Wallerian degeneration

Wallerian degeneration
Wal·le·ri·an degeneration -'lir-ē-ən- n degeneration of nerve fibers that occurs following injury or disease and that progresses from the place of injury along the axon away from the cell body while the part between the place of injury and the cell body remains intact
Wal·ler 'wäl-ər Augustus Volney (1816-1870)
British physiologist. Waller began in private practice, but after several years he decided to devote full time to research, first in Bonn and then in Paris. For a time he was professor of physiology in Birmingham, England. He is best known for pioneering a major technique for unraveling the complex structure of the nervous system using the type of nerve degeneration that is now associated with his name. By cutting the nerves in the frog's tongue, Waller discovered in 1849 that degeneration occurred throughout the axon's distal segment, and he concluded from this that the nerve cell body is the axon's source of nutriment. The method became a major means of tracing the origin and course of nerve fibers and tracts.

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degeneration of a ruptured nerve fibre that occurs within the nerve sheath distal to the point of severance.
A. V. Waller (1816-70), British physician

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a type of neurodegeneration consisting of fatty degeneration of a nerve fiber that has been severed from its nutritive centers; cf. dying-back. Called also secondary d.

Wallerian degeneration. Electron micrograph of a markedly distended, degenerating axon (arrow), containing numerous degenerating organelles and dense bodies, adjacent to intact, unmyelinated fibers (arrowheads).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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