- ileostomy bag
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any of various plastic or latex bags for the collection of urine or fecal material following ileostomy or the establishment of an ileal bladder.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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any of various plastic or latex bags for the collection of urine or fecal material following ileostomy or the establishment of an ileal bladder.Medical dictionary. 2011.
ileostomy bag — noun : a container designed to receive feces discharged through an ileostomy … Useful english dictionary
ileostomy — Establishment of a fistula through which the ileum discharges directly to the outside of the body. [ileo + G. stoma, mouth] Brooke i. i. in which the divided proximal ileum, brought through the abdominal wall, is evaginated and its edge is… … Medical dictionary
ileostomy — n. a surgical operation in which the ileum is brought through the abdominal wall to create an artificial opening (stoma) through which the intestinal contents can discharge, thus bypassing the colon. Various types of bag may be worn to collect… … The new mediacal dictionary
Ileo-anal pouch — The ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA), also known as an ileo anal pouch, restorative proctocolectomy, ileal anal pullthrough, or sometimes referred to as a j pouch, s pouch, w pouch or an internal pouch, is an internal reservoir; usually… … Wikipedia
Iléostomie — Classification internationale des maladies CIM 10 : Iléostomie Une iléostomie est une stomie qui permet de … Wikipédia en Français
Bowel & Cancer Research — (B CR) is a registered charity based in the United Kingdom. It is an organisation with three principle aims. The first is to improve survival rates for bowel cancer sufferers through research into the spread and behaviour of cancer in specific… … Wikipedia
ostomy — /os teuh mee/, n., pl. ostomies. any of various surgical procedures, as a colostomy, in which an artificial opening is made so as to permit the drainage of waste products either into an appropriate organ or to the outside of the body. [1955 60;… … Universalium
pouch — A pocket or cul de sac. SEE ALSO: fossa, recess, sac. antral p. a p. made in the antrum of the stomach of experimental animals. branchial pouches SYN: pharyngeal pouches. Broca p. SYN: puden … Medical dictionary
Ostomy pouching system — An ostomy pouching system (also colloquially called a bag) is a medical device prosthetic that provides a means for the collection of waste from a surgically diverted biological system (colon, ileum, urinary) and the creation of a stoma. Pouching … Wikipedia
Peritoneal dialysis — Intervention Schematic diagram of peritoneal dialysis ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia