- padimate O
- pad·i·mate O 'pad-i-.māt-'ō n a sunscreen C17H27NO2 effective against UVB that is an aminobenzoate derivativeEach boldface word in the list below is a chiefly British variant of the word to its right in small capitals.paederast - PEDERASTpaederastic - PEDERASTICpaederasty - PEDERASTYpaediatric - PEDIATRICpaediatrician - PEDIATRICIANpaediatrics - PEDIATRICSpaediatrist - PEDIATRISTpaedodontia - PEDODONTIApaedodontic - PEDODONTICpaedodontics - PEDODONTICSpaedodontist - PEDODONTISTpaedology - PEDOLOGYpaedophile - PEDOPHILEpaedophilia - PEDOPHILIApaedophiliac - PEDOPHILIACpaedophilic - PEDOPHILIC
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pad·i·mate O (padґĭ-māt) a substituted aminobenzoate having properties similar to those of p-aminobenzoic acid, used as a sunscreen.
Medical dictionary. 2011.