Argyll Robertson pupil

Argyll Robertson pupil
a disorder of the eyes, common to several diseases of the central nervous system (such as syphilis), in which the pupillary reflex is absent. Although the pupils contract normally for near vision (the accommodation reflex), they fail to contract in bright light.
D. Argyll Robertson (1837-1909), Scottish ophthalmologist

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Argyll Robertson pupil — Ar·gyll Rob·ert·son pupil är .gīl räb ərt sən n a pupil characteristic of neurosyphilis that fails to react to light but still reacts in accommodation to distance Robertson Douglas Argyll (1837 1909) British ophthalmologist. The leading… …   Medical dictionary

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  • Argyll Robertson pupil — a disorder of the eyes in which the pupillary (light) reflex is absent. Although the pupils contract normally for near vision (the accommodation reflex), they fail to contract in bright light. It may occur, for example, as a result of syphilis or …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • Douglas Argyll Robertson — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Argyll et Robertson. Douglas, Muray, Cooper, Lamb Argyll Robertson, né en 1837 à Édimbourg et mort le 3 janvier 1909 à Gondal, est un chirurgien ophtalmologiste écossais. Il a été le premier chirurgien… …   Wikipédia en Français

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