
A portion. SYN: pars [TA].
- abdominal p. of aorta SYN: abdominal aorta.
- abdominal p. of esophagus [TA] the portion of the esophagus from where it passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. See esophagus. SYN: pars abdominalis esophagi [TA], epicardia.
- abdominal p. of pectoralis major (muscle) [TA] portion of pectoralis major originating from the rectus sheath. SYN: pars abdominalis musculi pectorales majoris [TA].
- abdominal p. of peripheral autonomic plexuses and ganglia [TA] portion of the autonomic nervous system (networks composed largely of autonomic nerve fibers—but also including visceral afferent fibers—and ganglia associated with blood vessel s and organs) that occur both retro- and intraperitoneally in the abdominal cavity. SYN: pars abdominalis plexus visceralis et ganglii visceralis [TA].
- abdominal p. of thoracic duct [TA] the p. of the thoracic duct between the cisterna chyli and the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm. SYN: pars abdominalis ductus thoracici [TA].
- abdominal p. of ureter [TA] the p. of the ureter between the renal pelvis and the brim of the pelvis. SYN: pars abdominalis ureteris [TA].
- acromial p. of deltoid (muscle) [TA] portion of deltoid (muscle) originating from the acromion. SYN: pars acromialis musculi deltoidei [TA].
- alar p. of nasalis muscle [TA] See nasalis (muscle). SYN: pars alaris musculi nasalis [TA].
- alveolar p. of mandible [TA] the portion of the body of the mandible that surrounds and supports the lower teeth. SYN: pars alveolaris mandibulae [TA].
- anterior p. [TA] the portion of a structure that lies most forward, or closest to the front surface relative to other parts; in human anatomy, the ventral portion of a structure. see anterior p. of: anterior commissure of brain; guadrangular lobule of cerebellum; central lobule of cerebellum; culmen; lateral parabranchial nucleus; diaphragmatic surface of liver; tongue; formix of vagina. SYN: pars anterior [TA].
- anterior p. of anterior commissure of brain [TA] the anterior p. of the anterior or rostral commissure of the brain; SYN: pars anterior commissurae anterioris [TA], pars anterior commissurae rostralis.
- anterior p. of diaphragmatic surface of liver [TA] the p. of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver deep to the costal arches and the xiphoid process. SYN: pars anterior faciei diaphragmatis hepatis [TA].
- anterior p. of fornix of vagina [TA] the portion of the fornix of the vagina anterior to the uterine cervix. SYN: pars anterior fornicis vaginae [TA].
- anterior p. of pons SYN: basilar p. of pons.
- anterior tibiotalar p. of deltoid ligament SYN: anterior tibiotalar p. of medial ligament of ankle joint.
- anterior tibiotalar p. of medial ligament of ankle joint [TA] the p. of the medial or deltoid ligament that extends from the medial malleolus to the neck of the talus. SYN: pars tibiotalaris anterior ligamenti collateralis medialis articulationis talocruralis [TA], anterior talotibial ligament, anterior tibiotalar ligament, anterior tibiotalar p. of deltoid ligament, ligamentum mediale, ligamentum talotibiale anterius.
- anterior p. of tongue [TA] portion of the tongue (about 2/3) anterior to the sulcus terminalis, distinct from the posterior p. in embryologic origin and innervation. SYN: pars anterior linguae [TA], pars presulcalis linguae, pars presulcalis, presulcal p. of tongue.
- anular p. of fibrous digital sheath of digits of hand and foot [TA] one of the five circular fibrous bands or pulleys (A1–A5) of the fibrous sheaths of the fingers and the corresponding structures of the toes attached to the shaft of the proximal and middle phalanges and associated joint capsules. SYN: pars anularis vaginae fibrosae digitorum manus et pedis [TA], anular pulley, anulus of fibrous sheath, ligamentum anulare digitorum.
- aryepiglottic p. of oblique arytenoid muscle [TA] fibers of the oblique arytenoid muscle that continue past the summit of the arytenoid cartilage to the side of the epiglottis; action, constricts the laryngeal aperture in a “purse-string” manner. SYN: pars aryepiglottica musculi arytenoidei obliqui [TA], aryepiglottic muscle, musculus aryepiglotticus.
- ascending p. of aorta SYN: ascending aorta.
- ascending p. of duodenum [TA] the terminal or fourth p. of the duodenum, ascending from the horizontal p. to the jejunum. SYN: pars ascendens duodeni [TA].
- ascending p. of trapezius (muscle) [TA] lower third of trapezius that ascends to insert on the spine of the scapula; acts independently of other parts to depress scapula (lower shoulders); acts with other parts to retract and rotate scapula. SYN: pars ascendens musculi trapezii [TA], inferior p. of trapezius (muscle).
- atlantic p. of vertebral artery [TA] suboccipital p. of vertebral artery. See vertebral artery. SYN: pars atlantica arteriae vertebralis [TA], suboccipital p. of vertebral artery.
- basal p. [TA] portion of a structure which forms its base—the bottom p. or p. opposite the apex of the structure—or a branch serving that portion of the structure; e.g., the basal p. of the lungs (formed by the four basal bronchopulmonary segments of each side) served by basal parts of the right and left pulmonary arteries. SYN: basilar parts [TA], pars basalis [TA], pars basilaris [TA].
- basal p. of left and right inferior pulmonary arteries [TA] See right pulmonary artery, left pulmonary artery. SYN: pars basalis arteriarum lobarium inferiorum pulmonis sinistri et dextri [TA]. See right pulmonary artery, left pulmonary artery.
- basilar parts [TA] SYN: basal p..
- basilar p. of occipital bone [TA] the wedgelike p. of the occipital bone that lies anterior to the foramen magnum and joins with the body of the sphenoid bone. SYN: pars basilaris ossis occipitalis [TA], basal p. of occipital bone, basilar apophysis, basilar process of occipital bone, basilar process, basiocciput.
- basilar p. of pons [TA] the large bulbous portion of the pons seen on the ventral portion of the brainstem and ventral to the medial lemniscus in a cross section : contains longitudinally oriented fibers (corticospinal, corticopontine, corticoreticular, and others) and the transversely oriented pontocerebellar fibers. SYN: pars basilaris pontis [TA], pons basilaris pontis [TA], anterior p. of pons, pars ventralis pontis, ventral p. of pons.
- bony p. of external acoustic meatus the medial two-thirds of the external acoustic meatus, that is formed as the tympanic plate of the temporal bone develops; it extends approximately 16 mm from its junction with the cartilaginous p. to the tympanic membrane.
- bony p. of nasal septum [TA] the major portion of the nasal septum including (supported by) the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. SYN: pars ossea septi nasi [TA].
- bony p. of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube [TA] the portion of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube formed by the petrous p. of the temporal bone passing from the tympanic cavity anteromedially through the semicanal for auditory tube. SYN: pars ossea tubae auditivae [TA], pars ossea tubae auditoriae.
- bony p. of skeletal system [TA] portion of the skeleton composed of cortical, compact, or spongy bone. SYN: pars ossea systematis skeletalis [TA], osseous p. of skeletal system.
