Solanine — Général No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
Solanine — Sol a*nine, n. [L. solanum nightshade.] (Chem.) A poisonous alkaloid glucoside extracted from the berries of common nightshade ({Solanum nigrum}), and of bittersweet, and from potato sprouts, as a white crystalline substance having an acrid,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
solanine — [sōl′ləninsō′lə nēn΄, sō′lənin] n. 〚Fr < L solanum, nightshade (see SOLANUM) + Fr ine, INE3〛 a complex glycosidic alkaloid, C45H73NO15, found in potato sprouts and various plants of the nightshade family … Universalium
solanine — [sōl′ləninsō′lə nēn΄, sō′lənin] n. [Fr < L solanum, nightshade (see SOLANUM) + Fr ine, INE3] a complex glycosidic alkaloid, C45H73NO15, found in potato sprouts and various plants of the nightshade family: also solanin [sōl′lənin] … English World dictionary
Solanine — Chembox new Name = α Solanine ImageFile = Solanine chemical structure.png ImageSize = 350px IUPACName = OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 20562 02 1 PubChem = 6537493 SMILES = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = C45H73NO15… … Wikipedia
solanine — also solanin noun Etymology: French solanine, from Latin solanum Date: 1838 a bitter poisonous crystalline alkaloid C45H73NO15 found in the parts (as tubers and fruits) of several plants (as potatoes and tomatoes) of the nightshade family … New Collegiate Dictionary
solanine-t — noun see solanine 1 … Useful english dictionary
solanine — noun A poisonous glycoalkaloid found in many species of the nightshade family … Wiktionary
solanine — (so la ni n ) s. f. Terme de chimie. Matière extraite des baies de la morelle noire, des tiges de la douce amère, des germes de la pomme de terre … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
solanine — [ sɒləni:n] noun Chemistry a poisonous compound present in green potatoes and related plants. Origin C19: from Fr., from the genus name Solanum + ine4 … English new terms dictionary