
The outer part of any solid. SYN: face (2) [TA], facies (2) [TA]. [F. fr. L. superficius, see superficial]
- anterior s. [TA] the s. of a structure or part of the body that faces forward. TA recognizes an anterior s. (facies anterior ...) of the following structures: heart (... cordis [TA]); cornea (... corneae [TA]); body of maxilla (... corporis maxillae [TA]); lens (... lentis [TA]); eyelids (... palpebrae [TA]); petrous part of temporal bone (... pars petrosi ossis temporalis [TA]); kidney (... renis [TA]); iris (... iridis [TA]); patella (... patellae [TA]); prostate (... prostatae [TA]); radius (... radii [TA]); suprarenal gland (... glandulae suprarenalis [TA]); ulna (... ulnae [TA]); uterus (... uteri [TA]). SYN: facies anterior [TA].
- anterior s. of arm SYN: anterior region of arm.
- anterior articular s. of dens [TA] the curved articular facet on the anterior aspect of the dens of the axis that articulates with the facet for the dens of the axis anterior arch of the atlas. SYN: facies articularis anterior dentis [TA].
- anterior s. of cornea [TA] the external s. of the cornea. SYN: facies anterior corneae [TA].
- anterior s. of elbow SYN: anterior region of elbow.
- anterior s. of eyelids SYN: facies anterior palpebrarum.
- anterior s. of forearm SYN: anterior region of forearm.
- anterior s. of iris [TA] the aspect of the iris of the eyeball visible through the cornea. SYN: facies anterior iridis [TA].
- anterior s. of kidney [TA] the aspect of the kidney facing th abdominal cavity. SYN: facies anterior renis [TA].
- anterior s. of leg SYN: anterior region of leg.
- anterior s. of lens [TA] the aspect of the lens of the eyeball that forms the posterior boundary of the aqueous-filled anterior segment. SYN: facies anterior lentis [TA].
- anterior s. of lower limb [TA] the ventral or flexor aspect of the inferior limb. SYN: facies anterior membri inferioris [TA].
- anterior s. of maxilla [TA] the s. of the maxilla below the orbit and lateral to the nasal aperture. SYN: facies anterior corporis maxillae [TA].
- anterior s. of patella [TA] the subcutaneous aspect of the patella. SYN: facies anterior patellae [TA].
- anterior s. of petrous part of temporal bone [TA] the s. of the petrous part of the temporal bone contributing to the floor of the middle cranial fossa. SYN: facies anterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA].
- anterior s. of prostate [TA] the aspect of the prostate facing the pubic symphysis. SYN: facies anterior prostatae [TA].
- anterior s. of radius [TA] the ventral aspect of the radius, much of which provides attachment for the flexor pollicis longus muscle. SYN: facies anterior radii [TA].
- anterior s. of suprarenal gland [TA] the aspect of the suprarenal gland facing the abdominal cavity. SYN: facies anterior glandulae suprarenalis [TA].
- anterior talar articular s. of calcaneus [TA] underlies the head of the talus and contributes to the talocalcaneonavicular joint. SYN: facies articularis talaris anterior calcanei [TA].
- anterior s. of thigh SYN: anterior region of thigh.
- anterior s. of ulna [TA] the anterior s. of the ulna. SYN: facies anterior ulnae [TA].
- anterior s. of uterus [TA] ventral s. of uterus; in its normal position (anteverted and anteflexed) this is actually a mostly inferior s.. SYN: facies anterior uteri [TA].
- anteroinferior s. of pancreas [TA] the s. of the body of the pancreas that faces forward and downward. SYN: facies anteroinferior corporis pancreatis [TA].
- anterolateral s. of arytenoid cartilage [TA] of the three nonarticular surfaces of the pyramidal arytenoid cartilage, the convex, rougher one that bears the oblong and triangular foveae, the former giving attachment to the vocalis and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles, the latter to the vestibular ligament. SYN: facies anterolateralis cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA].
- anterolateral s. of (shaft of) humerus [TA] the s. of the humerus lateral to the intertubercular groove. SYN: facies anterolateralis corporis humeri [TA], facies anterior lateralis corporis humeri.
- anteromedial s. of shaft of humerus [TA] the s. of the humerus between the anterior and medial borders of the bone. SYN: facies anteromedialis corporis humeri [TA], facies anterior medialis corporis humeri.
- anterosuperior s. of body of pancreas [TA] of the three surfaces of the prism-shaped body of the pancreas, the one which faces (contacts) the stomach, being separated from it by the potential space of the omental bursa. SYN: facies anterosuperioris corporis pancreatis [TA].
- approximal s. of tooth [TA] the s. of a tooth that faces an adjacent tooth in the dental arch; the contact s. that is closest to the anterior midline of the dental arch is the mesial s. of a tooth; that farthest is the distal s.. SYN: interproximal s. of tooth, contact s. of tooth, facies approximalis dentis, facies contactus dentis.
- articular s. [TA] any articular s.. SYN: facies articularis [TA].
- articular s. of arytenoid cartilage [TA] the oval s. on the undersurface of the muscular process of the arytenoid for articulation with the cricoid cartilage. SYN: facies articularis cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA].
- articular s. of mandibular fossa of temporal bone [TA] the smooth portion of the mandibular articular fossa and eminence of the temporal bone that articulates with the disk of the temporomandibular joint. SYN: facies articularis fossae mandibularis ossis temporalis [TA].
- articular s. on calcaneus for cuboid bone [TA] the saddle-shaped s. on the anterior end of the calcaneus for articulation with the cuboid (bone). SYN: facies articularis cuboidea ossis calcanei [TA], cuboidal articular s. of calcaneus.
- articular s. of patella [TA] the posterior s. of the patella, covered with hyaline cartilage and subdivided by a vertical ridge into a larger lateral and a smaller medial s. for articulation with the corresponding condyles of the femur. SYN: facies articularis patellae [TA].
- arytenoidal articular s. of cricoid [TA] one of two oval facets on the superolateral margin of the cricoid lamina for articulation with the arytenoid cartilages. SYN: facies articularis arytenoidea cricoideae [TA].
- auricular s. of ilium [TA] the irregular, L-shaped articular s. on the medial aspect of the ilium that articulates with the sacrum. SYN: facies auricularis ossis ilii [TA].
- auricular s. of sacrum [TA] the rough articular s. on the lateral aspect of the sacrum that articulates with the ilium on each side. SYN: facies auricularis ossis sacri [TA].
- axial surfaces surfaces of a tooth parallel to its long axis; the axial surfaces are the vestibular (labial or buccal), lingual, and contact (mesial or distal).
- balancing occlusal s. SYN: balancing contact.
- basal s. the s. of the denture of which the detail is determined by the impression and which rests upon the basal seat.
- buccal s. 1. cheek portion of vestibular s. of tooth. 2. the mucosa of the cheek; 3. in prosthodontics, the side of a denture adjacent to the cheek.
- calcaneal articular s. of talus [TA] one of three articular facets on the talus for union with the calcaneus : anterior facet on talus for calcaneus (facies articularis calcanea anterior tali [TA]), middle facet on talus for calcaneus (facies articularis calcanea media tali [TA]), and posterior facet on talus for calcaneus (facies articularis calcanea posterior tali [TA]). SYN: facies articularis calcanea tali [TA].
- carpal articular s. of radius [TA] the biconcave distal s. of the radius for articulation with the scaphoid bone laterally and the lunate medially. SYN: facies articularis carpi radii [TA].
- cerebral s. the internal s. of certain cranial bones; they are (the greater wing of) the sphenoid (facies cerebralis alae majoris ossis sphenoidale [TA]) and (the squamous part of) the temporal bone (facies cerebralis partis squamosae ossis temporale [TA]). SYN: facies cerebralis.
- colic s. of spleen SYN: colic impression of spleen.
- contact s. of tooth SYN: approximal s. of tooth.
- costal s. [TA] the s. of certain structures that face the ribs; they are the costal surfaces of the lungs (facies costalis pulmonis [TA]) and the scapula (facies costalis scapulae [TA]). SYN: facies costalis [TA].
- costal s. of lung [TA] the s. of each lung that lies in contact with the costal pleura. SYN: facies costalis pulmonis [TA].
- costal s. of scapula [TA] the concave aspect of the body of the scapula that faces the thorax and that principally lodges and gives origin to the subscapularis muscle. SYN: facies costalis scapulae [TA].
- cuboidal articular s. of calcaneus SYN: articular s. on calcaneus for cuboid bone.
- denture foundation s. that portion of the s. of a denture which has its contour determined by the impression and bears the greater part of the occlusal load. SYN: denture basal s..
- denture impression s. that portion of the s. of a denture which has its contour determined by the impression; it includes the borders of the denture and extends to the polished s..
- denture occlusal s. that portion of the s. of a denture that makes contact or near contact with the corresponding s. of an opposing denture or tooth. SYN: facies occlusalis dentis [TA], occlusal s. of tooth (2) [TA], facies masticatoria, grinding s., masticating s., masticatory s..
- denture polished s. that portion of the denture which extends in an occlusal direction from the border of the denture and includes the palatal s.; it is the part of the denture base which is usually polished and includes the buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth.
- diaphragmatic s. [TA] the s. of an organ in contact with the diaphragm (facies diaphragmatica...) as of the heart (... cordis [TA]); liver (... hepatis [TA]); lungs (... pulmonis [TA]); and spleen (... splenica [TA]). SYN: facies diaphragmatica [TA].
- distal s. of tooth [TA] the contact s. of a tooth that is directed away from the median plane of the dental arch; opposite to the mesial s. of a tooth. SYN: facies distalis dentis [TA].
- dorsal s. [TA] the dorsal s. of a structure such as the sacrum, the finges, or the toes. SYN: facies dorsalis [TA].
- dorsal s. of digit (of hand or foot) [TA] the dorsal s. of a finger or toe. SYN: facies digitalis dorsalis (manus et pedis) [TA].
- dorsal s. of sacrum [TA] the posterosuperior aspect of the sacrum marked by a median and two lateral sacral crests between which four dorsal sacral foramina are located on each side. SYN: facies dorsalis ossis sacri [TA].
- dorsal s. of scapula SYN: posterior s. of scapula.
- external s. [TA] the outer convex s. of either the frontal or the parietal bone. SYN: facies externa [TA].
- external s. of cochlear duct [TA] the aspect of the duct that faces the outer (spiral ligament) side of the cochlea. SYN: paries externus ductus cochlearis [TA], external wall of cochlear duct.
- external s. of cranial base [TA] external aspect of the base of skull. SYN: basis cranii externa [TA], external base of skull, norma basilaris, norma inferior, norma ventralis.
- external s. of frontal bone [TA] the convex outer s. of the frontal bone. SYN: facies externa ossis frontalis [TA].
- external s. of parietal bone [TA] the convex outer s. of the parietal bone. SYN: facies externa ossis parietalis [TA].
- facial s. of tooth SYN: vestibular s. of tooth.
- fibular articular s. of tibia SYN: fibular articular facet of tibia.
- gastric s. of spleen SYN: gastric impression on spleen.
- glenoid s. SYN: mandibular fossa.
- gluteal s. of ilium [TA] the external s. of the wing of the ilium marked by the anterior, posterior, and inferior gluteal lines that separate the origins of the gluteal muscles. SYN: facies glutea ossis ilii [TA].
- grinding s. SYN: denture occlusal s..
- incisal s. SYN: incisal margin.
- inferior articular s. of atlas [TA] one of two concave surfaces on the lateral masses of the atlas that articulate with corresponding surfaces on the axis. SYN: facies articularis inferior atlantis [TA], fovea articularis inferior atlantis, inferior articular facet of atlas, inferior articular pit of atlas.
- inferior articular s. of tibia [TA] the quadrilateral s. on the distal end of the tibia for articulation with the talus; it is concave anteroposteriorly and broader anteriorly. SYN: facies articularis inferior tibiae [TA].
- inferior s. of cerebellar hemisphere it rests in the posterior cranial fossa and overlies the medulla; it includes the semilunaris inferior, biventer lobule, cerebellar tonsil, and flocculus. SYN: facies inferior hemispherii cerebri [TA].
- inferior cerebral s. SYN: base of brain.
- inferior s. of petrous part of temporal bone [TA] the portion of the petrous part of the temporal bone that contributes to the external base of the skull. SYN: facies inferior partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA].
- inferior s. of tongue [TA] the s. of the tongue that faces the floor of the oral cavity, its mucosa being thin, smooth, and devoid of papillae. SYN: facies inferior linguae [TA].
