Plasminogen activators — can refer to: * Tissue plasminogen activator * Urinary plasminogen activator (also known as urokinase) … Wikipedia
plasminogen activators — enzymes that convert the inactive substance plasminogen to the active enzyme plasmin, which digests blood clots (see fibrinolysis). There are two types of plasminogen activators, tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase like… … The new mediacal dictionary
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 — Serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 1 PAI 1 in complex with the SMB domain of Vitronectin PDB 1OC0 … Wikipedia
plasminogen — A precursor of plasmin. There is an autosomal dominant deficiency of p. [MIM*173350] that may promote thrombosis. See plasmin. * * * plas·min·o·gen plaz min ə jən n the precursor of plasmin that is found in blood plasma and serum called also … Medical dictionary
plasminogen — n. a substance normally present in the blood plasma that may be activated to form plasmin. See: fibrinolysis, plasminogen activators … The new mediacal dictionary
tissue-type plasminogen activator — (tPA, TPA) a natural protein, found in the body and now able to be manufactured by genetic engineering (see alteplase), that can break up a thrombus (see thrombolysis). It requires the presence of fibrin as a cofactor and is able to activate… … Medical dictionary
tissue-type plasminogen activator — tPA; = TPA a natural protein, found in the body and now able to be manufactured by genetic engineering (see alteplase), that can break up a thrombus (see thrombolysis). It requires the presence of fibrin as a cofactor and is able to activate… … The new mediacal dictionary
tissue plasminogen activator — (= TPA; tPA) Plasma serine protease, one of a closely related group of plasminogen activators. Contains an EGF like domain and multiple copies of the kringle domain … Dictionary of molecular biology
plasmin — A serine proteinase hydrolyzing peptides and esters of l arginine and l lysine and converting fibrin to soluble products; occurs in plasma as the precursor plasminogen (profibrinolysin) and is activated to p. by organic solvents, which remove an… … Medical dictionary
Desmoteplase — is a novel, highly fibrin specific thrombolytic agent in phase III of clinical development. In 2009, 2 large trials (DIAS 3 and DIAS 4) were started, and the results of these studies will determine whether desmoteplase will gain marketing… … Wikipedia