Android pelvis

Android pelvis
There are significant differences in the anatomy of the pelvis in the female and male. The android or male pelvis is more robust, narrower, and taller than the female pelvis. The angle of the male pubic arch and the sacrum are narrower as well. The female pelvis is more delicate, wider and not as high as the male pelvis. The angle of the female pubic arch is wide and round. The female sacrum is wider than the male's and the iliac bone is flatter. The pelvic basin of the female is more spacious and less funnel-shaped. From a purely anatomic viewpoint, the female pelvis is better suited to accommodate the fetus during pregnancy and permit the baby to be born.

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a pelvis characterized by a wedge-shaped inlet and narrowness of the anterior segment; used as a general designation of a female pelvis showing characters typical of the pelvis in the male.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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