- craniopharyngioma
- A suprasellar neoplasm, which may be cystic, that develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch; the histologic pattern, similar to that observed in adamantinomas, consists of nesting of squamous epithelium bordered by radially arranged cells; frequently accompanied by calcium deposition; may occassionally have a papillary architecture microscopically. SYN: Erdheim tumor, pituitary adamantinoma, pituitary ameloblastoma, Rathke pouch tumor, suprasellar cyst. [cranio- + pharyngio- + -oma]- cystic papillomatous c. a form of c. characterized by large cysts within which are fungating, irregular outgrowths of stratified squamous epithelium.
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cra·nio·pha·ryn·gi·o·ma -.far-ən-jē-'ō-mə, -fə-.rin-jē-'ō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a tumor of the brain near the pituitary gland that develops esp. in children or young adults from epithelium derived from the embryonic craniopharyngeal canal and that is often associated with increased intracranial pressure* * *
n.a brain tumour, situated above the sella turcica, that is derived from remnants of Rathke's pouch, an embryologic structure from which the pituitary gland is partly formed. The patient may show raised intracranial pressure and diabetes insipidus due to reduced secretion of the hormone vasopressin. An X-ray of the skull typically shows calcification within the tumour and loss of the normal skull structure around the pituitary gland.* * *
cra·nio·pha·ryn·gi·o·ma (kra″ne-o-fə-rin″je-oґmə) a tumor arising from cell rests derived from the hypophysial stalk or Rathke pouch, frequently associated with increased intracranial pressure, and showing calcium deposits in the capsule or in the tumor proper. Deficits of pituitary hormones may also occur. Called also craniopharyngeal duct tumor, Rathke or Rathke pouch tumor, suprasellar cyst, and pituitary adamantinoma or ameloblastoma.Craniopharyngioma; the heterogeneous densely enhancing suprasellar mass extends from the pituitary fossa into the hypothalamus and third ventricle.
Medical dictionary. 2011.