- buccopharyngeal p. of superior pharyngeal constrictor See superior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle). SYN: pars buccopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngei superioris.
- cardiac p. of stomach SYN: cardia.
- cardial p. of stomach SYN: cardia.
- cartilaginous p. of external acoustic meatus the lateral third of the external acoustic meatus, which is continuous with the auricular cartilage and attached to the circumference of the bony p..
- cartilaginous p. of nasal septum [TA] portion of the nasal septum supported by cartilage (instead of bone).
- cartilaginous p. of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube that portion of the auditory tube that is supported by cartilage; it continues anteromedially from the osseous p. to open into the nasopharynx. SYN: pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae [TA], pars cartilaginea tubae auditoriae.
- cartilaginous p. of skeletal system [TA] the p. of the skeleton composed of cartilage. SYN: pars cartilaginea systematis skeletalis [TA].
- cavernous p. of internal carotid artery [TA] the more tortuous portion of the internal carotid artery that traverses the cavernous sinus; it has numerous small branches. SYN: pars cavernosa arteriae carotidis internae [TA].
- celiacoduodenal p. of suspensory muscle (ligament) of duodenum [TA] fibromuscular band of smooth muscle passing from the terminal duodenum and duodenojejunal flexure to end in connective tissue in the vicinity of the celiac trunk. SYN: pars coeliacoduodenalis musculi (ligamenti) suspensorii duodeni [TA].
- central p. of lateral ventricle SYN: pars centralis ventriculi lateralis.
- ceratopharyngeal p. of middle constrictor muscle of pharynx [TA] See middle constrictor (muscle) of pharynx. SYN: pars ceratopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis medii [TA], ceratopharyngeal p. of middle pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx.
- ceratopharyngeal p. of middle pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx SYN: ceratopharyngeal p. of middle constrictor muscle of pharynx.
- cerebral p. of arachnoid SYN: cranial arachnoid mater.
- cerebral p. of dura mater SYN: cranial dura mater.
- cerebral p. of internal carotid artery [TA] the portion of the internal carotid artery that lines in contact with and directly supplies the brain; its branches are: superior hypophyseal, clival, ophthalmic, anterior choroidal, anterior cerebral, and middle cerebral. SYN: pars cerebralis arteriae carotidis internae [TA].
- cervical p. of esophagus [TA] the p. of the esophagus located in the neck. See esophagus. SYN: pars cervicalis esophagi [TA].
- cervical p. of internal carotid artery [TA] the unbranched portion located in the neck. SYN: pars cervicalis arteriae carotidis internae [TA].
- cervical p. of spinal cord [TA] the p. of the spinal cord located in the neck consisting of eight cervical segments [C1–C8] and giving rise to the first eight pairs of spinal nerves [C1–C8]. SYN: pars cervicalis medullae spinalis [TA], segmenta cervicalia medullae spinalis [TA], segmenta medullae spinalis cervicalia C1–C8 [TA], cervical segments of spinal cord [C1–C8], segmenta cervicalia C1–C5.
- cervical p. of thoracic duct [TA] the portion of the thoracic duct above the first rib. SYN: pars cervicalis ductus thoracici [TA].
- cervical p. of vertebral artery [TA] portion of vertebral artery that traverses the transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae C1–C6 and gives rise to spinal and muscular branches. SYN: pars cervicalis arteriae vertebralis [TA], transversarial p. of vertebral artery [TA].
- chondropharyngeal p. of middle constrictor muscle of pharynx [TA] See middle constrictor (muscle) of pharynx. SYN: pars chondropharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngei medii [TA], chondropharyngeal p. of middle pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx.
- chondropharyngeal p. of middle pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx SYN: chondropharyngeal p. of middle constrictor muscle of pharynx.
- ciliary p. of retina [TA] See retina. SYN: pars ciliaris retinae [TA].
- clavicular p. of deltoid (muscle) [TA] anterior portion of the deltoid originating from the clavicle; acts independently of other parts to contribute to flexion at the shoulder joint. SYN: pars clavicularis musculi deltoidei [TA].
- clavicular p. of pectoralis major (muscle) SYN: clavicular head of pectoralis major muscle. See pectoralis major (muscle).
- coccygeal p. of spinal cord [TA] the terminal p. of the spinal cord consisting of the three coccygeal segments of the spinal cord from which the three pairs of coccygeal nerves originate. SYN: pars coccygea medullae spinalis [TA], segmenta coccygea medullae spinalis [TA].
- convoluted p. of kidney lobule proximal and distal convoluted tubules and the associated renal corpuscles supplied by branches of the interlobular arteries. SYN: labyrinthus, Ludwig labyrinth, pars convoluta lobuli corticalis renis, renal labyrinth.
- corneoscleral p. of trabecular tissue of sclera [TA] the anterior p. of the trabecular reticulum, located between the sinus venosus sclerae, the scleral spur, and the posterior limiting membrane of the cornea. SYN: pars corneoscleralis reticuli trabecularis sclerae [TA].
- cortical p. SYN: pars corticalis.middle cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery.
- costal p. of diaphragm [TA] the p. of the diaphragm that arises from the inner aspect of the lower six costal cartilages and the lower four ribs and inserts on the anterolateral p. of the central tendon. SYN: pars costalis diaphragmatis [TA].
- costal p. of parietal pleura [TA] portion of the parietal pleura that lines the internal aspect of the ribs and intercostal muscles. SYN: pars costalis pleurae parietalis [TA], costal pleura, pleura costalis.
- cranial p. of parasympathetic p. of autonomic division of nervous system [TA] the roots and branches of the parasympathetic ganglia (ciliary, pterygopalatine, otic, and submandibular/sublingual) of the head. SYN: pars cranialis partis parasympathetici divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi [TA].
- craniocervical p. of peripheral autonomic plexuses and ganglia [TA] networks of postsynaptic sympathetic nerve fibers accompanying the carotid arteries and branches thereof within the head and neck. SYN: pars craniocervicalis plexuum et gangliorum visceralium [TA].
- cricopharyngeal p. of inferior constrictor (muscle) of pharynx [TA] See inferior constrictor (muscle) of pharynx. SYN: pars cricopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis inferioris [TA], cricopharyngeus muscle.
- cruciform p. of fibrous digital sheath [TA] the fibers of the fibrous sheath of the fingers and toes that constitute three X-shaped pulleys (C1–C3) over the proximal and middle phalanx. SYN: pars cruciformis vaginae fibrosae [TA], crucial ligament (4), cruciform p. of fibrous sheath, cruciform pulley, ligamenta cruciata digitorum.
- cruciform p. of fibrous sheath SYN: cruciform p. of fibrous digital sheath.
- cuneiform p. of vomer [TA] the wedge-shaped thin anterior portion of the vomer. SYN: pars cuneiformis vomeris [TA].
- cupular p. of epitympanic recess [TA] the dome-shaped, highest portion of the epitympanic recess. SYN: pars cupularis recessus epitympanici [TA].
- deep p. of anterior compartment of forearm [TA] portion of anterior (flexor) compartment of forearm that includes the flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, and pronator quadratus muscle. SYN: pars profunda compartimenti antebrachii anterioris [TA].