- inferolateral s. of prostate [TA] the s. of the prostate facing the body of the pubis and the pelvic diaphragm. SYN: facies inferolateralis prostatae [TA].
- infratemporal s. of (body of) maxilla [TA] the convex posterolateral s. of the body of the maxilla that form the anterior wall of the infratemporal fossa. SYN: facies infratemporalis corporis maxillae [TA].
- infratemporal s. of greater wing of sphenoid [TA] inferiorly directed s. of greater wing of sphenoid that forms a roof for the infratemporal fossa. SYN: facies infratemporalis alaris majoris ossis sphenoidalis [TA].
- interlobar surfaces of lung [TA] s. of a lobe of the lung that lies adjacent to (in contact with) the s. of another lobe; the two surfaces are separated by an interlobar fissure in the interlobar fissures of the lung. SYN: facies interlobares pulmonis.
- internal s. [TA] the internal concave s. of either the frontal or the parietal bone. SYN: facies interna [TA].
- internal s. of cranial base [TA] the interior aspect of the skull base on which the brain rests; the floor of the cranial cavity. SYN: basis cranii interna [TA], internal base of skull.
- internal s. of frontal bone [TA] the s. of the frontal bone that contributes to the wall of the cranial cavity. SYN: facies interna ossis frontalis [TA].
- internal s. of parietal bone [TA] the concave s. of the parietal bone forming part of the wall of the cranial cavity. SYN: facies interna ossis parietalis [TA].
- interproximal s. of tooth approximal s. of tooth.
- intestinal s. of uterus [TA] the posterosuperior s. of the uterus with which loops of intestine come in contact. SYN: facies intestinalis uteri [TA].
- lateral s. [TA] the s. of a part of the body that faces away from the midline; TA recognizes a lateral s. on the following structures: fibula, ovary, radius, testis, tibia, zygomatic bone. SYN: facies lateralis [TA].
- lateral s. of arm the lateral s. of the arm. SYN: facies lateralis brachii.
- lateral s. of fibula [TA] the lateral s. of the fibula. SYN: facies lateralis fibulae [TA].
- lateral s. of leg the lateral s. of the part of the inferior limb between the knee and the ankle. SYN: facies lateralis cruris.
- lateral s. of lower limb the lateral s. of the inferior limb. SYN: facies lateralis membri inferioris.
- lateral malleolar s. of talus SYN: lateral malleolar facet of talus.
- lateral s. of ovary [TA] the s. of the ovary facing the pelvic wall. SYN: facies lateralis ovarii [TA].
- lateral s. of testis [TA] the laterally directed s. of the testis. SYN: facies lateralis testis [TA].
- lateral s. of tibia [TA] the laterally directed s. of the tibia. SYN: facies lateralis tibiae [TA].
- lateral s. of toe the lateral s. of a toe. SYN: facies lateralis digiti pedis.
- lateral s. of zygomatic bone [TA] the lateral s. of the zygomatic bone. SYN: facies lateralis ossis zygomatici [TA].
- lingual s. of tooth [TA] the s. of a tooth that faces the tongue; opposite to the s. vestibulum dentis. SYN: facies lingualis dentis [TA].
- lunate s. of acetabulum [TA] the curved articular s. that surrounds the acetabular fossa and articulates with the head of the femur. SYN: facies lunata acetabuli [TA].
- masticating s. SYN: denture occlusal s..
- maxillary s. of greater wing of sphenoid bone [TA] the part of the anterior s. of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone that is perforated by the foramen rotundum and forms the posterior boundary of the pterygopalatine fossa. SYN: facies maxillaris alaris majoris ossis sphenoidalis [TA].
- maxillary s. of palatine bone the lateral s. of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone; SYN: facies maxillaris ossis palatini.
- medial s. [TA] the s. of a part of the body that faces toward the midline. TA recognizes a medial s. on the following structures: arytenoid cartilage, cerebral hemisphere, fibula, ovary, testis, tibia, ulna. SYN: facies medialis [TA].
- medial s. of arytenoid cartilage [TA] the s. of the arytenoid cartilage that faces its contralateral partner. SYN: facies medialis cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA].
- medial s. of cerebral hemisphere [TA] it faces, above as well as anterior and posterior to the corpus callosum, the falx cerebri; below it are the mesencephalon and the dura-covered medial wall of the middle cranial fossa. SYN: facies medialis hemispherii cerebri [TA], medial cerebral s..
- medial s. of fibula [TA] the s. of the fibula directed toward the midline. SYN: facies medialis fibulae [TA].
- medial s. of lung SYN: mediastinal s. of lung.
- medial s. of ovary [TA] the s. of the ovary that faces the pelvic cavity. SYN: facies medialis ovarii [TA].
- medial s. of tibia SYN: facies medialis tibiae.
- medial s. of toes [TA] the medial s. of a toe. SYN: facies medialis digiti pedis [TA].
- medial s. of ulna SYN: facies medialis ulnae.
- mediastinal s. of lung [TA] the part of the medial s. of a lung in contact with the mediastinum. SYN: facies mediastinalis pulmonis [TA], facies medialis pulmonis, medial s. of lung, mediastinal part of lung, pars mediastinalis pulmonis.
- mesial s. of tooth [TA] the contact s. of a tooth that is directed toward the median plane of the dental arch; opposite to the facies distalis dentis. SYN: facies mesialis dentis [TA].
- middle talar articular s. of calcaneus [TA] underlies the head of the talus and contributes to the talocalcaneonavicular joint. SYN: facies articularis talaris media calcanei [TA].
- nasal s. of maxilla [TA] the s. of the maxilla that forms part of the lateral nasal wall with a large defect (maxillary hiatus) posteriorly and the lacrimal sulcus in its midportion. SYN: facies nasalis maxillae [TA].
- nasal s. of palatine bone [TA] 1. the nasal s. of the perpendicular lamina of the palatine bone that forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity (facies nasalis lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini [TA]); 2. the nasal s. of the horizontal lamina of the palatine bone that forms part of the floor of the nasal cavity (facies nasalis lamina horizontalis ossis palatini [TA]). SYN: facies nasalis ossis palatini [TA].
- navicular articular s. of talus [TA] the large convex s. on the head of the talus for articulation with the navicular bone. SYN: facies articularis navicularis tali [TA].
- occlusal s. of tooth [TA] 1. the s. of a tooth that occludes with or contacts an opposing s. of a tooth in the opposing jaw; 2. SYN: denture occlusal s..
- orbital s. [TA] the s. of a bone that contributes to the walls of the orbit. TA recognizes an orbital s. (facies orbitalis... [TA]) on the following bones: greater wing of the sphenoid bone (... alaris majoris ossis sphenoidale [TA]); the body of the maxilla (... corporis maxillae [TA]); the frontal bone (... ossis frontalis [TA]); the zygomatic bone (... ossis zygomatici [TA]). SYN: facies orbitalis [TA].
- palatine s. of horizontal plate of palatine bone [TA] the inferior s. of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone. SYN: facies palatina laminae horizontalis ossis palatini [TA].
- palmar surfaces of fingers [TA] the flat of the fingers; the flexor or anterior s. of the fingers. SYN: facies palmares digitorum [TA], facies digitalis palmaris, facies digitalis ventralis, ventral s. of digit.
- patellar s. of femur [TA] the groove formed anteriorly between the anterosuperior portions of the femoral condyles that accommodates the patella. SYN: facies patellaris femoris [TA], trochlea femoris.
- pelvic s. of sacrum [TA] the s. of the sacrum that faces downward and forward forming the roof and part of the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity. SYN: facies pelvica ossis sacri [TA].
- Petzval s. the curved image plane upon which any extended linear object is focused by a lens; it is curved toward the edges of a convex lens and away from the edges of a concave lens. See barrel distortion, pincushion distortion.
- plantar s. of foot SYN: sole of foot.
- plantar s. of toe SYN: facies digitalis plantaris.
- popliteal s. of femur [TA] the posterior s. of the lower end of the femur between the diverging lips of the linea aspera. SYN: facies poplitea femoris [TA], planum popliteum, popliteal plane of femur.
- posterior s. [TA] the s. of a part of the body that faces toward the posterior part of the body. TA recognizes a posterior s. of the following structures: arytenoid cartilage, cornea, eyelid, fibula, humerus, iris, kidney, lens, pancreas, petrous part of temporal bone, prostate, radius, scapula, suprarenal gland, tibia, ulna, uterus. SYN: facies posterior [TA].
- posterior s. of arm SYN: posterior region of arm.
