incisión de Pfannenstiel — laparotomía arqueada de convexidad inferior, por encima de la sínfisis pubiana, en la línea media. Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
Pfannenstiel incision — A Pfannenstiel incision (IPAEng|ˈpfɑnənʃtiːl) is a type of surgical incision that allows access to the abdomen. The surgeon cuts on a generally horizontal (slightly curved) line just above the pubic symphysis. This incision is commonly called the … Wikipedia
Pfannenstiel incision — Pfan·nen·stiel incision (fahnґən shtēl) [Hermann Johann Pfannenstiel, German gynecologist, 1862–1909] see under incision … Medical dictionary
Incision — A cut. When making an incision, a surgeon is making a cut. * * * A cut; a surgical wound; a division of the soft parts usually made with a knife. [L. incisio] bucket handle i. a bilateral subcostal abdominal i.. celiotomy i. an i. through the… … Medical dictionary
Pfannenstiel incision — a curved abdominal incision, the convexity being directed downward, just above the symphysis, passing through skin, superficial fascia, and aponeurosis, exposing the pyramidalis and rectus muscles, which are separated from each other in the… … Medical dictionary
Pfannenstiel — Hermann Johann, German gynecologist, 1862–1909. See P. incision … Medical dictionary
Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel — (June 28, 1862 July 3, 1909) was a German gynecologist who was a native of Berlin. He studied medicine in Berlin and received his doctorate in 1885. Afterwards he practiced gynecology in Posen, Breslau, and was named the chairman of the… … Wikipedia
bikini incision — bi·ki·ni incision bə kē nē n PFANNENSTIEL S INCISION … Medical dictionary
Laparotomy — Intervention Abdominal cavity ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Reflux vesico-uretero-renal — Reflux vésico urétéro rénal Le reflux vésico urétéral (RVU) se définit par le passage, à contre courant, de l’urine vésicale dans l’uretère et le rein (voies urinaires supérieures). Sa mise en évidence est essentiellement radiologique et… … Wikipédia en Français