Gleason grade — the grade (from one to five) given to an area of prostate cancer, reflecting the level of differentiation of the tumour. Higher grades indicate poorer differentiation [F. Gleason (1920– ), US pathologist] … The new mediacal dictionary
Gleason grade (score) — Glea·son grade (score) (gleґsən) [Donald F. Gleason, American pathologist, born 1920] see under grade … Medical dictionary
Gleason score — A Gleason score is given to prostate cancer based upon its microscopic appearance. Cancers with a higher Gleason score are more aggressive and have a worse prognosis. Most often, a urologist will remove a cylindrical sample (biopsy) of prostate… … Wikipedia
Gleason-Score — Der in den 1970er Jahren von dem amerikanischen Pathologen Donald F. Gleason entwickelte und nach ihm benannte Gleason Score dient der histologischen (feingeweblichen) Beurteilung des Prostatakrebses (vergleiche: Grading). Dabei wird der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gleason score — a numerical score from two to ten, which is the sum of the two Gleason grade given to the most common and second most common pattern of prostate cancer seen in the tumour. * * * see under grade … Medical dictionary
Grade histologique (cancérologie) — Grades de Gleason En pathologie et en cancérologie, le grade histologique est une mesure du progrès d une tumeur. Sommaire 1 Types de gradation … Wikipédia en Français
grade — 1. A rank, division, or level on the scale of a value system. 2. In cancer pathology, a classification of the degree of malignancy or differentiation of … Medical dictionary
Gleason — Donald F., U.S. pathologist, *1920. See G. tumor grade, G. score … Medical dictionary
Prostate cancer staging — is the process by which physicians evaluate the spread of prostate cancer. This is important because in a good cancer staging system, the stage of disease helps determine prognosis and assists in selecting therapies. A combination of physical… … Wikipedia
Prostate cancer — is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. It occurs when cells of the prostate mutate and begin to multiply out of control. These cells may spread (metastasize) from the prostate to other… … Wikipedia