
SYN: adenoid (1).

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aden·i·form ə-'den-ə-.fȯrm, -'dēn- adj resembling a gland

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aden·i·form (ə-denґĭ-form) [aden- + form] adenoid (def. 2).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • adeniform — əˈdenəˌfȯrm, ēn adjective Etymology: aden + iform : like a gland * * * adeniform, a. (əˈdɛnɪfɔːm, ˈædɪnɪfɔːm) [ad. mod.L. adeni formis, f. aden + form.] Having the form or appearance of a gland; adenoid. Mayne Exp …   Useful english dictionary

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