- deep p. of external anal sphincter [TA] See external anal sphincter. SYN: pars profunda musculi sphincteri ani externi.
- deep p. of flexor retinaculum SYN: flexor retinaculum.
- deep p. of masseter (muscle) [TA] See masseter (muscle). SYN: pars profunda musculi masseteri [TA].
- deep p. of palpebral p. of orbicularis oculi (muscle) [TA] portion of the palpebral p. of orbicularis oculi arising from the posterior aspect of the medial palpebral ligament and adjacent bone. SYN: pars profunda partis palpebralis musculi orbicularis oculi [TA].
- deep p. of parotid gland [TA] that portion of the parotid salivary gland that is located behind the mandible and occupies the space between the ramus of the mandible and the mastoid process extending as far medially as the pharyngeal wall. SYN: pars profunda glandulae parotidis [TA], processus retromandibularis glandulae parotidis, processus retromandibularis, retromandibular process of parotid gland. See parotid gland.
- deep p. of posterior (flexor) compartment of leg [TA] portion of posterior (flexor) compartment of leg including flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, and tibialis posterior (muscles). SYN: pars profunda compartimenti cruris posterioris [TA].
- descending p. of aorta SYN: descending aorta.
- descending p. of duodenum [TA] See duodenum. SYN: pars descendens duodeni [TA], pars secundum duodeni, second p. of duodenum.
- descending p. of facial canal second portion of the facial canal, after the horizontal parts, beginning at the posterior end of the lateral crus where the canal begins to descend. It runs vertically downward, ending at the stylomastoid foramen. Anteriorly, the descending p. of the facial canal communicates with the tympanic cavity via the canaliculus for the nerve to the stapedius muscle and the posterior canaliculus of the chorda tympani. SEE ALSO: facial canal.
- descending p. of iliofemoral ligament [TA] the more vertical of the limbs of the inverted Y-shaped iliofemoral ligament (vs. the more horizontal transverse p.). SYN: pars descendens ligamenti iliofemoralis [TA].
- descending p. of trapezius (muscle) [TA] the upper third of the trapezius (muscle) that descends to insert on the clavicle and acromion; acting independently of the other parts, it acts to elevate the scapula (shrug shoulders). SYN: pars descendens musculi trapezii [TA].
- diaphragmatic p. of parietal pleura [TA] portion of the outer (parietal) layer of pleura that lines the superior aspect of the diaphragm on each side of the pericardium. SYN: pars diaphragmatica pleurae parietalis [TA], diaphragmatic pleura, phrenic pleura, pleura diaphragmatica, pleura phrenica.
- distal p. of prostate [TA] portion of the prostate derived from the more caudal anlage; includes the right, left, and posterior lobes of prostate. SYN: pars distalis prostatae [TA].
- distal p. of prostatic urethra [TA] portion of prostatic urethra inferior to the merging of the urinary and genital tracts at the openings of the ejaculatory ducts. SYN: pars distalis urethrae prostaticae [TA].
- distal p. [TA] of anterior lobe of hypophysis the larger p. of the adenohypophysis composed of cords of epithelial cells individually specialized to secrete various tropic hormones that exert their effect on several target organs in the body. The secretory activity of these cells is under the control of either releasing or inhibiting factors elaborated by hypothalamic neurons and transported to the adenohypophysis by the hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system. SYN: pars distalis adenohypophyseos [TA].
- dorsal p. of intertransversarii laterales lumborum (muscles) [TA] portion of the lateral intertransversarii of the lumbar region connecting the accessory processes of one vertebra to the transverse processes of the vertebra above. SYN: partes dorsales musculorum intertransversariorum lateralium lumborum [TA].
- dorsal p. of pons the p. of the pons bounded laterally by the middle cerebellar peduncles and anteriorly by the ventral p. of pons; it is continuous with the tegmentum of the mesencephalon and contains long tracts such as the medial and lateral lemnisci, cranial nerve nuclei, and reticular formation. SYN: tegmentum of pons [TA], tegmentum pontis [TA], pars dorsalis pontis.
- dural p. of filum terminale [TA] the threadlike termination of the spinal dura mater, surrounding and fused to the filum terminale of the cord, and attached to the deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament; extends from S2–3 to Co2 vertebral levels. SEE ALSO: terminal filum. SYN: coccygeal ligament, filum terminale externum, filum durae matris spinalis, filum of spinal dura mater.
- endocrine p. of pancreas [TA] See pancreas. SYN: pars endocrina pancreatis [TA].
- exocrine p. of pancreas [TA] See pancreas. SYN: pars exocrina pancreatis [TA].
- extraocular p. of central retinal artery and vein [TA] orbital portion of central retinal artery and vein external (posterior) to the eyeball. SYN: pars extraocularis arteriae et venae centralis retinae [TA].
- first p. of duodenum SYN: superior p. of duodenum.
- flaccid p. of tympanic membrane [TA] triangular loose p. of tympanic membrane between the malleolar folds. SYN: pars flaccida membranae tympanae [TA], flaccid membrane, membrana flaccida, Rivinus membrane, Shrapnell membrane.
- free p. of lower limb [TA] portion of the appendicular skeleton of the lower limb distal to the hip joint; the pelvic girdle is excluded. SYN: pars libera membri inferioris [TA].
- free p. of upper limb [TA] portion of the appendicular skeleton of the upper limb distal to the shoulder joint; the pectoral girdle is not included. SYN: pars libera membri superioris [TA].
- frontal p. of corpus callosum SYN: minor forceps.
- funicular p. of ductus deferens [TA] portion of the ductus deferens contained within the spermatic cord. SYN: pars funicularis ductus deferentis [TA].
- glossopharyngeal p. of superior pharyngeal constrictor See superior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle). SYN: pars glossopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis superioris.
- hidden p. SYN: pars tecta.
- hidden p. of duodenum the p. of duodenum covered by the root of the transverse mesocolon, the coalescence of the ascending mesocolon, and the root of the mesentery. SYN: pars tecta duodeni.
- horizontal p. of duodenum inferior p. of duodenum. See duodenum.
- horizontal p. of facial canal first portion of facial canal, between beginning of canal (at the introitus of the facial canal at the end of the internal auditory meatus) and the point at which it turns to descend, beginning the descending p.. There are two components (crura) of the horizontal p.: the medially located, anteriorly directed medial crus and the laterally placed, posteriorly directed lateral crus, the two being continuous at a sharp bend, the genu of the facial canal. This lateral p. is where the genicular ganglion is located and communicates with the middle cranial fossa via the hiatus of the facial canal, through which the greater superficial petrosal nerve passes.
- parts of human body [TA] the head, neck, trunk, limbs, and cavities. SYN: partes corporis humani [TA].
- inferior p. [TA] the lowermost portion of a structure relative to the other parts; portion closest to the soles of the feet. see inferior p. of: duodenum, lingular branch of left pulmonary vein, and vestibular ganglion. SYN: pars inferior [TA].
- inferior p. of duodenum [TA] third section of duodenum inferior to head of pancreas that lies between the superior mesenteric vessels anteriorly and the aorta and inferior vena cava posteriorly. SYN: pars horizontalis duodeni [TA], horizontal p. of duodenum, pars inferior duodeni, third p. of duodenum.
