pars posterior commissurae anterioris
- pars posterior commissurae anterioris
- [TA] posterior part of anterior commissure: the larger posterior portion of the commissure, whose fibers interconnect the middle and inferior temporal gyri, the parahippocampal gyri, and the amygdaloid bodies of the two sides.
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posterior part of anterior commissure — pars posterior commissurae anterioris … Medical dictionary
pars — SYN: part. [L. p. (part ) a part] p. abdominalis aortae [TA] SYN: abdominal aorta. p. abdominalis ductus thoracici [TA] SYN: abdominal part of thoracic duct. p. abdominalis esophagi [TA] SYN: abdominal part of esophagus. p. abdomina … Medical dictionary
part — A portion. SYN: pars [TA]. abdominal p. of aorta SYN: abdominal aorta. abdominal p. of esophagus [TA] the portion of the esophagus from where it passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. See … Medical dictionary
commissure — 1. Angle or corner of the eye, lips, or labia. 2. A bundle of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other in the brain or spinal cord. SYN: commissura [TA]. anterior c. [TA] a round bundle of … Medical dictionary
commissura anterior — [TA] anterior commissure: a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers passing transversely through the lamina terminalis and connecting symmetrical parts of the two cerebral hemispheres; it consists of a smaller anterior part (pars anterior commissurae… … Medical dictionary
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary