swaying gait

swaying gait
cerebellar g.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • wobbler syndrome — 1. in large to giant dogs, malformation of the lower cervical vertebrae with compression of the spinal cord so that the animal has ataxia of the hind limbs and a swaying gait; it may progress to paralysis. Called also wobbles. 2. in young horses …   Medical dictionary

  • roll — /roʊl / (say rohl) verb (i) 1. to move along a surface by turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel. 2. to move or be moved on wheels, as a vehicle or its occupants. 3. to move onwards or advance in a stream or with an undulating motion, as… …  

  • roll — v. & n. v. 1 a intr. move or go in some direction by turning over and over on an axis (the ball rolled under the table; a barrel started rolling). b tr. cause to do this (rolled the barrel into the cellar). 2 tr. make revolve between two surfaces …   Useful english dictionary

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  • wad|dle — «WOD uhl», verb, dled, dling, noun. –v.i. to walk with short steps and an awkward, swaying motion, as a duck does: »A very fat man waddled across the street. –n. 1. the act of waddling: »He made us laugh by imitating the waddle of a duck. 2. an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy — The best known form of muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is caused by a genetic error in a gene on the X chromosome that prevents the production of dystrophin, a normal protein in muscle. DMD affects boys and, very rarely,… …   Medical dictionary

  • roll — [[t]roʊl[/t]] v. i. 1) to move along a surface by turning over and over 2) to move or be moved on wheels 3) to flow or advance with an undulating motion, as waves 4) to extend in undulations, as land 5) to elapse, as time 6) to move as in a cycle …   From formal English to slang

  • waddle — I. intransitive verb (waddled; waddling) Etymology: frequentative of wade Date: 1592 1. to walk with short steps swinging the forepart of the body from side to side 2. to move clumsily in a manner suggesting a waddle • waddler noun II. noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Chameleon — For other uses, see Chameleon (disambiguation). Chameleon Common Chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

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