Marsh test

Marsh test
Marsh test 'märsh- n a sensitive test for arsenic in which a solution to be tested is treated with hydrogen so that if arsenic is present gaseous arsine is formed and then decomposed to a black deposit of arsenic (as when the gas is passed through a heated glass tube)
Marsh James Ernest (1794-1846)
British chemist. Marsh spent considerable time studying poisons and their effects. He introduced his test for arsenic in 1836.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • marsh test — noun Usage: usually capitalized M Etymology: after James Marsh died 1846 British chemist : a sensitive test for arsenic in which a solution to be tested is treated with hydrogen so that if arsenic is present gaseous arsine is formed and then… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Marsh's test — Chem. a test to detect minimal amounts of arsenic. Also, Marsh test. [after British chemist James Marsh (1794 1846), who described such a test in 1836] …   Useful english dictionary

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  • James Marsh (chemist) — James Marsh (September 2, 1794 ndash; June 21, 1846) was a British chemist who invented the Marsh test for detecting arsenic. Scientific work While Marsh was most famous for inventing the test that bears his name, he was also a skilled and… …   Wikipedia

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