
An artificial opening between the ventricles of the brain and the cisterna magna. SEE ALSO: shunt (2). [ventriculo- + L. cisterna, cistern, + G. stoma, mouth]

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ven·tric·u·lo·cis·ter·nos·to·my -.sis-tər-'näs-tə-mē n, pl -mies the surgical establishment of a communication between a ventricle of the brain and the subarachnoid space and esp. the cisterna magna to drain cerebrospinal fluid esp. in hydrocephalus

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ven·tric·u·lo·cis·ter·nos·to·my (ven-trik″u-lo-sis″tər-nosґtə-me) ventriculocisternal shunt.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Arne Torkildsen — (1899 1968) was a Norwegian neurosurgeon. He described the surgical technique of ventriculocisternostomy (a predecessor of today s endoscopic third ventriculostomy), which is also called Torkildsen s operation .External links*… …   Wikipedia

  • ventriculocisternal shunt — a formerly common procedure in which a communication was surgically established between a lateral ventricle and the cisterna magna for drainage of cerebrospinal fluid in hydrocephalus. Called also Torkildsen s. or operation and… …   Medical dictionary

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