vesicles — ves·i·cle || vesɪkl n. bladder or bladder like cavity; small blister filled with fluid; sac in the body, cyst (especially one filled with fluid); cavity formed in a rock by a pocket of gas that is trapped during the rock s formation (Geology) … English contemporary dictionary
Optic vesicles — Infobox Embryology Name = PAGENAME Latin = v. ophthalmica GraySubject = 224 GrayPage = 1001 Caption = Transverse section of head of chick embryo of forty eight hours’ incubation. (Optic vesicle labeled at lower right.) Caption2 = Human embryo… … Wikipedia
agranular vesicles — Synaptic vesicles that do not have a granular appearance in EM; 40 50nm in diameter, with membrane only 4 5nm thick. Characteristic of peripheral cholinergic synapses; (see also neurotransmitter). Some are located very close to presynaptic… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Seminal vesicles — Two structures about five centimeters long that are located behind the bladder and above the prostate gland. The seminal vesicles contribute fluid to the ejaculate … Medical dictionary
brain vesicles secondary — the five brain vesicles formed by specialization of the prosencephalon (telencephalon and diencephalon), mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon (metencephalon and myelencephalon) in later embryonic development … Medical dictionary
cephalic vesicles — cerebral vesicles brain v s … Medical dictionary
metanephric vesicles — comma and S shaped vesicles that arise from the mesenchyme of the metanephros and develop into metanephric nephrons … Medical dictionary
synaptic vesicles — small membrane bound structures behind a presynaptic membrane, containing neurotransmitters; when depolarization occurs they fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. Diagram of synaptic vesicles … Medical dictionary
coated vesicles — coated vesicles, Organellen des Membranrecycling, die bei der rezeptorvermittelten ⇒ Endocytose extrazelluläres Material in die Zelle transportieren, in der Zelle synthetisiertes Material transportieren und z.B. an Golgi und ER Membranen… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
cerebral vesicles — cerebral vesicles, the three primitive, hollow dilations into which the embryonic brain of vertebrates is divided … Useful english dictionary