- ventriculography
- 1. Radiographic demonstration of the cerebral ventricles by direct injection of air or contrast medium; developed and described by Dandy in 1918. Cf.:pneumoencephalography. 2. Demonstration of the contractility of the cardiac ventricles by recording serially the distribution of intravenously injected radionuclide or that of radiographic contrast medium injected through an intracardiac catheter. [ventriculo- + G. graphe, a writing]- radionuclide v. SYN: radionuclide angiocardiography.
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1) the act or process of making an X-ray photograph of the ventricles of the brain after withdrawing fluid from the ventricles and replacing it with air or a radiopaque substance2) the act or process of making an X-ray photograph of a ventricle of the heart after injecting a radiopaque substanceven·tric·u·lo·graph·ic -yə-lō-'graf-ik adj* * *
n.X-ray examination of the ventricles of the brain after the introduction of a contrast medium, such as air or radiopaque material. This procedure has been largely made redundant by CT and MRI scanning.* * *
ven·tric·u·log·ra·phy (ven-trik″u-logґrə-fe) [ventriculo- + -graphy] 1. radiography of the head following removal of cerebrospinal fluid from the cerebral ventricles and its replacement by air or other contrast medium. 2. radiography of a ventricle of the heart after injection of a contrast medium.
Medical dictionary. 2011.