
Ei·me·ri·i·na (i″me-riґĭ-nə) a suborder of homoxenous or heteroxenous protozoa (order Eucoccidiida, subclass Coccidia), usually parasitizing the gut epithelium of the host, in which the macrogamete and microgametocyte develop independently, syzygy does not occur, the microgametocyte gives rise to numerous biflagellated microgametes, and the sporozoites are typically enclosed in an oocyst. Representative genera include Aggregata, Besnoitia, Cryptosporidium, Eimeria, Isospora, Sarcocystis, Toxoplasma, and Tyzzeria.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Tyzzeria — A genus of coccidia (family Eimeriidae) in which the oocyst contains eight naked sporozoites. Important species are T. anseris, a relatively nonpathogenic species found in the small intestine of domestic and wild geese, whistling swans, and… …   Medical dictionary

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  • Aggregata — Ag·gre·ga·ta (ag″rə gaґtə) [L. aggregare to add to] a genus of coccidian protozoa (suborder Eimeriina, order Eucoccidiida), the life cycle of which involves schizogony in a crustacean and sporogony and gametogony in a cephalopod …   Medical dictionary

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