiform ligaments [TA] fibrous bands that unite the cuneiform bones; they are arranged in three sets: dorsal intercuneiform ligaments (ligamenta intercuneiformia dorsalia), interosseous intercuneiform ligaments (ligamenta intercuneiformia interossea), and plantar intercuneiform ligaments (ligamenta intercuneiformia plantaria). SYN: ligamenta intercuneiformia [TA].- interfoveolar l. [TA] fibrous or muscular strands that lie medial to the deep inguinal ring, extending from the lower border of the transversus muscle to the lacunar l. and pectineal fascia. SYN: ligamentum interfoveolare [TA], Hesselbach l..- interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments SYN: cuneometatarsal interosseous ligaments.- interosseous metacarpal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands connecting the bases of metacarpals two to five; they extend between the dorsal and palmar metacarpal ligaments. SYN: ligamenta metacarpalia interossea [TA].- interosseous sacroiliac ligaments [TA] short obliquely directed fibrous bands that pass between the sacrum and ilium in the narrow cleft behind the auricular surfaces of these bones. SYN: ligamenta sacroiliaca interossea [TA].- interosseous talocalcaneal l. SYN: talocalcaneal interosseous l..- interosseous tibiofibular l. the distal continuation of the interosseous membrane forming a strong l. that unites the distal end of the tibia and fibula; it lies deep to the posterior tibiofibular l.. SYN: transverse tibiofibular l..- interspinous l. [TA] bands of fibrous tissue that connect the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae. SYN: ligamentum interspinale [TA].- intertransverse l. [TA] one of the ligaments that connect the transverse processes of adjacent vertebrae. SYN: ligamentum intertransversarium [TA].- intraarticular l. of head of rib [TA] transverse fibers extending within the capsule from the ridge between the two facets on the head of the rib to the intervertebral disk. SYN: intraarticular l. of costal head, ligamentum capitis costae intraarticulare.- intraarticular sternocostal l. [TA] a l. within the articular capsule between a costal cartilage and the sternum; especially well developed at second costal cartilage. SYN: ligamentum sternocostale intraarticulare [TA].- intracapsular ligaments [TA] ligaments located within and separate from the articular capsule of a synovial joint. SYN: ligamenta intracapsularia [TA].- ischiocapsular l. SYN: ischiofemoral l..- ischiofemoral l. [TA] the thickened part of the capsule of the hip joint that passes from the ischium upward and laterally over the femoral neck; some of its fibers continue into the zona orbicularis. SYN: ligamentum ischiofemorale [TA], ischiocapsular l., ligamentum ischiocapsulare.- jugal l. SYN: cricopharyngeal l..- lacunar l. [TA] a curved fibrous band that passes horizontally backward from the medial end of the inguinal l. to the pectineal line; it forms the medial boundary of the femoral ring. SEE ALSO: aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. SYN: ligamentum lacunare [TA], Gimbernat l..- Lannelongue ligaments SYN: sternopericardial ligaments.- lateral l. of ankle [TA] the calcaneofibular l., anterior talofibular l., and posterior talofibular l. together maintaining the integrity of the lateral aspect of the talocrural joint. SYN: ligamentum collaterale laterale [TA], fibular collateral l. of ankle, lateral collateral l. of ankle.- lateral arcuate l. [TA] a thickening of the fascia of the quadratus lumborum muscle between the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra and the twelfth rib on either side that gives attachment to a portion of the diaphragm (one of the Haller arches). SYN: ligamentum arcuatum laterale [TA], arcus lumbocostalis lateralis, lateral lumbocostal arch.- lateral l. of bladder condensations of fibroareolar tissue that pass one from each side of the bladder to blend with the pelvic fascia; smooth muscle is usually present in this tissue and is referred to as the rectovesicalis (musculus rectovesicalis). SYN: ligamentum laterale vesicae [TA].- lateral costotransverse l. [TA] the short quadrangular l., actually a thickening of the posterior aspect of the costotransverse joint, extending from the tip of the transverse process to the posterior surface of the neck of the rib. SYN: ligamentum costotransversarium laterale [TA], ligamentum costotransversarium posterius, ligamentum tuberculi costae, posterior costotransverse l..- lateral l. of malleus [TA] a short fan-shaped l. converging from the posterior half of the tympanic notch to the neck of the malleus. SYN: ligamentum mallei laterale [TA].- lateral palpebral l. [TA] the band that attaches the tarsal plates to the orbital eminence of the zygomatic bone. SYN: ligamentum palpebrale laterale [TA], ligamentum palpebrale externum, ligamentum tarsale externum.- lateral sacrococcygeal l. [TA] a l. that extends from the lateral inferior margin of the sacrum to the transverse process of the first coccygeal vertebra. SYN: ligamentum sacrococcygeum laterale [TA], intercornual l..- lateral talocalcaneal l. [TA] a l. extending from the trochlea of the talus to the lateral surface of the calcaneus. SYN: ligamentum talocalcaneum laterale [TA].