- Gynecoid
- 1. Like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco-, gyno-, gyn-, and gyne- are combining forms meaning woman. For example: Gynecoid obesity: Fat distribution in a female fashion. Gynecoid pelvis: A pelvis that is shaped like a woman's. Gynecologic oncologist: A doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating cancers of the female reproductive organs. Gynecologist: A doctor trained to treat diseases of the female reproductive organs. Gynecology: The study of the diseases of the female reproductive organs and the breasts. Gynecomastia: Excessive development of the male breast (so that it is female-like).
2. Like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco-, gyno-, gyn-, and gyne- are combining forms meaning woman. For example: Gynecoid obesity: Fat distribution in a female fashion. Gynecoid pelvis: A pelvis that is shaped like a woman's. Gynecologic oncologist: A doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating cancers of the female reproductive organs. Gynecomastia: Excessive development of the male breast (so that it is female-like).
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1) of the pelvis having the rounded form typical of the human female compare ANDROID, ANTHROPOID, PLATYPELLOID2) relating to or characterized by the distribution of body fat chiefly in the region of the hips and thighs <\gynecoid obesity> compare android* * *
gy·ne·coid (giґnə) (jinґə-koid) [gynec- + oid] womanlike; see also feminine.
Medical dictionary. 2011.