Microsporida — An order of the protozoan class Microsporea and phylum Microspora, characterized by minute spores with a single long, coiled, tubular filament enclosing the infective cell or sporoplasm. They are typically parasites of invertebrates and lower… … Medical dictionary
pansporoblast — The reproductive sporoblast that gives rise to more than one spore in the order Myxosporida (class Myxosporea, phylum Myxozoa). [pan + G. sporos, seed, + blastos, germ] * * * pan·sporo·blast (pan sporґo blast) [pan + sporo + blast] a… … Medical dictionary
Pleistophora — A genus of microsporidians in the protozoan phylum Microspora, commonly found in fish and insects, with mononucleate, thick walled spores in clusters of more than eight. An undescribed but distinct species of P. was implicated as the cause of a… … Medical dictionary
Trachipleistophora — A genus of microsporidia that can infect humans and cause myositis, keratoconjunctivitis, and sinusitis in the immunocompromised person. * * * Tra·chi·pleis·toph·o·ra (tra kĭ plīs tofґə rə) a genus of parasitic protozoa… … Medical dictionary
Brachiola — Bra·chi·o·la (bra″ke oґlə) a genus of parasitic protozoa (suborder Pansporoblastina, order Microsporida), usually found in insects. In immunocompromised persons, some species can cause microsporidiosis and myositis … Medical dictionary
pansporoblastic membrane — a surface membrane surrounding the sporoblasts in a pansporoblast; characteristic of microsporidian protozoa of the suborder Pansporoblastina … Medical dictionary
Thelohania — The·lo·ha·nia (the″lo haґne ə) a genus of protozoa (suborder Pansporoblastina, order Microsporida) parasitic in the larvae of certain culicine and anopheline mosquitoes and crane flies and in the brains of rodents … Medical dictionary