
A large class of protozoans (phylum Apicomplexa, subkingdom Protozoa) consisting of obligatory parasites with simple spores lacking polar filaments; cilia and flagella are absent (except for microgametes, found in some groups), and locomotion is by undulation, gliding, or body flexion; sexuality, when present, is by syngamy, forming oocysts with infective sporozoites from sporogony. The class includes the gregarines and coccidia, the latter including many agents of human and animal disease, such as the plasmodia of malaria. SYN: Sporozoasida, Telosporea. [Mod. L., fr. G. sporos, seed, + zoon, animal]

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Spo·ro·zoea (spor″o-zeґə) a class of homoxenous or heteroxenous parasitic protozoa (phylum Apicomplexa) having a conoid (if present) forming a complete cone; both sexual and asexual phases; oocysts generally containing infective sporozoites that result from sporogeny; flagella in microgametes of some groups; and pseudopods (if present) used for feeding only. Locomotion of mature organisms is by means of body flexion, gliding, or undulation of longitudinal ridges on the body surface. Subclasses of medical interest are Coccidia and Piroplasmia. Called also Sporozoa.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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