Glasgow scoring system

Glasgow scoring system
a numerical system used to estimate a patient's level of consciousness after head injury. Each of the following are numerically graded: eye opening (4), motor response (6), and verbal response (5). The higher the score, the greater the level of consciousness: a score of 7 indicates a coma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Glasgow scoring system — Glasgow Coma Scale; = GCS a numerical system used to estimate a patient s level of consciousness after head injury. Each of the following are numerically graded: eye opening (1–4), motor response (1–6), and verbal response (1–5). The higher the… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • scoring system — any of various methods in which the application of an agreed numerical scale is used as a means of estimating the degree of a clinical situation, e.g. the severity of an injury, the degree of patient recovery, or the extent of malignancy.… …   Medical dictionary

  • scoring system — any of various methods in which the application of an agreed numerical scale is used as a means of estimating the degree of a clinical situation, e.g. the severity of an injury, the degree of patient recovery, or the extent of malignancy.… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Scoring-System — Ein Scoring System dient der Klassifizierung von Krankheitsbildern oder Verletzungsmustern. Die diversen Scoring Systeme werden in der Medizin eingesetzt, um Diagnosen zu stellen und den Patientenzustand in einheitlicher Nomenklatur beschreiben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Система Оценки По Шкале Глазго (Glasgow Scoring System), Система Оценки Коматозного Состояния По Шкале Глазго (Glasgow Coma Scale) — численная система оценки уровня сознания больного после полученной им травмы черепа. Все параметры, по которым оценивается состояние больного, имеют в соответствии с этой шкалой определенные числовые значения:открывание глаз (4), двигательные… …   Медицинские термины

  • Glasgow Coma Scale — Glasgow scoring system …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Glasgow coma scale — See coma scale. * * * Glas·gow Coma Scale glas (.)kō , (.)gō ; glaz (.)gō n a scale that is used to assess the severity of a brain injury, that consists of values from 3 to 15 obtained by summing the ratings assigned to three variables depending… …   Medical dictionary

  • Scoring-Systeme — Ein Scoring System dient der Klassifizierung von Krankheitsbildern oder Verletzungsmustern. Die diversen Scoring Systeme werden in der Medizin eingesetzt, um Diagnosen zu stellen und den Patientenzustand in einheitlicher Nomenklatur beschreiben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Glasgow Coma Scale — Die Glasgow Coma Scale oder Glasgow Koma Skala (GCS) ist eine einfache Skala zur Abschätzung einer Bewusstseinsstörung. Obwohl sie häufig in der Intensivmedizin  insbesondere nach einer Schädel Hirn Verletzung (Trauma)  verwendet wird,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Glasgow Coma Scale — noun a 15 point scoring system for assessing the degree of consciousness of a person, including eye opening, verbal response, and physical movement. Abbrev.: GCS {published in 1974 by neurosurgeons working at the University of Glasgow (in… …  

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