- lateral l. of temporomandibular joint [TA] the capsular l. that passes obliquely down and backward across the lateral surface of the temporomandibular joint. SYN: ligamentum laterale articulationis temporomandibularis [TA], Ferrein l., lateral temporomandibular l., ligamentum temporomandibulare, temporomandibular l..- lateral thyrohyoid l. [TA] thickened elastic bundle connecting the superior horn of the thyroid cartilage to the tip of the greater horn of the hyoid cartilage; forms the posterior border of the thyrohyoid membrane. SYN: ligamentum thyrohyoideum laterale [TA], Berry ligaments, ligamentum hyothyroideum laterale.- l. of left superior vena cava the obliterated left common cardinal vein that extends from the left brachiocephalic vein to the oblique vein of the left atrium.- left triangular l. of liver [TA] a triangular fold of fibrous connective tissue and peritoneum that extends from the left lobe of the liver to the diaphragm. SYN: ligamentum triangulare sinistrum hepatis [TA].- l. of left vena cava [TA] the obliterated left common cardinal vein; it extends from the left brachiocephalic vein to the oblique vein of the left atrium. SYN: ligamentum venae cavae sinistrae [TA].- lienophrenic l. SYN: phrenicosplenic l..- lienorenal l. splenorenal l..- Lisfranc ligaments SYN: cuneometatarsal interosseous ligaments.- longitudinal ligaments one of two extensive fibrous bands running the length of the vertebral column : the anterior longitudinal l. and the posterior longitudinal l.. SEE ALSO: anterior longitudinal l., posterior longitudinal l.. SYN: ligamenta longitudinalia.- long plantar l. [TA] a strong l. that extends from the calcaneus to the cuboid and lateral metatarsals on the plantar aspect of the foot; part of the passive support system for maintaining the longitudinal arch of the foot. SYN: ligamentum plantare longum [TA].- lumbocostal l. [TA] a strong band that unites the twelfth rib with the tips of the transverse processes of the first and second lumbar vertebrae. SYN: ligamentum lumbocostale [TA].- Luschka ligaments SYN: sternopericardial ligaments.- Mackenrodt l. SYN: cardinal l..- Mauchart ligaments alar ligaments.- medial l. of ankle joint [TA] compound l. consisting of four component ligaments which pass downward from the medial malleolus of the tibia to the tarsal bones: 1) tibionavicular l. (pars tibionavicularis [NA]), 2) tibiocalcaneal l. (pars tibiocalcanea [NA]), 3) anterior tibiotalar l. (pars tibiotalaris anterior [NA]), and 4) posterior tibiotalar l. (pars tibiotalaris posterior [NA]). SYN: ligamentum collaterale mediale [TA], deltoid l., ligamentum deltoideum, ligamentum mediale articulationis talocruralis, medial l. of talocrural joint, tibial collateral l. of ankle joint.- medial arcuate l. [TA] one of Haller arches; a tendinous thickening of the psoas fascia that extends from the body of the first lumbar vertebra to its transverse process on either side. A portion of the diaphragm arises from it. SYN: ligamentum arcuatum mediale [TA], arcus lumbocostalis medialis, medial lumbocostal arch.- medial palpebral l. [TA] the fibrous band that attaches the medial ends of the tarsal plates to the maxilla at the medial orbital margin. SYN: ligamentum palpebrale mediale [TA], ligamentum tarsale internum, medial canthal l., tendo oculi, tendo palpebrarum.- medial talocalcaneal l. [TA] a l. extending from the medial tuberosity of the posterior talar process and the sustentaculum tali. SYN: ligamentum talocalcaneum mediale [TA].- medial l. of temporomandibular joint [TA] the intracapsular bundle of fibers strengthening the medial part of the articular capsule of the temporomandibular joint; not as apparent as the lateral l.. SYN: ligamentum mediale articulationis temporomandibularis [TA].- median arcuate l. [TA] a tendinous connection between the crura of the diaphragm that arches over the aorta, forming the anterosuperior margin of the aortic hiatus. SYN: ligamentum arcuatum medianum [TA].- median cricothyroid l. [TA] the strong band that connects the cricoid and thyroid cartilages in the midline anteriorly; it is continuous posteriorly with the conus elasticus.- median thyrohyoid l. [TA] the central thickened portion of the thyrohyoid membrane. SYN: ligamentum thyrohyoideum medianum [TA], ligamentum hyothyroideum medium.- median umbilical l. [TA] the remnant of the urachus, contained in the median umbilical fold; it persists as a midline fibrous cord between the apex of the bladder and the umbilicus. SYN: ligamentum umbilicale medianum [TA], middle umbilical l., urachal l..- meniscofemoral ligaments [TA] one of two ligaments that extend from the posterior part of the lateral meniscus to the lateral surface of the medial meniscus : anterior meniscofemoral l. and posterior meniscofemoral l.. SEE ALSO: anterior meniscofemoral l., posterior meniscofemoral l.. SYN: ligamenta meniscofemoralia [TA].- metatarsal interosseous ligaments [TA] fibrous bands that connect the bases of the metatarsals; they extend between the dorsal and plantar metatarsal ligaments. SYN: ligamenta metatarsalia interossea [TA], interosseous metatarsal ligaments.- nuchal l. ligamentum nuchae.- oblique popliteal l. [TA] reflected tendon of insertion of semimembranous muscle; a fibrous band that extends across the back of the knee from its separation from the direct tendon of insertion on the medial condyle of the tibia to the lateral condyle of the femur. SYN: ligamentum popliteum obliquum [TA], Bourgery l..- occipitoaxial ligaments ligaments connecting the axis with the occipital bone. See alar ligaments, apical l. of dens.- l. of ovary [TA] a cordlike bundle of fibers passing to the side of the uterus from the lower end of the ovary, between the folds of the broad l. (mesovarium). SYN: ligamentum ovarii proprium [TA], ligamentum uteroovaricum, ovarian l., proper l. of ovary.- palmar ligaments [TA] the fibrocartilaginous plates, one located on the anterior aspect of each metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint of the hand, that are firmly attached to the bases of the phalanges and the heads of the next proximal bones; they are grooved to accommodate the long flexor tendons. SEE ALSO: palmar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of hand, palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints. SYN: ligamenta palmaria [TA], accessory volar ligaments.- palmar carpometacarpal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands that connect the palmar surfaces of the carpal and metacarpal bones. SYN: ligamenta carpometacarpalia palmaria [TA].- palmar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of hand [TA] ligaments located on the anterior (palmar) aspect of the interphalangeal joints of the fingers, flanked by and connected to the collateral ligaments, forming the anterior portion of the joint capsule; lighter but similar in structure and function to the palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints. SEE ALSO: palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints. SYN: ligamenta palmaria articulationis interphalangeae manus [TA].- palmar metacarpal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands connecting the palmar aspects of the bases of metacarpals two to five. SYN: ligamenta metacarpalia palmaria [TA].- palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints [TA] thick, dense, fibrocartilaginous ligaments located on the anterior (palmar) aspect of the metacarpophalangeal joints, flanked by and connected to the collateral ligaments, forming the anterior portion of the joint capsule; the ligaments are grooved longitudinally (relative to the digit) to accommodate the long flexor tendons of the digit; on each side of the groove they are attached to both the deep transverse metacarpal ligaments and fibrous sheaths of the fingers; they are firmly attached to the base of the proximal phalanges, deepening the “socket” of the phalangeal bases to accommodate the heads of the metacarpals, to which they are loosely attached, permitting free movement. SYN: ligamenta palmaria articulationis metacarpophalangeae [TA], palmar plates.- palmar radiocarpal l. [TA] a strong l. that passes from the distal end of the radius to the proximal row of carpal bones on the anterior surface of the wrist joint. SYN: ligamentum radiocarpale palmare [TA].- palmar ulnocarpal l. [TA] the fibrous band that passes from the ulnar styloid process to the carpal bones. SYN: ligamentum ulnocarpale palmare [TA].- patellar l. [TA] a strong flattened fibrous band passing from the apex and adjoining margins of the patella to the tuberosity of the tibia; considered by some to be part of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle, in which the patella is embedded as a sesamoid bone. SYN: ligamentum patellae [TA].- pectineal l. [TA] a thick, strong fibrous band that passes laterally from the lacunar l. along the pectineal line of the pubis. This fibrous tissue on the bony surface allows the purchase of sutures in various procedures to repair inguinal herniae. SEE ALSO: aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. SYN: ligamentum pectineale [TA], Cooper ligaments (2).- peridental l. SYN: periodontium.- periodontal l. [TA] SYN: periodontium.- phrenicocolic l. [TA] a triangular fold of peritoneum attached to the left flexure of the colon and to the diaphragm, on which rests the inferior pole or extremity of the spleen. SYN: ligamentum phrenicocolicum [TA], costocolic l..- phrenicolienal l. SYN: phrenicosplenic l..- phrenicosplenic l. [TA] double fold of peritoneum (mesentery) extending between the diaphragm and spleen; this is a portion of the greater omentum, and distinctions between the phrenicosplenic l. and adjacent ligaments, such as the gastrophrenic, gastrosplenic and splenorenal ligaments—all part of the same mesenteric sheet—are often nebulous. SYN: ligamentum phrenicosplenicum [TA], lienophrenic l., ligamentum phrenicolienale, phrenicolienal l., phrenosplenic l., sustentaculum lienis.- phrenogastric l. SYN: gastrophrenic l..- phrenosplenic l. SYN: phrenicosplenic l..- pisohamate l. [TA] a strong fibrous band that extends from the pisiform bone to the hook of the hamate. SYN: ligamentum pisohamatum [TA], pisounciform l., pisouncinate l..- pisometacarpal l. [TA] a strong fibrous band extending from the pisiform bone to the base of the fifth metacarpal bone; this l., together with the pisohamate l., forms the tendon of insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris, in which the pisiform bone is like a sesamoid bone. SYN: ligamentum pisometacarpeum [TA].