- talotibial ligament anterior
- pars tibiotalaris anterior ligamenti medialis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Ligament — A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. Ligament is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin ligare meaning to bind or tie. * * * 1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or… … Medical dictionary
pars tibiotalaris anterior ligamenti collateralis medialis — [TA] anterior tibiotalar part of medial collateral ligament: the deeper portion of the medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint, attached superiorly to the medial malleolus of the tibia and inferiorly to the medial surface of the talus.… … Medical dictionary
part — A portion. SYN: pars [TA]. abdominal p. of aorta SYN: abdominal aorta. abdominal p. of esophagus [TA] the portion of the esophagus from where it passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. See … Medical dictionary