sporozoan — [spō΄rō zō′än΄, spō΄rō zō′ən, spôr΄əzō′än, spôr΄ə zō′ən] n. [< ModL Sporozoa (see SPORO & ZOA + AN] any of a class (sporozoa) of parasitic protozoans that usually pass through phases of both sexual and asexual generation, frequently in… … English World dictionary
sporozoan — noun Etymology: New Latin Sporozoa, from spor + zoa Date: 1888 any of a large class (Sporozoa) of strictly parasitic nonmotile protozoans that have a complex life cycle usually involving both asexual and sexual generations often in different… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sporozoan Zoology — [ˌspɒrə zəʊən] noun a protozoan of the phylum Sporozoa, which includes the organisms responsible for malaria, toxoplasmosis, etc. adjective relating to sporozoans. Origin from mod. L. Sporozoa, from spore + Gk zōia animals … English new terms dictionary
sporozoan — /spawr euh zoh euhn, spohr /, n. 1. any parasitic spore forming protozoan of the phylum (or class) Sporozoa, several species of which, as plasmodia, cause malaria. adj. 2. Also, sporozoal. belonging or pertaining to the Sporozoa. [1885 90;… … Universalium
sporozoan — noun Any of many parasitic protozoans, of the class Sporozoa, that reproduce alternately sexually and asexually via spores; they are responsible for diseases such as malaria … Wiktionary
sporozoan — n. parasitic microorganism which produces spores during the asexual stage of its life cycle (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
sporozoan — spo·ro·zo·an … English syllables
sporozoan — spo•ro•zo•an [[t]ˌspɔr əˈzoʊ ən, ˌspoʊr [/t]] n. mcr any parasitic spore forming protozoan of the class Sporozoa, several species of which cause malaria • Etymology: 1885–90; < NL Sporozo(a) (see sporo , zoa) + an I … From formal English to slang
sporozoan — /spɔrəˈzoʊən/ (say spawruh zohuhn), /spɒ / (say spo ) noun 1. one of the Sporozoa, a class of the phylum Protozoa, consisting of parasites that multiply by sporogenesis, i.e. by dividing into reproductive bodies. –adjective 2. belonging or… …
sporozoan — noun parasitic spore forming protozoan • Hypernyms: ↑protozoan, ↑protozoon • Hyponyms: ↑sporozoite, ↑trophozoite, ↑merozoite, ↑coccidium, ↑eimeria, ↑ … Useful english dictionary