pituitary ameloblastoma
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ameloblastoma — A benign odontogenic epithelial neoplasm that histologically mimics the embryonal enamel organ but does not differentiate to the point of forming dental hard tissues; it behaves as a slowly growing expansile radiolucent tumor, occurs most… … Medical dictionary
craniopharyngioma — A suprasellar neoplasm, which may be cystic, that develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch; the histologic pattern, similar to that observed in adamantinomas, consists of nesting of squamous epithelium bordered by radially… … Medical dictionary
adamantinoma — a. of long bones a rare tumor of limb bones, usually the tibia, that microscopically resembles an ameloblastoma; the histogenesis is uncertain. pituitary a. SYN: craniopharyngioma. * * * ad·a·man·ti·no·ma .ad ə .mant ən ō mə n … Medical dictionary
tumor — 1. Any swelling or tumefaction. 2. SYN: neoplasm. 3. One of the four signs of inflammation (t., calor, dolor, rubor) enunciated by Celsus. [L. t., a swelling] acinar cell t. a … Medical dictionary