
A genus of coccidia (family Eimeriidae, class Sporozoea), with species chiefly in mammals; the ripe oocysts contain two sporocysts, each of which contains four sporozoites. This genus is now known to be closely related to Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis, with a similar sexual phase in the life cycle and a similar apical complex. [iso- + G. sporos, seed]
- I. belli a relatively rare species occurring in the small intestine of man, most common in the tropics but probably of worldwide distribution; most infections are subclinical, but sometimes they may cause mucous diarrhea.
- I. bigemina a species that occurs in the small intestine of the dog, cat, fox, mink, and possibly other carnivores; the most pathogenic coccidium in dogs and cats, causing enteritis and diarrhea; the oocysts are usually sporulated when passed in the feces, but are indistinguishable from those of Toxoplasma gondii, so considerable question remains as to the status of these parasites.
- I. canis a species of worldwide distribution that is mildly pathogenic in dogs and is not infective in cats.
- I. felis a species found in the small intestine and sometimes the cecum and colon of cats, lions, and other felids; it is only slightly, if at all, pathogenic in cats and is not infective in dogs.
- I. rivolta a species that occurs in the small intestine of dogs, cats, dingos, and probably other wild carnivores; pathogenic capabilities are similar to those of I. bigemina.
- I. suis a species that affects the small intestine of the pig, producing mild diarrhea.

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Isos·po·ra ī-'säs-- n a genus of coccidian protozoans closely related to the genus Eimeria and including the only coccidian (I. hominis) known to be parasitic in humans

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Isos·po·ra (i-sosґpə-rə) [iso- + spore] a genus of coccidian protozoa (suborder Eimeriina, order Eucoccidiida) having two sporocysts in each oocyst and four sporozoites in each sporocyst; found in birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Mammalian parasites formerly classified in this genus have been assigned to the genus Cystoisospora.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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