- inferior p. of lingular vein (of left superior pulmonary vein) [TA] the vein draining the inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment of the left lung. SYN: pars inferior venae lingularis venae pulmonalis superioris sinistrae [TA].
- inferior p. of trapezius (muscle) ascending p. of trapezius (muscle).
- inferior p. of vestibular ganglion [TA] the lower p. of the vestibular ganglion that receives fibers from the macula of the saccule and the ampulla of the posterior semicircular duct. SYN: pars inferior ganglii vestibularis [TA].
- infraclavicular p. of brachial plexus [TA] the p. of the brachial plexus that extends from the level of the clavicle downward into the axilla; it includes the cords of the plexus and their branches. SYN: pars infraclavicularis plexus brachialis [TA].
- infralobar p. of posterior vein (of right superior pulmonary vein) [TA] the vein draining the posterior segment of the right lung that emerges inferior to the superior lobe; tributary to the posterior branch of the right superior pulmonary vein. SYN: pars infralobaris venae posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae [TA].
- infrasegmental p. SYN: intersegmental vein.
- infundibular p. SYN: pars tuberalis.
- inguinal p. of ductus deferens [TA] portion of ductus deferens located within the inguinal canal, i.e., between superficial and deep inguinal rings. SYN: pars inguinalis ductus deferentis [TA].
- insular p. SYN: lobus insula.
- insular p. of middle cerebral artery [TA] See middle cerebral artery. SYN: pars insularis arteriae cerebri mediae [TA].
- intercartilaginous p. of rima glottidis [TA] the opening between the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages; this p. is open during whispering and is closed during phonation and the Valsalva maneuver. SYN: pars intercartilaginea rimae glottidis [TA], glottis respiratoria, intercartilaginous p. of glottic opening.
- intermediate p. [TA] central portion; the portion located between extreme portions of a structure; an interposed or intervening p.. See intermediate p. of adenohypophysis, intermediate p. of male urethra. SYN: pars intermedia [TA].
- intermediate p. of adenohypophysis [TA] the p. of the adenohypophysis located between the pars distalis and the nervous lobe; poorly developed in humans. SYN: pars intermedia adenohypophyseos [TA].
- intermediate p. of male urethra [TA] the shortest and narrowest portion of the male urethra, about 1 cm in length, extending from the prostate to the beginning of the urethra in the corpus spongiosum just beyond the bulb. SYN: pars intermedia urethrae masculinae [TA], membranous urethra, pars membranacea urethrae masculinae, membranous p. of male urethra.
- intermediate p. of vestibular bulb SYN: commissure of bulbs.
- intermembranous p. of glottic opening SYN: intermembranous p. of rima glottidis.
- intermembranous p. of rima glottidis [TA] the portion of the opening anterior to the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages bounded by the vocal ligaments; this portion is closed by contraction of the lateral cricoarytenoid (muscle) only during whispering. SYN: pars intermembranacea rimae glottidis [TA], glottis vocalis, intermembranous p. of glottic opening.
- intracranial p. of optic nerve [TA] the portion of the optic nerve between the optic canal and the optic chiasm. SYN: pars intracranialis nervi optici [TA].
- intracranial p. of vertebral artery [TA] See vertebral artery. SYN: pars intracranialis arteriae vertebralis [TA].
- intralaminar p. of intralocular p. of optic nerve [TA] the portion of the intraocular p. of the optic nerve as it passes through the lamina cribrosa of the sclera. SYN: pars intralaminaris nervi optici intralocularis [TA].
- intralobar p. of the posterior vein (of the right superior pulmonary vein) [TA] the vein draining the apical and posterior segments of the right lung; tributary to the posterior branch of the right superior pulmonary vein. SYN: pars intralobaris (intersegmentalis) venae posterioris lobi superioris pulmonis dextri [TA].
- intramural p. of male urethra [TA] initial portion of male urethra traversing the wall (floor) of the bladder. SYN: pars intramuralis urethrae masculinae [TA], pars preprostatica urethrae masculinae, preprostatic p. of male urethra.
- intraocular p. of optic nerve [TA] the p. of the optic nerve within the eyeball; it is divided into intralaminar, postlaminar, and prelaminar parts. SYN: pars intraocularis nervi optici [TA].
- intrasegmental p. of pulmonary veins [TA] a vein emerging from the bronchopulmonary segment it drains; a tributary to a branch of a pulmonary vein. SYN: pars intrasegmentalis venae pulmonum [TA], intrasegmental veins.
- iridial p. of retina [TA] See retina. SYN: pars iridica retinae [TA].
- labial p. of orbicularis oris (muscle) [TA] the major p. of the orbicularis oris muscle within the body of the lips. SYN: pars labialis musculi orbicularis oris [TA].
- lacrimal p. of orbicularis oculi muscle [TA] p. of orbicularis oculi (muscle) arising from lacrimal bone. See orbicularis oculi (muscle). SYN: pars lacrimalis musculi orbicularis oculi [TA], Duverney muscle, Horner muscle, musculus tensor tarsi.
- lateral p. of longitudinal arch of foot [TA] portion of longitudinal arch of foot formed by the calcaneus, cuboid, and lateral two metatarsals (N–V); it is lower and less mobile than the medial p.; it functions in the transmission of weight while the medial p. of the arch functions to absorb the shock of the foot in locomotion. SYN: pars lateralis arcus pedis longitudinalis [TA].
- lateral p. of middle lobe vein (of right superior pulmonary vein) [TA] the vein draining the lateral bronchopulmonary segment of the middle lobe of the right lung. SYN: pars lateralis venae lobi medii venae pulmonalis dextri superioris.
- lateral p. of occipital bone [TA] the p. of the occipital bone that lies on either side of the foramen magnum. SYN: pars lateralis ossis occipitalis [TA], exoccipital bone.
- lateral p. of posterior cervical intertransversarii (muscles) posterior cervical intertransversarii (muscles), under muscle.
- lateral p. of posterior (extensor) compartment of forearm [TA] portion of the posterior fascial compartment of the forearm that includes the “lateral wad” muscles; brachioradialis and extensors radialis. SYN: pars lateralis compartimenti antebrachii posterioris (extensorum) [TA], radial p. of posterior compartment of forearm.
- lateral p. of sacrum [TA] the mass of the sacrum lateral to the sacral foramina formed by the fused costal elements. SYN: pars lateralis ossis sacri [TA].
- lateral p. of vaginal fornix [TA] See vaginal fornix. SYN: pars lateralis fornicis vaginae [TA].
- left p. of liver left liver.
- lumbar p. of diaphragm [TA] the portion of the diaphragm that arises from the upper lumbar vertebrae and from the medial and lateral arcuate ligaments. See right crus of diaphragm, left crus of diaphragm, lateral arcuate ligament, medial arcuate ligament. SYN: pars lumbalis diaphragmatis [TA], vertebral p. of diaphragm.
