- syntactical aphasia
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a type of agrammatism in which some necessary elements for coherent sentences are lacking.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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a type of agrammatism in which some necessary elements for coherent sentences are lacking.Medical dictionary. 2011.
syntactical aphasia — noun : the loss of power to form grammatical constructions … Useful english dictionary
Aphasia — Literally aphasia means no speech. Aphasia can apply to a defect in expression or comprehension. * * * Impaired or absent comprehension or production of, or communication by, speech, writing, or signs, due to an acquired lesion of the dominant… … Medical dictionary
Progressive nonfluent aphasia — is one of three clinical syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration. The major symptom is progressive difficulties with the production of speech. Contents 1 Clinical features 2 Classification 3 Imaging … Wikipedia
agrammatism — A form of aphasia characterized by an inability to construct a grammatical sentence, and the use of unintelligible or incorrect words; caused by a lesion in the dominant temporal lobe. SYN: agrammatica, agrammatologia, jargon aphasia. * * *… … Medical dictionary
ataxiaphasia — Inability to form connected sentences, although single words may perhaps be used intelligibly. [G. a priv. + taxis, order, + phasis, an affirmation, speech] * * * ataxi·apha·sia (ə tak″se ə faґzhə) [ataxia + aphasia]… … Medical dictionary
Musical syntax — When analysing the regularities and structure of music as well as the processing of music in the brain, certain findings lead to the question, if music is based on a syntax which could be compared with linguistic syntax. To get closer to this… … Wikipedia
Critical period hypothesis — The critical period hypothesis is the subject of a long standing debate in linguistics and language acquisition over the extent to which the ability to acquire language is biologically linked to age. The hypothesis claims that there is an ideal… … Wikipedia