Zygomatic bone — Bone: Zygomatic bone Left zygomatic bone in situ … Wikipedia
zygomatic bone — n. Anat. a bone of the zygomatic arch on either side of the face, forming the prominence of each cheek; cheekbone: see SKULL … English World dictionary
zygomatic bone — Anat. a bone on each side of the face below the eye, forming the prominence of the cheek; cheekbone. Also called malar, malar bone. See diag. under skull. [1700 10] * * * ▪ anatomy also called cheekbone , or malar bone diamond shaped… … Universalium
zygomatic bone — noun the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek • Syn: ↑cheekbone, ↑zygomatic, ↑malar, ↑malar bone, ↑jugal bone, ↑os zygomaticum • Hypernyms: ↑bone, ↑os … Useful english dictionary
zygomatic bone — noun Date: 1709 a bone of the face below the eye that in mammals forms part of the zygomatic arch and part of the orbit called also cheekbone … New Collegiate Dictionary
zygomatic bone — zy′gomat′ic bone′ n. anat. a bone on each side of the face below the eye, forming the prominence of the cheek; cheekbone • Etymology: 1700–10 … From formal English to slang
zygomatic bone — noun The cheekbone. Syn: cheekbone, zygoma, malar bone … Wiktionary
zygomatic bone — noun Anatomy the bone forming the prominent part of the cheek and the outer side of the eye socket … English new terms dictionary
zygomatic bone — zygoma; = malar bone either of a pair of bones that form the prominent part of the cheeks and contribute to the orbits. See: skull … The new mediacal dictionary
Orbital process of the zygomatic bone — Bone: Orbital process of the zygomatic bone Left zygomatic bone. Malar surface. (Orbital proc. visible at upper left.) Latin facies orbitalis ossis zygomatici Gray s … Wikipedia