- lumbar p. of spinal cord [TA] portion of spinal cord that consists of the five lumbar segments (L1–L5) and from which five pairs of lumbar spinal nerves originate; in the adult it is located in the T10–L1 portion of the vertebral canal, and is enlarged relative to other parts of the cord because of its involvement in innervation of the lower limb. SYN: pars lumbalis medullae spinalis [TA], lumbar segments L1–L5 of spinal cord, segmenta lumbalia L1–L5, segmenta lumbalia medullae spinalis.
- marginal p. of orbicularis oris (muscle) [TA] the p. of the orbicularis oris muscle located in the margin of the lips, i.e., the red area. SYN: pars marginalis musculi orbicularis oris [TA].
- mastoid p. of the temporal bone SYN: mastoid process of petrous p. of temporal bone.
- medial p. of longitudinal arch of foot [TA] portion of longitudinal arch of foot formed by the calcaneus, talus, mavicular, cuneiforms, and medial metatarsals [I–III]. See longitudinal arch of foot. SYN: pars medialis arcus pedis longitudinalis [TA]. See longitudinal arch of foot.
- medial p. of middle lobe vein (of right superior pulmonary vein) [TA] the vein draining the medial bronchopulmonary segment of the middle lobe of the right lung. SYN: pars medialis venae lobi medii venae pulmonis dextri superioris [TA].
- mediastinal p. of lung SYN: mediastinal surface of lung.
- mediastinal p. of parietal pleura [TA] the continuation of the costal and diaphragmatic pleura of each side that passes from the vertebral column and sternum covering the sides of the mediastinum. SYN: pars mediastinalis pleurae parietalis [TA], mediastinal pleura, pleura mediastinalis.
- membranous p. of interventricular septum [TA] p. of the fibrous skeleton of the heart that is seen as a small, thin, round or oval nonmuscular area at the superior end of the interventricular septum; it lies just below and is continuous with the portion of the fibrous ring of the aortic valve supporting the anterior and posterior cusps, and with the right fibrous trigone; the atrioventricular bundle of conducting tissue courses along its dorsal margin and bifurcates at its inferior margin into the right and left crura. SYN: pars membranacea septi interventricularis [TA], membranous septum (2), septum membranaceum ventriculorum.
- membranous p. of nasal septum [TA] the small portion of the nasal septum anterior and inferior to the portion supported by the cartilage of the nasal septum. SYN: pars membranacea septi nasi [TA], membranous septum (1).
- mobile p. of nasal septum [TA] the anteroinferior movable p. of the nasal septum formed by the membranous p. and the medial crus of the greater alar cartilage on each side. SYN: pars mobilis septi nasi [TA], septum mobile nasi.
- muscular p. of interventricular septum (of heart) [TA] the thick muscular portion that composes most of the interventricular septum of the heart. SYN: pars muscularis septi interventricularis (cordis) [TA], septum musculare ventriculorum.
- mylopharyngeal p. of superior constrictor muscle of pharynx [TA] See superior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle). SYN: pars mylopharyngeus musculi constrictoris pharyngis superioris [TA], mylopharyngeal p. of superior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx.
- mylopharyngeal p. of superior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx SYN: mylopharyngeal p. of superior constrictor muscle of pharynx.
- nasal p. of frontal bone [TA] nasal portion of the frontal bone which lies between the two orbital parts anteriorly and forms p. of the roof of the nasal cavity. SYN: pars nasalis ossis frontalis [TA].
- nasal p. of pharynx SYN: nasopharynx.
- nervous p. of retina SYN: optic p. of retina. SYN: pars nervosa retinae.
- oblique p. of cricothyroid (muscle) [TA] See cricothyroid muscle. SYN: pars obliqua musculi cricothyroidei [TA].
- occipital p. of corpus callosum SYN: major forceps.
- opercular p. [TA] one of the three small cortical convolutions together forming a cover for the insular region. Opercular convolutions are frontal, temporal, and parietal. SYN: pars opercularis [TA].
- p. of optic nerve in canal [TA] the p. of the optic nerve lying within the optic canal. SYN: pars canalis nervi optici [TA].
- optic p. of retina [TA] See retina. SYN: nervous p. of retina.
- oral p. of pharynx SYN: oropharynx.
- orbital p. of frontal bone [TA] the portion of the frontal bone that contributes to the formation of the orbits. SYN: pars orbitalis ossis frontalis [TA].
- orbital p. of lacrimal gland [TA] See lacrimal gland. SYN: pars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis [TA].
- orbital p. of optic nerve [TA] the p. of the optic nerve between the eyeball and the optic canal, i.e., within the orbit. SYN: pars orbitalis nervi optici [TA].
- orbital p. of orbicularis oculi (muscle) [TA] SYN: pars orbitalis musculi orbicularis oculi. See orbicularis oculi (muscle).
- orbital p. [TA] of inferior frontal gyrus the rostral and slightly ventral portion of the inferior frontal gyrus. SYN: pars orbitalis [TA].
- osseous p. of skeletal system SYN: bony p. of skeletal system.
- palpebral p. of lacrimal gland [TA] See lacrimal gland. SYN: pars palpebralis glandulae lacrimalis [TA].
- parasympathetic p. of autonomic division of peripheral nervous system [TA] the presynaptic (preganglionic) autonomic neurons having cell bodies located in the brain, associated with the motor nuclei of certain cranial nerves [CN III, VII, IX, and X], or in the gray matter of spinal cord segments S2–S4, and the postsynaptic neurons with which the presynaptic fibers connect (synapse); in the head, there are four discrete parasympathetic ganglia : ciliary, pterygopalatine, otic, and submandibular/sublingual; in the trunk, the postsynaptic cells occur as isolated intrinsic ganglia. See autonomic division of nervous system. SYN: pars parasympathica divisionis automaticae systematis nervosi peripherici [TA], bulbosacral system, craniosacral division of autonomic nervous system, craniosacral nervous system.
- patent p. of umbilical artery [TA] portion of umbilical artery between its origin as a branch of the internal iliac artery and its postnatal occlusion distal to the origin of the superior vesicle arteries. SYN: pars patens arteriae umbilicalis [TA].
- pelvic p. [TA] the portion of a structure that is located within or is related to the pelvis. see pelvic p. of ductus deferens, of parasympathetic p. of autonomic division of nervous system, and of ureter. SYN: pars pelvica [TA].
- pelvic p. of ductus deferens [TA] portion of ductus deferens extending between the deep inguinal ring and the ampulla. SYN: pars pelvica ductus deferentes [TA].
- pelvic p. of peripheral autonomic plexuses and ganglia [TA] portion of the autonomic nerve plexuses which extend into and lie within the lesser pelvis, i.e., inferior to the plane of the pelvic inlet; included are the superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses, and the plexuses of the pelvic viscera : middle and inferior rectal, vesical, uterovaginal, prostatic and deferential; although technically they exit the pelvis and course within the erectile bodies of the perineum, the cavernous nerves of the penis and clitoris are also included. SYN: pars pelvica plexus visceralis et ganglii visceralis [TA].
- pelvic p. of ureter [TA] the p. of the ureter between the brim of the pelvis and the urinary bladder. SYN: pars pelvica ureteris [TA].
- pelvic p. of the urogenital sinus the upper pelvic portion of the embryologic urogenital sinus.
