Gynecoid — 1. Like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco , gyno , gyn , and gyne are combining forms meaning woman. For example: Gynecoid obesity: Fat distribution in a female fashion. Gynecoid … Medical dictionary
Gynecoid obesity — A fat distribution generally characteristic of that of a woman, around the hips, etc. Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco , gyno , gyn , and gyne are combining… … Medical dictionary
gynecoid — adjective Date: 1907 typical or characteristic of the human female < gynecoid pelvis > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pelvis justo major — (also called Giant Pelvis ) is a rare condition of the adult female pelvis where the pelvis is 1.5 or more times larger than an average pelvis in every direction and is at least 42 cm (16.5 inches) biiliac width. Even though this condition is… … Wikipedia
gynecoid — I. ˈ ̷ ̷nə̇ˌkȯid see gyn adjective Etymology: gynec + oid 1. a. : having female characteristics : typical of a woman a gynecoid distribution of fat the gynecoid form of certain castrates … Useful english dictionary
Pelvis — The lower part of the abdomen located between the hip bones. Organs in the female pelvis include the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum. * * * 1. [NA] The massive cup shaped ring of bone, with its ligaments, at the… … Medical dictionary
Obesity, gynecoid — A fat distribution generally characteristic of that of a woman, around the hips, etc. Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco , gyno , gyn , and gyne are combining… … Medical dictionary
Fear of women — An abnormal, irrational and persistent fear of women. Sufferers experience undue anxiety even though they realize they face no threat. Fear of women is termed gynephobia, a word derived from the Greek gyne (woman) and phobos (fear). Alternate… … Medical dictionary
Gynephobia — An abnormal, irrational and persistent fear of women. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they realize they face no threat. Gynephobia is derived from the Greek gyne (woman) and phobos (fear). Alternate spelling: gynaephobia. The prefix gyne … Medical dictionary
Pelvimetry — Pelvimeter Pelvimetry is the assessment of the female pelvis[1] in relation to the birth of a baby. Traditional obstetrical services relied heavily on pelvimetry in the conduct of delivery in order to decide if natural or operative vaginal… … Wikipedia