- pisounciform l. SYN: pisohamate l..- pisouncinate l. SYN: pisohamate l..- plantar ligaments [TA] fibrocartilaginous plates located on the plantar aspect of each metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joint of the foot; the counterparts in the foot of the palmar ligaments in the hand. SEE ALSO: plantar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of foot, plantar ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints. SYN: ligamenta plantaria [TA], accessory plantar ligaments, Cruveilhier ligaments, glenoid l. (2).- plantar calcaneocuboid l. [TA] a strong band that passes forward and medially from the plantar surface of the calcaneus to the cuboid bone, actually forming a part of the articular capsule of the calcaneocuboid joint; the shorter, deeper portion of the long plantar l.. SYN: ligamentum calcaneocuboideum plantare [TA].- plantar calcaneonavicular l. [TA] a dense fibroelastic l. that extends from the sustentaculum tali to the plantar surface of the navicular bone; it supports the head of the talus, actually forming part of the articular “socket” for the head of the talus. SYN: ligamentum calcaneonaviculare plantare [TA], spring l., inferior calcaneonavicular l..- plantar cuboideonavicular ligaments [TA] the ligaments that unite the plantar surfaces of the cuboid and navicular bones of the tarsus. SYN: ligamenta cuboideonavicularia plantaria [TA].- plantar cuneocuboid l. [TA] the fibrous band that unites the apex of the lateral cuneiform with the medial margin of the plantar suface of the cuboid. SYN: ligamentum cuneocuboideum plantare [TA].- plantar cuneonavicular ligaments [TA] ligaments connecting the plantar surface of the navicular with the three cuneiform bones. SYN: ligamenta cuneonavicularia plantaria [TA].- plantar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of foot [TA] ligaments located on the inferior (sole) aspect of the interphalangeal joints of the toes, flanked by and connected to the collateral ligaments, forming the plantar portion of the joint capsule; lighter but similar in structure and function to the palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints. SEE ALSO: plantar ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints. SYN: ligamenta plantaria articulationis interphalangeae pedis [TA].- plantar ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints [TA] thick, dense ligaments located on the inferior (sole) aspect of the metatarsophalangeal joints, flanked by and connected to the collateral ligaments, forming the plantar portion of the joint capsule; the ligaments are grooved longitudinally (relative to the digit) to accommodate the long flexor tendons of the digit; on each side of the groove they are attached to both the deep transverse metatarsal ligaments and fibrous sheaths of the toes; they are firmly attached to the base of the proximal phalanges, deepening the “socket” of the phalangeal bases to accommodate the heads of the metatarsals, to which they are loosely attached, permitting free movement. SYN: ligamenta plantaria articulationis metatarsophalangeae [TA].- plantar metatarsal ligaments [TA] fibrous bands connecting the plantar aspects of the bases of the metatarsals. SYN: ligamenta metatarsalia plantaria [TA].- plantar tarsal ligaments [TA] ligaments connecting plantar aspects of the tarsal bones as a group; included in the group are the: long plantar l. [TA] (ligamentum plantare longum [TA]), and the following plantar ligaments (ligamentum/a... plantare/ia): calcaneocuboid [TA] (calcaneocuboideum [TA]), calcaneonavicular [TA] (calcaneonaviculare [TA]), cuneonavicular [TA] (cuneonavicularia [TA]), cuboideonavicular [TA] (cuboideonaviculare [TA]), intercuneiform [TA] (intercuneiformia [TA]), and cuneocuboid [TA] (cuneocuboideum [TA]). SYN: ligamenta tarsi plantaria [TA].- plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments [TA] longitudinal and oblique bands reinforcing the plantar aspects of the tarsometatarsal joints (joints between the metatarsals and the cuboid and cuneiform bones); the medial bands are strongest; they become progressively weaker laterally. SYN: ligamenta tarsometatarsalia plantaria [TA].- posterior cruciate l. [TA] the strong fibrous cord that extends from the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the anterior part of the lateral surface of the medial condyle of the femur. SYN: ligamentum cruciatum posterius [TA].- posterior l. of fibular head [TA] a l. uniting the posterior part of the head of the fibula to the tibia. SYN: ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius [TA], posterior l. of head of fibula.- posterior l. of incus [TA] ligamentous band extending from short crus of incus. SYN: ligamentum incudis posterius [TA].- posterior longitudinal l. [TA] the fibrous band interconnecting the posterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies; it narrows to pass between the pedicles and spreads out to blend with the outer lamellae of the posterior aspect of the anulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disks; forms the anterior wall of the vertebral canal. SYN: ligamentum longitudinale posterius [TA].- posterior meniscofemoral l. [TA] the band that passes posterior to the posterior cruciate l. extending between the medial condyle of the femur and the posterior crus of the lateral meniscus. SYN: ligamentum meniscofemorale posterius [TA], ligamentum cruciatum tertium genus, ligamentum menisci lateralis, Wrisberg l..- posterior sacroiliac ligaments [TA] the heavy fibrous bands that pass from the ilium to the sacrum posterior to the sacroiliac joint. SYN: ligamenta sacroiliaca posteriora [TA], dorsal sacroiliac ligaments, ligamentum sacroiliacum posterius.- posterior sacrosciatic l. SYN: sacrotuberous l..- posterior sternoclavicular l. [TA] a fibrous band that reinforces the sternoclavicular joint posteriorly. SYN: ligamentum sternoclaviculare posterius [TA].- posterior talocalcaneal l. [TA] stout l. located immediately posterior to the lateral portion of the talocalcaneal interosseous l. and medial to the lateral talocalcaneal l. in the widest part of the tarsal sinus. SYN: ligamentum talocalcaneum posterius [TA].- posterior talofibular l. [TA] the nearly horizontal fibrous band that extends from the posterior border of the talus to the malleolar fossa. SYN: ligamentum talofibulare posterius [TA].- posterior talotibial l. SYN: tibiotalar part of medial l. of ankle joint. SEE ALSO: medial l. of ankle joint.- posterior tibiofibular l. [TA] the fibrous band that horizontally crosses the posterior aspect of the tibiofibular syndesmosis, contributing the posterior “wall” of the “socket” which receives the trochlea of the talus. SYN: ligamentum tibiofibulare posterius [TA].- pterygomandibular l. SYN: pterygomandibular raphe.- pterygospinal l. SYN: pterygospinous l..- pterygospinous l. [TA] a membranous l. extending from the spine of the sphenoid to the upper part of the posterior border of the lateral plate of the sphenoid (lateral pterygoid plate). SYN: ligamentum pterygospinale [TA], Civinini l., pterygospinal l..- pubocapsular l. SYN: pubofemoral l..- pubofemoral l. [TA] a thickened part of the capsule of the hip joint that extends from the superior ramus of the pubis to the intertrochanteric line of the femur. SYN: ligamentum pubofemorale [TA], ligamentum pubocapsulare, pubocapsular l..- puboprostatic l. [TA] the localized thickening of the superior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm anteriorly that anchors the prostate and neck of the bladder to the pubis on each side. It usually contains smooth muscle. SYN: ligamentum puboprostaticum [TA], lateral puboprostatic l., Denonvilliers l..- pubovesical l. (of female) [TA] in the female the fascial thickening comparable with the puboprostatic l. composed of medial and lateral pubovesical ligaments. SYN: ligamentum pubovesicale (femininum) [TA].- pubovesical l. (of male) [TA] anteriormost portion of the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia (a condensation of the superior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm) extending between the lower part of the pubic symphysis and the prostate and bladder; it forms the inferior boundary of the potential retropubic (prevesical) space. SYN: ligamentum pubovesicale (masculinum) [TA], ligamentum mediale puboprostaticum, medial puboprostatic l..- pulmonary l. [TA] two-layered fold formed as the pleura of the mediastinum is reflected onto the lung inferior to the root of the lung. SYN: ligamentum pulmonale [TA], ligamentum latum pulmonis, Teutleben l..- quadrate l. [TA] fibers that pass from the distal margin of the radial notch of the ulna to the neck of the radius. SYN: ligamentum quadratum [TA], Denucé l..- radial collateral l. of elbow joint [TA] the l. that connects the lateral epicondyle of the humerus with the anular l. of the radius. SYN: ligamentum collaterale radiale articulationis cubiti [TA], lateral l. of elbow, radial collateral l..- radial collateral l. of wrist joint [TA] the l. that extends distally from the styloid process of the radius to the carpal bones. SYN: ligamentum collaterale carpi radiale articulationis radiocarpalis [TA], external collateral l. of wrist, lateral l. of wrist.- radiate carpal l. [TA] the l. that extends from the capitate bone to the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum on the palmar side of the wrist. SYN: ligamentum carpi radiatum [TA], radiate l. of wrist.- radiate l. of head of rib [TA] the radiate, stellate, or anterior costovertebral l. connecting the head of each rib to the bodies of the two vertebrae with which it articulates. SYN: ligamentum capitis costae radiatum [TA], ligamentum radiatum, radiate l., stellate l..- radiate sternocostal ligaments [TA] fibers of the articular capsule that radiate from the costal cartilages to the anterior surface of the sternum. SYN: ligamenta sternocostalia radiata [TA].- reflected inguinal l. [TA] slightly reinforced portion of the external oblique aponeurosis, formed by fibers derived from the medial portion of the inguinal l. of one side that run medially and slightly superiorly, defining the inferior margin of the superficial inguinal ring; the fibers then pass on the deep aspect of the ipsilateral medial crus, crossing the linea alba and running within the contralateral aponeurosis to course parallel and superior to the contralateral inguinal l.. SEE ALSO: aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. SYN: ligamentum reflexum [TA], Colles l., fascia triangularis abdominis, reflex l., triangular fascia.