- petrous p. of internal carotid artery [TA] the p. of the internal carotid artery in the carotid canal; its branches are carotidotympanic arteries and the artery of the pterygoid canal. SYN: pars petrosa arteriae carotidis internae [TA], petrous bone.
- petrous p. of temporal bone [TA] the p. of the temporal bone that contains the structures of the inner ear and the second p. of the internal carotid artery; in antenatal life it appears as a separate ossification center. SYN: pars petrosa ossis temporalis [TA], periotic bone, petrosal bone, petrous pyramid.
- phrenicoceliac p. of suspensory muscle (ligament) of duodenum [TA] slip of skeletal muscle arising from the right crus of the diaphragm near the esophageal hiatus and joining the celiacoduodenal p. to attach to the terminal duodenum and duodenojejunal flexure. SYN: pars phrenicocoeliaca musculi (ligamenti) suspensorii duodeni [TA].
- pial p. of filum terminale [TA] portion of the filum terminale within the dural sac; it is composed of a prolongation of the pia caudal to the termination of the spinal cord at the tip of the conus medullaris. SEE ALSO: terminal filum. SYN: pars pialis fili terminalis [TA], filum terminale internum, pial filament.
- pigmented p. of retina SYN: pars pigmentosa.retina.
- postcommunicating p. of anterior cerebral artery [TA] portion of anterior cerebral artery distal to the anterior communicating artery. SYN: pars postcommunicalis arteriae cerebri anterioris [TA], A2 segment of anterior cerebral artery, segmentum A2 arteriae cerebri anterioris.
- postcommunicating p. of posterior cerebral artery [TA] portion of posterior cerebral artery distal to the posterior communicating artery. SYN: pars postcommunicalis arteriae cerebri posterioris [TA], P2 segment of posterior cerebral artery.
- posterior p. [TA] the posterior portion of the anterior commissure of the brain.
- posterior p. of anterior commissure of brain [TA] major, posterior portion of the connection between the paired olfactory bulbs and adjacent portions of the cortex of the frontal and temporal lobes. SYN: pars posterior commissurae anterioris [TA].
- posterior p. of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver [TA] that portion of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver that includes the bare area and the caudate lobe. SYN: pars posterior faciei diaphragmatis hepatis [TA].
- posterior p. of liver posterior hepatic segment I.
- posterior tibiotalar p. of deltoid ligament SYN: tibiotalar p. of medial ligament of ankle joint.
- posterior tibiotalar p. of medial ligament of ankle joint [TA] See medial ligament of ankle joint.
- posterior p. of tongue [TA] portion (posterior third) of tongue that lies posterior to the terminal sulcus, it is distinct from the anterior p. (anterior two-thirds) of tongue in both its embryologic origin and its innervation. SEE ALSO: dorsum of tongue. SYN: pars posterior linguae [TA], pars postsulcalis linguae, postsulcal p. of tongue.
- posterior p. of vaginal fornix [TA] SYN: pars posterior fornicis vaginae [TA].
- postlaminar p. of intraocular p. of optic nerve [TA] the portion of the intraocular p. of the optic nerve immediately posterior to the lamina cribrosa of the sclera. SYN: pars postlaminaris nervi optici intraocularis [TA].
- postsulcal p. of tongue posterior p. of tongue.
- precommunicating p. of anterior cerebral artery [TA] portion of anterior cerebral artery proximal to the anterior communicating artery. SYN: pars precommunicalis arteriae cerebri anterioris [TA], A1 segment of anterior cerebral artery, segmentum A1 arteriae cerebri anterioris, precommunical segment of anterior cerebral artery.
- precommunicating p. of posterior cerebral artery [TA] portion of posterior cerebral artery proximal to the posterior communicating artery. SYN: pars precommunicalis arteriae cerebri posterioris [TA], P1 segment of posterior cerebral artery, precommunical segment of posterior cerebral artery.
- prelaminar p. of intraocular p. of optic nerve [TA] the portion of the intraocular p. of the optic nerve immediately anterior to the lamina cribrosa of the sclera. SYN: pars prelaminaris nervi optici intraocularis [TA].
- preprostatic p. of male urethra intramural p. of male urethra.
- presulcal p. of tongue anterior p. of tongue.
- prevertebral p. of vertebral artery [TA] See vertebral artery. SYN: pars prevertebralis arteriae prevertebralis [TA].
- proximal p. of prostate [TA] portion of prostate derived from the more rostral anlage; includes anterior and middle lobes of mature prostate. SYN: pars proximalis prostatae [TA].
- proximal p. of prostatic urethra [TA] portion of prostatic urethra superior to the merging of the urinary and genital tracts at the openings of the ejaculatory ducts. SYN: pars proximalis urethrae prostaticae [TA].
- psoatic p. of iliopsoas fascia [TA] portion of the fascia overlying the iliopsoas (muscle), the specific portion directly related to the psoatic portion. SYN: pars psoatica fasciae iliopsoaticae [TA].
- pterygopharyngeal p. of superior constrictor muscle of pharynx [TA] See superior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle). SYN: pars pterygopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis superioris.
- pyloric p. of stomach [TA] that portion of the stomach between the angular notch and the pylorus; its mucosa contains pyloric glands. SYN: pars pylorica gastris [TA], pars pylorica ventriculi.
- quadrate p. of liver [TA] SYN: anterior portion of left medial segment IV of liver.
- retrolenticular p. of internal capsule that portion of the capsule caudal to the lentiform nucleus that contains occipitopontine fibers [TA], occipitiotectal fibers [TA], optic radiations [TA] (geniculocalcarine fibers [TA], posterior thalamic radiation [TA], and other fiber systems. SEE ALSO: retrolenticular limb of internal capsule. SYN: pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae [TA].
- right p. of diaphragmatic surface of liver [TA] the p. of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver deep to the bodies of the lower ribs on the right side. SYN: pars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis [TA].
- right p. of liver right liver.
- sacral p. of spinal cord [TA] the p. of the cord from which consists of the five sacral segments of the spinal cord (S1–S5) and from which five pairs of sacral nerves originate. SYN: pars sacralis medullae spinalis [TA], segmenta sacralia medullae spinalis [TA].
- scrotal p. of ductus deferens [TA] initial portion of ductus deferens, between the epididymis and the spermatic cord, as the ductus runs parallel to the epididymis and the testis. SYN: pars scrotalis ductus deferentis [TA].
- second p. of duodenum SYN: descending p. of duodenum.
- soft parts the nonbony and noncartilaginous tissues of the body.
- soleal p. of posterior (plantar flexor) compartment of leg [TA] portion of posterior osteofascial compartment of leg that includes the soleus muscle. SYN: pars solealis compartimenti cruris posterioris [TA].
- sphenoid p. of middle cerebral artery [TA] See middle cerebral artery. SYN: pars sphenoidalis arteriae cerebralis mediae [TA].
- spinal p. of arachnoid SYN: spinal arachnoid mater.
- spinal p. of deltoid (muscle) [TA] portion of deltoid (muscle) originating from the spine of the scapula. SYN: pars spinalis musculi deltoidei [TA].
- spinal p. of filum terminale [TA] initial (superiormost) portion of filum terminale at the tip of the conus medullaris that still includes a central canal. SYN: pars spinalis fili terminalis [TA].