- posterior s. of arytenoid cartilage [TA] concave aspect of arytenoid cartilage that gives attachment to the arytenoid muscle and is directed toward the laryngopharynx. SYN: facies posterior cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA].
- posterior s. of cornea [TA] the deep or internal s. of the cornea in contact with the aqueous humor. SYN: facies posterior corneae [TA].
- posterior s. of elbow SYN: posterior region of elbow.
- posterior s. of eyelids [TA] the internal s. of the eyelids, covered with conjunctiva. SYN: facies posterior palpebrarum [TA].
- posterior s. of fibula [TA] the aspect of the fibula that forms, with the tibia and interosseous membrane, the anterior boundary of the posterior compartment of the leg. SYN: facies posterior fibulae [TA].
- posterior s. of forearm SYN: posterior region of forearm.
- posterior s. of iris [TA] the aspect of the iris covered with nonvisual retina, forming the anterior boundary of the posterior chamber of the eyeball. SYN: facies posterior iridis [TA].
- posterior s. of kidney [TA] the aspect of the kidney directed toward the posterior abdominal wall. SYN: facies posterior renis [TA].
- posterior s. of leg SYN: posterior region of leg.
- posterior s. of lens [TA] the aspect of the lens of the eye that forms the anterior boundary of the postremal chamber and is adjacent to the vitreous body. SYN: facies posterior lentis [TA].
- posterior s. of lower limb the posterior s. of the inferior limb. SYN: facies posterior membri inferioris.
- posterior s. of pancreas [TA] the aspect of the pancreas facing the posterior abdominal wall. SYN: facies posterior pancreatis [TA].
- posterior s. of petrous part of temporal bone [TA] the s. of the petrous part of the temporal bone that contributes to the posterior cranial fossa. SYN: facies posterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA].
- posterior s. of prostate [TA] the aspect of the prostate that faces the rectum, separated from it by the retroprostatic fascia. SYN: facies posterior prostatae [TA].
- posterior s. of radius [TA] the dorsal aspect of the radius. SYN: facies posterior radii [TA].
- posterior s. of scapula [TA] the outer aspect of the body of the scapula, subdivided by the prominent spine of the scapula into a smaller supraspinous fossa and a larger infraspinous fossa. SYN: dorsal s. of scapula, facies dorsalis scapulae.
- posterior s. of shaft of humerus [TA] the portion of the humerus that features the linea aspera, and to which the intermuscular septa of the thigh attach. SYN: facies posterior corporis humeri [TA].
- posterior s. of suprarenal gland [TA] the posteromedial s. of the suprarenal gland that contacts the diaphragmatic crura. SYN: facies posterior glandulae suprarenalis [TA].
- posterior talar articular s. (of calcaneus) [TA] articulates with talus (subtalar joint) posterior to sinus tarsi. SYN: facies articularis talaris posterior calcanei [TA].
- posterior s. of thigh SYN: posterior region of thigh.
- posterior s. of tibia [TA] the aspect of the tibia that, with the posterior s. of the fibula and the interosseous membrane, forms the anterior boundary of the posterior compartment of the leg. SYN: facies posterior tibiae [TA].
- posterior s. of ulna [TA] the dorsal aspect of the ulna. SYN: facies posterior ulnae [TA].
- renal s. of spleen SYN: renal impression of spleen.
- renal s. of suprarenal gland [TA] s. of suprarenal gland in contact with the kidney. SYN: facies renalis glandulae suprarenalis [TA].
- right/left pulmonary surfaces of heart the lateral surfaces of the heart, directed toward the lungs; on the left it is principally the left ventricular wall; on the right it is the right atrial wall and the upper part of the right ventricular wall. SYN: facies pulmonales cordis dextra/sinistra.
- sacropelvic s. of ilium [TA] the medial s. of the ilium behind and below the iliac fossa; it includes the iliac tuberosity, the auricular s. and the smooth pelvic s. below and in front of the auricular s.. SYN: facies sacropelvina ossis ilii [TA].
- sternal articular s. of clavicle SYN: sternal facet of clavicle.
- sternocostal s. of heart [TA] the anterior aspect of the heart, formed mostly by the right ventricle and to a lesser extent the left ventricle. SYN: facies sternocostalis cordis [TA].
