- Cryptosporidium
- A genus of coccidian sporozoans (family Cryptosporiidae, suborder Eimeriina) that are important pathogens of calves and other domestic animals, and common opportunistic parasites of humans that flourish under conditions of compromised immune function; can cause self-limiting diarrhea in immunocompetent persons.- C. parvum sporozoan species that is an important cause of neonatal diarrhea in calves and lambs; causes mild, self-limiting to severe, chronic diarrhea in humans.
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1) cap a genus of protozoans of the order Coccidia that are parasitic in the gut of many vertebrates including humans and that sometimes cause diarrhea esp. in individuals who are immunocompromised (as in AIDS)* * *
Cryp·to·spo·ri·di·um (krip″to-spo-ridґe-əm) [crypto- + spore] a genus of minute homoxenous coccidian protozoa (suborder Eimeriina, order Eucoccidiida), having oocysts with four sporozoites; they are parasitic in the intestinal tracts of many vertebrate species, causing cryptosporidiosis.Cryptosporidium in feces, staining as bright red spheres (acid-fast stain).
Medical dictionary. 2011.