- spongy p. of the male urethra SYN: spongy urethra.
- squamous p. of frontal bone [TA] the broad, curved portion of the frontal bone forming the forehead. SYN: squama frontalis [TA].
- squamous p. of occipital bone [TA] the tabular or squamous portion of occipital bone. SYN: squama occipitalis, occipital squama [TA], frontal squama.
- squamous p. of temporal bone [TA] the broad, flat, thin (scale-like) anterior and superior portion of the temporal bone forming p. of the lateral wall of the cranial vault. SYN: pars squamosa ossis temporalis [TA], squama temporalis, temporal squama.
- sternal p. of diaphragm [TA] the small slip on each side that arises from the inner surface of the xiphoid process and inserts on the central tendon. SYN: pars sternalis diaphragmatis [TA].
- sternocostal p. of pectoralis major muscle SYN: sternocostal head of pectoralis major (muscle). See pectoralis major (muscle).
- straight p. of cricothyroid muscle [TA] See cricothyroid muscle.
- subcutaneous p. of external anal sphincter [TA] See external anal sphincter. SYN: pars subcutanea musculi sphincteri ani externi [TA], subcutaneous portion of external anal sphincter.
- sublenticular p. of internal capsule the p. of the internal capsule below the caudal third of the lentiform nucleus that contains the acoustic radiation [TA] (geniculotemporal fibers [TA]), corticotectal fibers [TA], temporopontine fibers [TA], and corticothalamic fibers as well as that p. of the optic radiation representing the upper p. of the contralateral half of the binocular visual field. SEE ALSO: sublentiform limb of internal capsule. SYN: pars sublentiformis capsulae internae [TA].
- suboccipital p. of vertebral artery SYN: atlantic p. of vertebral artery.
- superficial p. of anterior (flexor) compartment of forearm [TA] portion of anterior (flexor) compartment of forearm including the superficial (and intermediate) layers of pronator and flexor muscles: pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, and flexor digitorum superficialis. SYN: pars superficialis compartimenti antebrachii anterioris [TA].
- superficial p. of external anal sphincter [TA] See external anal sphincter. SYN: pars superficialis musculi sphincteri ani externi [TA].
- superficial p. of masseter muscle [TA] See masseter (muscle). SYN: pars superficialis musculi masseteri [TA].
- superficial p. of parotid gland [TA] See parotid gland. SYN: pars superficialis glandulae parotideae [TA].
- superficial p. of posterior (plantar flexor) compartment of leg [TA] portion of posterior (plantar flexor) compartment of leg including the gastrocnemius and soleus (muscles); it is separated from the deep p. by the transverse intermuscular septum of leg. SYN: pars superficialis compartimenti cruris posterioris [TA], pars tricipitalis compartimenti cruris posterioris.
- superior p. of diaphragmatic surface of liver [TA] the convex superior portion of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver. SYN: pars superior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis [TA].
- superior p. of duodenum initial (first) p. of duodenum immediately distal to the pylorus and proximal to the descending (second) p.. See duodenum. SYN: pars superior duodeni [TA], first p. of duodenum, pars prima duodeni. See duodenum.
- superior p. of lingular vein (of left superior pulmonary vein) [TA] the vein that drains the superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment of the left lung. SYN: pars superior venae lingularis venae pulmonis superioris sinistri [TA].
- superior p. of vestibular ganglion [TA] rostral p., the superior p. of the vestibular ganglion that receives fibers from the maculae of the utricle and the saccule and the ampullae of the anterior and lateral semicircular ducts. SYN: pars superior ganglii vestibularis [TA].
- supraclavicular p. of brachial plexus [TA] the p. of the brachial plexus that lies superior to the clavicle; it includes the roots, trunks, and divisions that give rise to the dorsal scapular, long thoracic, suprascapular and subclavian nerves. SYN: pars supraclavicularis plexus brachialis [TA].
- supravaginal p. of cervix [TA] the p. of the cervix of the uterus lying above the attachment of the vagina. SYN: portio supravaginalis cervicis [TA].
- sympathetic p. of autonomic division of peripheral nervous system [TA] the sympathetic p. of the autonomic division of the nervous system. SEE ALSO: autonomic division of nervous system. SYN: pars sympathica (divisionis autonomicae systematis nervosei peripherici) [TA], sympathetic nervous system, thoracolumbar nervous system.
- tense p. of the tympanic membrane [TA] the greater portion of the tympanic membrane that is tense and firm, contrasting with the small triangular flaccid p. of tympanic membrane. SYN: pars tensa membranae tympani [TA], membrana tensa, membrana vibrans.
- terminal p. SYN: pars terminalis. See terminal branches of middle cerebral artery, under branch, posterior cerebral artery.
- third p. of duodenum SYN: inferior p. of duodenum.
- thoracic p. of aorta SYN: thoracic aorta.
- thoracic p. of esophagus [TA] the p. of the esophagus between the superior thoracic aperture and the diaphragm. SYN: pars thoracica esophagi [TA].
- thoracic p. of iliocostalis lumborum (muscle) [TA] portion of the iliocostalis muscle which extends superiorly from the costal angles of the lower six ribs to the costal angles of the upper six ribs and the transverse process of vertebra C7, between iliocostalis lumborum inferiorly and laterally and iliocostalis cervicis superiorly and medially. SYN: pars thoracica muscularis iliocostalis lumborum [TA].
- thoracic p. of peripheral autonomic plexuses and ganglia [TA] autonomic plexuses of the thoracic viscera : heart/aorta, lungs/bronchi, and esophagus, and associated parasympathetic ganglia. SYN: pars thoracica plexuum et ganglionorum visceralium [TA].
- thoracic p. of spinal cord [TA] the p. of the spinal cord that consists of the twelve thoracic segments [T1–T12] of the spinal cord from which the twelve pairs of thoracic nerves [T1–T12] originate. SYN: pars thoracica medullae spinalis [TA], segmenta thoracica medullae spinalis [TA].
- thoracic p. of thoracic duct [TA] portion of the thoracic duct within the thorax, from aortic hiatus to the level of the first thoracic vertebra. SYN: pars thoracica ductus thoracici [TA].
- thoracic p. of trachea [TA] portion of trachea that lies within the thorax, that is, the portion between the plane of the superior thoracic aperture above and the bifurcation of the trachea at the level of the sternal angle below. SYN: pars thoracica tracheae [TA].
- thyroepiglottic p. of thyroarytenoid (muscle) [TA] intrinsic muscle of larynx; origin, inner surface of thyroid cartilage in common with the thyroarytenoideus muscle; insertion, aryepiglottic fold and margin of epiglottis; action, depresses base of epiglottis; nerve supply, recurrent laryngeal. SYN: pars thyroepiglottica musculi thyroarytenoidei [TA], depressor muscle of epiglottis, musculus thyroepiglotticus, thyroepiglottic muscle, thyroepiglottidean muscle, ventricularis (2).
- thyropharyngeal p. of inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx [TA] See inferior constrictor (muscle) of pharynx. SYN: pars thyropharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis inferioris [TA], thyropharyngeal p. of inferior pharyngeal constrictor (muscle) of pharynx.
