- real image
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an image formed where the emanating rays are collected, in which the object is pictured as being inverted.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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an image formed where the emanating rays are collected, in which the object is pictured as being inverted.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Real image — In optics, a real image is a representation of an actual object (source) formed by rays of light passing through the image. If a screen is placed in the plane of a real image the image will generally become visible. Examples of real images… … Wikipedia
real image — noun : an optical image formed of real foci * * * real image see under ↑image • • • Main Entry: ↑real … Useful english dictionary
real image — realusis vaizdas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. real image; true image vok. reelles Bild, n; wirkliches Bild, n rus. действительное изображение, n; истинное изображение, n pranc. image réelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
real image — noun Date: 1882 an optical image formed of real foci … New Collegiate Dictionary
Real image — Действительное изображение … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
image — 1. Representation of an object made by the rays of light emanating or reflected from it. 2. Representation produced by x rays, ultrasound, tomography, thermography, radioisotopes, etc. 3. To produce such representations. [L. imago, likeness]… … Medical dictionary
Image (disambiguation) — For Wikipedia policy on images, see . Image or Images may refer to: * Image, an reproduction of the likeness of a subject **Real image, an image formed by rays of light passing through the image **Virtual image, an image formed by rays that do… … Wikipedia
Image plane — In 3D computer graphics, the image plane is that plane in the world which is identified with the plane of the monitor. If one makes the analogy of taking a photograph to rendering a 3D image, the surface of the film is the image plane. In this… … Wikipedia
image réelle — realusis vaizdas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. real image; true image vok. reelles Bild, n; wirkliches Bild, n rus. действительное изображение, n; истинное изображение, n pranc. image réelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Real-time computer graphics — is the subfield of computer graphics focused on producing and analyzing images in real time. The term is most often used in reference to interactive 3D computer graphics, typically using a GPU, with video games the most noticeable users. The term … Wikipedia