- bulk laxative
- bulk-forming laxative a hydrophilic agent that promotes evacuation of the bowel by absorbing water and expanding, thus increasing the volume of the feces.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Laxative — Laxatives (purgatives, aperients) are foods, compounds, or drugs taken to induce bowel movements or to loosen the stool, most often taken to treat constipation. Certain stimulant, lubricant, and saline laxatives are used to evacuate the colon for … Wikipedia
laxative — laxatively, adv. laxativeness, n. /lak seuh tiv/, n. 1. a medicine or agent for relieving constipation. adj. 2. of, pertaining to, or constituting a laxative; purgative. 3. Archaic. a. (of the bowels) subject to looseness. b. (of a disease)… … Universalium
methylcellulose — A methyl ester of cellulose that forms a colorless viscous liquid when dissolved in water, alcohol, or ether; used to increase bulk of the intestinal contents, to relieve constipation, or of the … Medical dictionary
Polycarbophil — Drugbox IUPAC name = width=250 CAS number=9003 97 8 ATC prefix=A06 ATC suffix=AC08 ATC supplemental= PubChem= DrugBank= C = | H = | N = 0 | O = | Ca = 4 molecular weight = /mol bioavailability= % metabolism = elimination half life= excretion =… … Wikipedia
carboxymethylcellulose — A cellulose derivative which forms a colloidal dispersion in water; indigestible and nonabsorbable systemically; absorbs water and is used as a bulk laxative. Can also be used as a suspending agent. * * * car·boxy·meth·yl·cel·lu·lose (.)kär .bäk… … Medical dictionary
Plantago — Taxobox name = Plantago (Plantains) image width = 250px image caption = Greater Plantain ( Plantago major ) regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Lamiales familia = Plantaginaceae genus = Plantago genus authority … Wikipedia
karaya gum — n any of several laxative vegetable gums that are similar to tragacanth and are often used as substitutes for it, that are obtained from tropical Asian trees (genera Sterculia of the family Sterculiaceae and Cochlospermum of the family Bixaceae) … Medical dictionary
psyllium — A plant with seeds that are used as a mild laxative. The outer layer of the seeds swells when wet. This increases the size of stool and helps it pass more easily through the intestines (lower part of the digestive tract). Psyllium is a type of… … English dictionary of cancer terms
carboxymethylcellulose — noun Date: 1947 an acid ether derivative of cellulose that in the form of its sodium salt is used as a thickening, emulsifying, and stabilizing agent and as a bulk laxative in medicine … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bentonite — is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate generally impure clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. There are a few types of bentonites and their names depend on the dominant elements, such as K, Na, Ca, and Al. As noted in several places in the … Wikipedia