suspensory bandage

suspensory bandage
a bandage arranged to support a hanging part of the body. Examples include a sling used to hold an injured lower jaw in position and a bandage used to support the scrotum in various conditions of the male genital organs.

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a bandage for supporting the scrotum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • suspensory bandage — a bandage arranged to support a hanging part of the body. Examples include a sling used to hold an injured lower jaw in position and a bandage used to support the scrotum in various conditions of the male genital organs …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • suspensory — /səˈspɛnsəri/ (say suh spensuhree) adjective 1. serving or fitted to suspend or hold up, as a ligament, muscle, bandage, etc. 2. suspending the operation of something. –noun (plural suspensories) 3. a suspensory bandage, ligament, muscle, or the… …  

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  • Suspensory — Sus*pen so*ry, n. [Cf. F. suspensoir, suspensoire.] That which suspends, or holds up, as a truss; specifically (Med.), a bandage or bag for supporting the scrotum. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • bandage — 1. A piece of cloth or other material, of varying shape and size, applied to a body part to provide compression, protect from external contamination, prevent drying, absorb drainage, prevent motion, and retain surgical dressings. 2 …   Medical dictionary

  • suspensory — 1. Suspending; supporting; denoting a ligament, a muscle, or other structure that keeps an organ or other part in place. 2. A supporter applied to uplift a dependent part, such as the scrotum or a pendulous breast. * * * sus·pen·so·ry sə spen(t)s …   Medical dictionary

  • suspensory — /seuh spen seuh ree/, n., pl. suspensories, adj. n. 1. a supporting bandage, muscle, ligament, etc. adj. 2. serving as a suspensory. 3. suspending the operation of something. [1535 45; < L suspens(us) (see SUSPENSE) + ORY] * * * …   Universalium

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