- Retzius l. the deep attachment of the inferior extensor retinaculum in the tarsal sinus, it acts as a sling for the extensor tendons of the toes. SYN: fundiform l. of foot.- rhomboid l. SYN: costoclavicular l..- right triangular l. of liver [TA] a triangular fold of peritoneum that passes from the right lobe of the liver to the diaphragm; it is a formation of the coronary l., formed as the coronary l. makes an acute angle upon reaching its most lateral point on the right side as it surrounds the bare area of the liver. SYN: ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis [TA].- round l. of liver [TA] the remains of the umbilical vein running within the free edge of the falciform l. from umbilicus to the liver, where it continues within the fissure for the round l. to the origin of the left portal vein within the porta hepatis. SYN: ligamentum teres hepatis [TA].- round l. of uterus [TA] a fibromuscular band that is attached to the uterus on either side in front of and below the opening of the uterine tube; it passes through the inguinal canal to the labium majus; corresponds to the spermatic cord of male in that it passes through the inguinal canal and gains similar coverings, but is not homologous, being a homolog of the gubernaculum testis. SYN: ligamentum teres uteri [TA], Hunter l..- sacrodural l. a longitudinal bundle of fibrous filaments running from the midline of the inferior part of the dural sac to the posterior longitudinal l. of the sacrum. SYN: ligamentum sacrodurale.- sacrospinous l. [TA] the fibrous band that passes from the ischial spine to the sacrum and coccyx. SYN: ligamentum sacrospinale [TA], anterior sacrosciatic l., ligamentum sacrospinosum.- sacrotuberous l. [TA] the l. that passes from the ischial tuberosity to the ilium, sacrum, and coccyx, transforming the sciatic notch to a large sciatic foramen, which is then further subdivided by the sacrospinous l.. SYN: ligamentum sacrotuberale [TA], ligamentum sacrotuberosum, posterior sacrosciatic l..- serous l. one of a number of peritoneal folds attaching certain of the viscera to the abdominal wall or to each other. SYN: ligamentum serosum.- sheath ligaments fibrous sheaths of digits of hand, under sheath, fibrous digital sheaths of toes, under sheath, fibrous tendon sheath.- skin ligaments [TA] one of the numerous small fibrous strands that extend through the superficial fascia attaching the deep surface of the dermis to the underlying deep fascia determining the mobility of the skin over the deep structures; these are particularly well developed over the breast where they are known as suspensory ligaments of the breast; they are also well-developed, but short, in the palms and soles. SYN: retinaculum cutis [TA], retinaculum of skin.- sphenomandibular l. [TA] the fibrous band that passes from the spine of the sphenoid bone to the lingula of the mandible; it is a primary passive support of the mandible serving as a “swinging axis”, permitting depression and elevation around a transverse axis passing through the two lingulae, while at the same time permitting protraction and retraction. SYN: ligamentum sphenomandibulare [TA].- spiral l. of cochlear duct [TA] the thickened periosteal lining of the bony cochlea forming the outer wall of the cochlear duct to which the basal lamina attaches. SYN: ligamentum spirale ductus cochlearis [TA], crista spiralis, ligamentum spirale cochleae, spiral crest, spiral l. of cochlea.- splenorenal l. [TA] a peritoneal fold (portion of the greater omentum) that extends from the anterior aspect of the left kidney to the splenic hilum, conducting the splenic vessels from the posterior body wall to the spleen. SYN: ligamentum splenorenale [TA], lienorenal l., ligamentum lienorenale.- spring l. plantar calcaneonavicular l..- Stanley cervical ligaments fibers of the capsule of the hip joint reflected onto the neck of the femur.- sternoclavicular ligaments l. uniting the clavicle to the manubrium of the sternum. See anterior sternoclavicular l., posterior sternoclavicular l.. SYN: ligamenta sternoclavicularia.- sternopericardial ligaments fibrous bands that pass from the pericardium to the sternum. SYN: ligamenta sternopericardiaca [TA], Lannelongue ligaments, Luschka ligaments.- stylohyoid l. [TA] a fibrous cord that passes from the tip of the styloid process to the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone; it is occasionally ossified. SYN: ligamentum stylohyoideum [TA], epihyal l..- stylomandibular l. [TA] a condensation of the deep cervical fascia extending from the tip of the styloid process of the temporal bone to the posterior border of the angle of the jaw; blends with (is a thickening of) the parotid sheath. SYN: ligamentum stylomandibulare [TA], stylomaxillary l..- stylomaxillary l. SYN: stylomandibular l..- superficial posterior sacrococcygeal l. [TA] the continuation of the supraspinal l. from the sacrum to the coccyx. SYN: ligamentum sacrococcygeum posterius superficiale [TA], ligamentum sacrococcygeum dorsale superficiale, superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal l..