Trachipleistophora hominis — the most common species in the genus, found in cases of opportunistic myositis and other infections … Medical dictionary
Microsporidiosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 B60.8 ICD 9 136.8 … Wikipedia
Mitosome — A mitosome is an organelle found in some unicellular eukaryotic organisms. The mitosome has only recently been found and named,[1] and its function has not yet been well characterized. It was termed a crypton by one group, but that name is no… … Wikipedia
microsporidia — Common name for members of the protozoan phylum Microspora. It includes some 80 genera parasitizing all classes of vertebrates and many invertebrates, especially the insects. Several genera, such as Encephalitozoon, Enterocytozoon, Nosema,… … Medical dictionary
Митосомы — Электронная микрофотография митосом из Giardia intestinalis. Стрелочками показаны скопления Fe S кластеров Митосомы это органеллы, найденные у некоторых одноклеточных эукариотических организмов. Так как они были открыты относительно недавно … Википедия