- hilum
- 1. The part of an organ where the nerves and vessels enter and leave. SYN: porta (1). 2. A depression or slit resembling the h. in the olivary nucleus of the brain. [L. a small bit or trifle]- h. of dentate nucleus [TA] the mouth of the flasklike dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, directed inward, and giving exit to many of the fibers which compose the superior cerebellar peduncle or brachium conjunctivum. SYN: h. nuclei dentati [TA].- h. of inferior olivary nucleus [TA] the medially oriented opening in the folded cell layer composing the inferior olivary nucleus through which the efferent fibers of the nucleus make their exit. SYN: h. nuclei olivaris inferioris [TA].- h. of kidney [TA] the depression on the medial border of the kidney through which pass the segmental renal vessels and renal nerves and where the apex of the renal pelvis occurs. SYN: h. renalis [TA], porta renis.- h. lienis splenic h..- h. of lung [TA] a wedge-shaped depression on the mediastinal surface of each lung, where the bronchus, blood vessel s, nerves, and lymphatics enter or leave the viscus. SYN: h. pulmonis [TA], porta pulmonis.- h. of lymph node [TA] the depressed area of the surface of a lymph node through which the efferent lymphatics emerge from the medulla and through which blood vessel s enter and leave the node. SYN: h. nodi lymphatici [TA].- h. of ovary the depression along the mesovarian margin, at the insertion of the mesovarium, where vessels and nerves enter or leave the ovary. SYN: h. ovarii.- splenic h. [TA] a fissure on the gastric surface of the spleen, giving passage to the splenic vessels and nerves. SYN: h. splenicum [TA], h. lienis, h. of spleen, porta lienis.- h. splenicum [TA] SYN: splenic h..
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1) a scar on a seed (as a bean) marking the point of attachment of the ovule2) a notch in or opening from a bodily part suggesting the hilum of a bean esp. when it is where the blood vessels, nerves, or ducts leave and enter: asa) the indented part of a kidneyb) the depression in the medial surface of a lung that forms the opening through which the bronchus, blood vessels, and nerves passc) a shallow depression in one side of a lymph node through which blood vessels pass and efferent lymphatic vessels emerge* * *
n. (pl. hila)a hollow situated on the surface of an organ, such as the ovary, kidney, or spleen, at which structures such as blood vessels, nerve fibres, and ducts enter or leave it.* * *
hi·lum (hiґləm) pl. hiґla [L. “a small thing, a trifleâ€] a depression or pit at the part of an organ where vessels and nerves enter. Formerly called hilus. hilar adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.