- subocclusal s. a portion of the occlusal s. of a tooth which is below the level of the occluding portion of the tooth.
- superior articular s. of atlas [TA] one of two concave articular surfaces on the superior aspect of the lateral masses of the atlas that articulate with the occipital condyles. SYN: facies articularis superior atlantis [TA], fovea articularis superior atlantis, superior articular facet of atlas, superior articular pit of atlas.
- superior articular s. of tibia [TA] the articular s. on the proximal end of the tibia that is divided into medial and lateral portions for articulation with the condyles of the femur. SYN: facies articularis superior tibiae [TA].
- superior s. of cerebellar hemisphere it lies against the under s. of the tentorium and includes the ala lobuli centralis, quadrangular lobule, simple lobule, and superior semilunar lobule. SYN: facies superior hemispherii cerebelli.
- superior s. of talus SYN: superior facet of trochlear of talus.
- superolateral s. of cerebrum [TA] the aspect of the cerebral hemisphere that lies in contact with the flat bones of the skull; it includes parts of the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. SYN: facies superolateralis hemispherii cerebri [TA], superolateral face of cerebral hemisphere [TA], cortical convexity, superolateral cerebral s..
- symphysial s. of pubis [TA] the medial, elongated oval s. of the pubis that faces and articulates with its contralateral partner by means of the interpubic disc, forming the pubic symphysis. SYN: facies symphysialis [TA].
- talar articular surfaces of calcaneus [TA] the three facets of the calcaneus that articulate with the overlying talus; the anterior and middle talar articular s. contribute to the talocalcaneonavicular joint and are separated by the tarsal sinus from the posterior talar articular s. which enters into the subtalar joint. SYN: facies articularis talaris calcanei [TA].
- temporal s. [TA] the s. of a bone that contributes to the temporal fossa, namely, the greater wing of the sphenoid, the squamous part of the temporal, frontal, and zygomatic bones. SYN: facies temporalis [TA].
- tentorial s. those areas of the occipital lobe (inferior aspect) and the cerebellum (superior aspect) that are apposed to the superior and inferior surfaces, respectively, of the tentorium cerebelli.
- thyroid articular s. of cricoid (cartilage) [TA] one of two small circular facets on the lateral s. of the cricoid cartilage near the inferior margin of the junction of the arch and lamina for articulation with the inferior horns of the thyroid cartilage. SYN: facies articularis thyroidea cricoideae [TA].
- tympanic s. of cochlear duct [TA] the wall that separates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani; it consists of the osseous spiral lamina and the basilar membrane. SYN: paries tympanicus ductus cochlearis [TA], membrana spiralis, spiral membrane, tympanic wall of cochlear duct.
- urethral s. of penis [TA] the s. of the penis opposite to the dorsum penis. SYN: facies urethralis penis [TA].
- ventral s. of digit SYN: palmar surfaces of fingers.
- vesical s. of uterus [TA] the s. of the uterus facing the bladder and separated from it by the uterovesical pouch of peritoneum. SYN: facies vesicalis uteri [TA].
- vestibular s. of cochlear duct [TA] the membrane separating the cochlear duct from the vestibular canal; it consists of squamous epithelial cells with microvilli toward the ductus, a basement membrane, and a thin layer of connective tissue toward the scala. SYN: paries vestibularis ductus cochlearis [TA], membrana vestibularis ductus cochlearis, vestibular membrane, Reissner membrane, vestibular wall of cochlear duct.
- vestibular s. of tooth [TA] the s. of a tooth that faces the buccal or labial mucosa of vestibule of the mouth; opposite to the lingual s. of tooth. SYN: facies vestibularis dentis [TA], facial s. of tooth, facies facialis dentis.
- visceral s. of liver [TA] the posteroinferior s. of the liver that faces adjacent abdominal organs; the porta hepatis and gallbladder are located on this s.. SYN: facies visceralis hepatis [TA].
- visceral s. of the spleen [TA] the s. of the spleen in contact with adjacent viscera. SYN: facies visceralis splenis [TA].
- working occlusal surfaces the surfaces of teeth upon which mastication can occur.

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sur·face 'sər-fəs n the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body <the mesial and distal \surfaces of a tooth>

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sur·face (surґfəs) the outer part or external aspect of an object; for official names of anatomical surfaces, see entries under facies.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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