
1. A piece of cloth or other material, of varying shape and size, applied to a body part to provide compression, protect from external contamination, prevent drying, absorb drainage, prevent motion, and retain surgical dressings. 2. To cover a body part by application of a b..
- adhesive b. a dressing of plain absorbent gauze affixed to plastic or fabric coated with a pressure-sensitive adhesive.
- Barton b. a figure-of-8 b. supporting the mandible below and anteriorly; used in mandibular fracture.
- capeline b. a b. covering the head or an amputation stump like a cap. [L. capella, a cap]
- circular b. one encircling an extremity, or a portion of it, or the trunk.
- cravat b. a b. made by bringing the point of a triangular b. to the middle of the base and then folding lengthwise to the desired width.
- crucial b. a b. in the shape of a cross; e.g., a T-b..
- demigauntlet b. a gauntlet b. that covers only the hand, leaving the fingers exposed.
- Desault b. a b. for fracture of the clavicle; the elbow is bound to the side, with a pad placed in the axilla.
- elastic b. a b. containing stretchable material; used to provide local compression.
- Esmarch b. SYN: Esmarch tourniquet.
- figure-of-8 b. a b. applied alternately to two parts, usually two segments of a limb above and below the joint, in such a way that the turns describe the figure 8; a specific b. used for treatment of fractures of the clavicle.
- four-tailed b. a strip of cloth split in two except for a central portion placed under the chin, with four tails tied over the head; used to limit motion of the mandible.
- gauntlet b. a figure-of-8 b. covering the hand and fingers.
- gauze b. gauze.
- Gibney fixation b. herring-bone strapping of the foot and leg for sprain of the ankle.
- Gibson b. a b., resembling Barton b., for stabilizing a fracture of the mandible.
- hammock b. a b. for retaining dressings on the head : the dressings are covered by a wide gauze strip, the ends of which are brought down over the ears and held while a narrow circular b. is passed around the head; the ends of the gauze strip are then turned up over the circular b. and other turns are made securing them firmly.
- immovable b. a b. of cloth impregnated with plaster of Paris, liquid glass, or the like, which hardens soon after its application.
- Martin b. a roller b. of soft rubber used to provide compression to a limb in the treatment of varicose veins or ulcers.
- oblique b. a b. in which the successive turns proceed obliquely up or down the limb.
- plaster b. a roller b. impregnated with plaster of Paris and applied moist; used to make a rigid dressing for a fracture or diseased joint.
- roller b. a strip of material, of variable width, rolled into a compact cylinder to facilitate its application.
- scarf b. SYN: triangular b..
- Scultetus b. a large oblong cloth, the ends of which are cut into narrow strips, which is applied to the thorax or abdomen, the strips being tied or overlapped and pinned.
- spica b. successive strips of material applied to the body and the first part of a limb, or to the hand and a finger, which overlap slightly in a V to resemble an ear of grain. [L. spica, ear of grain]
- spiral b. an oblique b. encircling a limb, the successive turns overlapping those preceding.
- suspensory b. a bag of expansile fabric for supporting the scrotum and its contents.
- T-b. SYN: T-binder.
- triangular b. a piece of cloth cut in the shape of a right-angled triangle, used as a sling. SYN: scarf b..
- Velpeau b. a b. that serves to immobilize arm to chest wall, with the forearm positioned obliquely across and upward on front of chest.

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ban·dage 'ban-dij n a strip of fabric used to cover a wound, hold a dressing in place, immobilize an injured part, or apply pressure see CAPELINE, ESMARCH BANDAGE, PRESSURE BANDAGE, SPICA, VELPEAU BANDAGE
bandage vb, ban·daged; ban·dag·ing vt to bind, dress, or cover with a bandage <\bandage a wound> <\bandage a sprained ankle> vi to apply a bandage
ban·dag·er n

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a piece of material, in the form of a pad or strip, applied to a wound or used to bind around an injured or diseased part of the body.

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ban·dage (banґdəj) 1. a strip or roll of gauze or other material for wrapping or binding any part of the body. 2. to cover by wrapping with a strip of gauze or other material. See also dressing and strapping.

Various types of bandages.

Medical dictionary. 2011.


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  • bandage — [ bɑ̃daʒ ] n. m. • 1508; de bander I ♦ 1 ♦ Rare Action de bander, de fixer un pansement. 2 ♦ Cour. Bandes de tissu ainsi appliquées. Bandage simple. ⇒ 1. bande, écharpe, pansement. Bandage en T, croisé (⇒ spica) . Bandage ouaté. Bandage herniaire …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • bandage — BANDAGE. s. m. Bande, lien qui sert à bander. Faire un bandage. Délier un bandage. f♛/b] Il se prend aussi pour La façon, la manière de bander quelque chose. Un des grands secrets de l art des Chirurgièns, c est le bandage.[b]Bandage, se dit… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Bandage — Sf fester Schnür bzw. Stützverband erw. fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. bandage, einer Ableitung von frz. bander verbinden , zu frz. bande Binde , das aus dem Germanischen stammt (binden). Die harten Bandagen sind die Vorläufer der… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Bandage — Band age (b[a^]nd [asl]j), n. [F. bandage, fr. bande. See {Band}.] 1. A fillet or strip of woven material, used in dressing and binding up wounds, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. Something resembling a bandage; that which is bound over or round something… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bandage — Bandage. s. m. Façon & maniere de bander quelque chose. Un des grands secrets de l art des Chirurgiens, c est le bandage. Il se prend encore pour les bandes mesmes qui servent à bander, & plus particulierement pour un Brayer. Bandage, Se dit… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Bandage — Band age, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bandaged} (b[a^]nd [asl]jd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Bandaging} (b[a^]nd [asl]*j[i^]ng).] To bind, dress, or cover, with a bandage; as, to bandage the eyes. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bandage — 1590s, from M.Fr. bandage (16c.), from O.Fr. bander to bind, from bande a strip (see BAND (Cf. band) (1)). As a verb from 1774. Related: Bandaged; bandaging …   Etymology dictionary

  • bandage — [n] covering for wound cast, compress, dressing, gauze, plaster; concept 311 bandage [v] cover a wound bind, dress, swathe, truss, wrap; concept 310 …   New thesaurus

  • bandage — ► NOUN ▪ a strip of material used to bind up a wound or to protect an injury. ► VERB ▪ bind with a bandage. ORIGIN French, from bande band …   English terms dictionary

  • bandage — [ban′dij] n. [Fr < bande, BAND1] a strip of cloth, esp. gauze, or other dressing used to bind or cover an injured part of the body vt. bandaged, bandaging to put a bandage on (an injured part or person) …   English World dictionary

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