- superficial transverse metacarpal l. [TA] a thickening of the deep fascia in the most distal part of the (base) of the triangular palmar aponeurosis. SYN: ligamentum metacarpale transversum superficiale [TA], Gerdy fibers, ligamentum natatorium.- superficial transverse metatarsal l. [TA] a thickening of the distal part (base) of the plantar aponeurosis, at the level of the heads of the metatarsal bones. SYN: ligamentum metatarsale transversum superficiale [TA].- superior costotransverse l. [TA] the fibrous band that extends upward from the neck of a rib to the transverse process of the next higher vertebra. SYN: ligamentum costotransversarium superius [TA], anterior costotransverse l., ligamentum costotransversarium anterius.- superior l. of epididymis [TA] the uppermost of the two folds of the tunica vaginalis between the head of the epididymis and the testis. SYN: ligamentum epididymidis superius [TA].- superior l. of incus [TA] connects the body of the incus with the roof of the tympanic recess. SYN: ligamentum incudis superius [TA].- superior l. of malleus [TA] a l. extending from the head of the malleus to the roof of the epitympanic recess. SYN: ligamentum mallei superius [TA].- superior pubic l. [TA] fibers that pass transversely above the pubic symphysis. SYN: ligamentum pubicum superius [TA].- superior transverse scapular l. [TA] the strong fibrous band that bridges the scapular notch creating a foramen that gives passage to the suprascapular nerve, while the suprascapular vessels pass over the l. superiorly. SYN: ligamentum transversum scapulae superius [TA], suprascapular l..- supraspinous l. [TA] the longitudinal fibrous band attached to the tips of the spinous processes of the vertebrae; in the cervical region it is altered to form the ligamentum nuchae. SYN: ligamentum supraspinale [TA].- suspensory l. of axilla [TA] the continuation of the clavipectoral fascia downward to attach to the axillary fascia; it maintains the characteristic hollow of the armpit. SYN: ligamentum suspensorium axillae [TA], Campbell l., Gerdy l..- suspensory ligaments of breast [TA] well-developed retinacula cutis that extend from the fibrous stroma of the mammary gland to the overlying skin. SYN: retinaculum cutis mammae, suspensory retinaculum of breast, Cooper ligaments (1), ligamenta suspensoria mammaria, suspensory ligaments of Cooper.- suspensory l. of clitoris [TA] a fibrous band at the deep fascial level that extends from the pubic symphysis to the deep fascia of the clitoris, anchoring the clitoris to the pubic symphysis. SYN: ligamentum suspensorium clitoridis [TA].- suspensory l. of esophagus SYN: cricoesophageal tendon.- suspensory l. of eyeball [TA] a thickening of the inferior part of the bulbar sheath that supports the eye within the orbit; it extends between the lateral and medial orbital margins and includes the medial and lateral check ligaments. SYN: ligamentum suspensorium bulbi [TA], Lockwood l..- suspensory l. of ovary [TA] a band of peritoneum that extends upward from the upper pole of the ovary; it contains the ovarian vessels and ovarian plexus of nerves. SYN: ligamentum suspensorium ovarii [TA], Clado band, infundibulopelvic l..- suspensory l. of penis [TA] a fibrous band at the deep fascial layer that extends from the pubic symphysis to the deep fascia of the penis anchoring the roof of the penis. SYN: ligamentum suspensorium penis [TA].- suspensory l. of testis the cranial atrophic portion of the urogenital ridge attached to the cranial pole of the intraabdominal embryonic testis.- suspensory l. of thyroid gland [TA] one of several fibrous bands that pass from the sheath of the thyroid gland to the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. SYN: ligamentum suspensorium glandulae thyroideae [TA].- talocalcaneal l. [TA] any of three ligaments uniting the talus and calcaneus : talocalcaneal interosseous l., lateral talocalcaneal l., and medial talocalcaneal l.. SYN: ligamentum talocalcaneum [TA].- talocalcaneal interosseous l. [TA] a strong fibrous band occupying the tarsal sinus; one of three tarsal interosseous ligaments. SYN: interosseous talocalcaneal l., ligamentum talocalcaneare interosseum.- talonavicular l. [TA] one of the dorsal tarsal ligaments, which occurs as a broad gap that passes from the dorsal side of the neck of the talus to the dorsal surface of the navicular bone. SYN: ligamentum talonaviculare [TA].- tarsal ligaments [TA] the ligaments that interconnect the tarsal bones; they are grouped into three sets: dorsal tarsal ligaments, interosseous tarsal ligaments, and plantar tarsal ligaments, and are individually named according to their attachments. SYN: ligamenta tarsi [TA].- tarsal interosseous ligaments [TA] deeper ligaments located between tarsal bones, connecting them together; group includes the talocalcaneal, cuneocuboid, and intercuneiform interosseous ligaments. SYN: ligamenta tarsi interossea [TA].- tarsometatarsal ligaments [TA] the ligaments that unite tarsal and metatarsal bones; they are arranged in dorsal, plantar, and cuneometatarsal interosseous sets. SYN: ligamenta tarsometatarsalia [TA].- Thompson l. SYN: iliopubic tract.- thyroepiglottic l. [TA] an elastic band that connects the petiole of the epiglottis to the interior of the thyroid cartilage near the superior thyroid notch. SYN: ligamentum thyroepiglotticum [TA].- tibial collateral l. [TA] the broad fibrous band that passes from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial margin and medial surface of the tibia; the medial meniscus is attached to its deep surface; it is continuous with (is a thickening of) the fibrous capsule of the knee joint. SYN: ligamentum collaterale tibiale [TA], medial l. of knee.- tibiofibular l. anterior tibiofibular l., interosseous membrane of leg, posterior tibiofibular l.. SEE ALSO: tibiofibular syndesmosis.- transverse acetabular l. [TA] portion of the acetabular labrum that passes across the acetabular notch. SYN: ligamentum transversum acetabuli [TA], transverse l. of acetabulum.- transverse l. of the atlas [TA] thick, strong, centrally flattened band spanning the vertebral foramen of the atlas as it extends from the medial aspect of one lateral mass to the other, passing dorsal to the dens with which it articulates; it forms the dorsal portion of the opening for the dens, tightly embracing its neck. It forms a part of the “cross-bar” of the cruciform l. of the atlas. SEE ALSO: cruciate l. of the atlas. SYN: ligamentum transversum atlantis [TA], Lauth l., transverse atlantal l..- transverse l. of elbow a bundle of fibers running from the olecranon to the coronoid process in association with the ulnar collateral l.. SYN: Cooper ligaments (3).- transverse humeral l. [TA] a fibrous band running more or less obliquely from the greater to the lesser tuberosity of the humerus, bridging over the bicipital groove. SYN: ligamentum transversum humeri [TA], Brodie l..- transverse l. of knee [TA] a transverse band that passes between the lateral and medial menisci in the anterior part of the knee joint. SYN: ligamentum transversum genus [TA], transverse genicular l..- transverse perineal l. [TA] the thickened anterior border of the perineal membrane. SYN: ligamentum transversum perinei [TA], Krause l., ligamentum transversum pelvis, transverse l. of pelvis, transverse l. of perineum.- trapezoid l. [TA] the lateral part of the coracoclavicular l. that attaches to the trapezoid line of the clavicle. SYN: ligamentum trapezoideum [TA].- triangular l. SYN: perineal membrane.- ulnar collateral l. of elbow joint [TA] the triangular l. extending from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the medial side of the coronoid process and olecranon of the ulna. SYN: ligamentum collaterale ulnare articulationis cubiti [TA], medial collateral l. of elbow, ulnar collateral l..- ulnar collateral l. of wrist joint [TA] a l. that passes from the styloid process of the ulna to the pisiform and triquetrum. SYN: internal collateral l. of the wrist, ligamentum collaterale carpi ulnare articulationis radiocarpalis, medial l. of wrist.- uterovesical l. a peritoneal fold extending from the uterus to the posterior portion of the bladder. SYN: plica uterovesicalis, plica vesicouterina, uterovesical fold, vesicouterine l..- venous l. SYN: ligamentum venosum.- ventricular l. SYN: vestibular l..- vertebropelvic ligaments iliolumbar l., sacrospinous l., sacrotuberous l..- vesicoumbilical l. one of the ligaments between the urinary bladder and the umbilicus. See median umbilical l., cord of umbilical artery.- vesicouterine l. SYN: uterovesical l..- vestibular l. [TA] the inferior border of the quadrangular membrane that underlies the ventricular fold of the larynx. SYN: ligamentum vestibulare [TA], ligamentum ventriculare, ventricular l..- vocal l. [TA] the band that extends on either side from the thyroid cartilage to the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage; it is the thickened, free upper border of the conus elasticus of the larynx. SYN: ligamentum vocale [TA].- yellow l. SYN: ligamenta flava, under ligamentum.- Y-shaped l. SYN: iliofemoral l..- Zaglas l. a short thick fibrous band extending from the posterior superior spine of the ilium to the second transverse tubercle of the sacrum.
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lig·a·ment 'lig-ə-mənt n1) a tough band of tissue that serves to connect the articular extremities of bones or to support or retain an organ in place and is usu. composed of coarse bundles of dense white fibrous tissue parallel or closely interlaced, pliant, and flexible, but not extensible2) any of various folds or bands of pleura, peritoneum, or mesentery connecting parts or organs* * *
n.1. a tough band of white fibrous connective tissue that links two bones together at a joint. Ligaments are inelastic but flexible; they both strengthen the joint and limit its movements to certain directions.2. a sheet of peritoneum that supports or links together abdominal organs.* * *
lig·a·ment (ligґə-mənt) 1. a band of tissue that connects bones or supports viscera. Some ligaments are distinct fibrous structures; some are folds of fascia or of indurated peritoneum; still others are relics of fetal vessels or organs. 2. a double layer of peritoneum extending from one visceral organ to another. 3. cordlike remnants of fetal tubular structures that are nonfunctional after birth.PLATE 21 ARTICULAR LIGAMENTS
For names of specific anatomic structures, see under ligamentum.
Medical dictionary. 2011.