- tibiocalcaneal p. of deltoid ligament tibiocalcaneal p. of medial ligament of ankle joint.
- tibiocalcaneal p. of medial ligament of ankle joint [TA] the p. of the medial or deltoid ligament that extends from the medial malleolus to the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus. SYN: pars tibiocalcanea ligamenti collateralis medialis articulationis talocruralis [TA], pars tibiocalcanea ligamenti deltoidei, tibiocalcaneal p. of deltoid ligament, calcaneotibial ligament, ligamentum calcaneotibiale, tibiocalcaneal ligament.
- tibionavicular p. of medial ligament of ankle joint [TA] the p. of the medial or deltoid ligament that extends from the medial malleolus to the navicular bone. SEE ALSO: medial ligament of ankle joint. SYN: pars tibionavicularis ligamenti collateralis medialis articulationis talocrucalis [TA], ligamentum tibionaviculare, tibionavicular ligament, tibionavicular p. of deltoid ligament.
- tibiotalar p. of medial ligament of ankle joint [TA] the p. of the medial or deltoid ligament that extends from the medial malleolus to the posterior process of the talus. SYN: pars tibiotalaris posterior ligamenti collateralis medialis articulationis talocruralis [TA], ligamentum talotibiale posterius, posterior talotibial ligament, posterior tibiotalar ligament, posterior tibiotalar p. of deltoid ligament.
- transversarial p. of vertebral artery [TA] SYN: cervical p. of vertebral artery.
- transverse p. of iliofemoral ligament [TA] the more horizontal limb of the inverted Y-shaped iliofemoral ligament. SYN: pars transversa ligamenti iliofemoralis [TA].
- transverse p. of left branch of portal vein [TA] the long unbranched portion of the left branch of the portal vein. SYN: pars transversa rami sinistri venae portae hepatis [TA].
- transverse p. of nasalis muscle [TA] See nasalis (muscle). SYN: pars transversa musculi nasalis [TA].
- transverse p. of trapezius (muscle) [TA] middle third of trapezius with muscle fibers running transversely to the spine of the scapula; acts to retract the scapulae (shoulders) at the conceptual scapulothoracic joint. SYN: pars transversa musculi trapezii [TA].
- triangular p. [TA] the middle one of three small convolutions that together compose the inferior frontal gyrus of the cerebral cortex, the other two being the orbital p. and opercular p.. SYN: pars triangularis [TA].
- tympanic p. of temporal bone SYN: tympanic plate of temporal bone.
- umbilical p. of left branch of portal vein [TA] the highly branched p. of the left branch of the portal vein; the round and venous ligaments attach to this p.. SYN: pars umbilicalis rami sinistri venae portae hepatis [TA].
- uterine p. of uterine tube [TA] the p. of the uterine tube located within the wall of the uterus. SYN: pars uterina tubae uterinae [TA].
- uveal p. of trabecular tissue of sclera [TA] the posterior p. of the trabecular reticulum, located between the scleral spur, the ciliary body, and the anterior surface of the iris. SYN: pars uvealis reticuli trabecularis sclerae [TA], uveal p. of trabecular reticulum.
- vagal p. of accessory nerve cranial root of accessory nerve. See accessory nerve [CN XI].
- vaginal p. of cervix [TA] the p. of the cervix uteri contained within the vagina. SYN: portio vaginalis cervicis [TA].
- ventral p. of intertransversarii laterales lumborum (muscles) [TA] portions of the lateral intertransversarii of the lumbar region connecting the costal elements of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. SYN: pars ventralis musculi intertransversarii lateralium lumborum [TA].
- ventral p. of pons SYN: basilar p. of pons.
- vertebral p. of the costal surface of the lungs [TA] the p. of the medial surface of the lung in contact with the vertebral bodies. SYN: pars vertebralis faciei costalis pulmonis [TA].
- vertebral p. of diaphragm SYN: lumbar p. of diaphragm.
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Prevention of Atherosclerosis with Ramipril Therapy [trial]; Probucol Angioplasty Restenosis Trial

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part 'pärt n
1) one of several or many like units into which something is divided or of which it is composed: a proportional division or ingredient <mix the powder with three \parts of water>
2) a portion of an animal body: as
a) an essential anatomical element: ORGAN, MEMBER <the chief \parts of the digestive system are the esophagus, stomach, intestine, and associated glands>
b) an indefinite area or one lacking or not considered in respect to a natural boundary <bathe the affected \part with warm water>

* * *

(pahrt) pars.

For names of parts of various anatomical structures not found here, see under pars.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • part — 1. (par ; l Académie dit que le t se prononce ; c est une erreur ; ceux qui usent de ce mot, les légistes et les médecins, ne prononcent pas le t) s. m. 1°   Terme de jurisprudence. L enfant dont une femme vient d accoucher.    Exposition de part …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Part — (p[aum]rt), n. [F. part, L. pars, gen. partis; cf. parere to bring forth, produce. Cf. {Parent}, {Depart}, {Parcel}, {Partner}, {Party}, {Portion}.] 1. One of the portions, equal or unequal, into which anything is divided, or regarded as divided; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Part of Me — «Part of Me» Сингл Кэти Перри из альбома …   Википедия

  • Part — (p[aum]rt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Parted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Parting}.] [F. partir, L. partire, partiri, p. p. partitus, fr. pars, gen. partis, a part. See {Part}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. To divide; to separate into distinct parts; to break into two… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • PÄRT (A.) — PÄRT ARVO (1935 ) Le compositeur Arvo Pärt naît le 11 septembre 1935 à Paide, en Estonie. Élève de Heino Eller, il sort diplômé du Conservatoire de Tallinn en 1963. Pour gagner sa vie, il travaille comme ingénieur puis comme directeur du son à la …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • part — [pɑːt ǁ pɑːrt] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] a piece of something such as an object, area, or group: part of • He will have to repay part of the money. • An important part of the trend towards globalisation is the growth of multinational… …   Financial and business terms

  • Part — Part, v. i. 1. To be broken or divided into parts or pieces; to break; to become separated; to go asunder; as, rope parts; his hair parts in the middle. [1913 Webster] 2. To go away; to depart; to take leave; to quit each other; hence, to die;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Part — (über frz. part aus lat. pars „Teil“) steht für: Teil, in diesem Sinn seltener verwendet Stimme (Musik) Rolle (Theater), auch im übertragenen Sinn in der Schifffahrt: Den Teil einer Leine. Hier wird das Wort als Femininum verwendet. Also die lose …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Part II — Студийный альбом Lil Jon th …   Википедия

  • part — I (place) noun area, division, locale, location, premises, purlieus, quarter, room, section, site, spot associated concepts: part in a courthouse II (portion) noun allocation, allowance, amount, bit, chip, chunk, collop, component, constituent,… …   Law dictionary

  • Part of Me — may refer to:Entertainment* Part of Me , a 1999 single by the New Zealand band Stellar* * Part of Me , a song by progressive rock band Tool from their 1992 debut EP Opiate * part of Me , a 2007 song featured in Japanese singer Ayumi Hamasaki s… …   Wikipedia

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