- olfactory bulb
- olfactory bulb n a bulbous anterior projection of the olfactory lobe that is the place of termination of the olfactory nerves
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bulbus olfactorius.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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bulbus olfactorius.Medical dictionary. 2011.
olfactory bulb — n. the tip of the long, thin lobe (olfactory lobe) extending from the bottom of each cerebral hemisphere, from which the olfactory nerve emerges … English World dictionary
Olfactory bulb — Brain: Olfactory bulb Vesalius Fabrica, 1543. Olfactory Bulbs and Olfactory tracts outlined in red … Wikipedia
olfactory bulb — Anat. the enlarged terminal part of each olfactory lobe from which the olfactory nerve originates. [1865 70] * * * ▪ anatomy structure located in the forebrain of vertebrates (vertebrate) that receives neural input about odours detected by… … Universalium
olfactory bulb — noun one of two enlargements at the terminus of the olfactory nerve at the base of the brain just above the nasal cavities • Hypernyms: ↑neural structure • Part Holonyms: ↑rhinencephalon, ↑olfactory brain * * * noun : a bulbous anterior… … Useful english dictionary
Olfactory bulb mitral cell — Neuron: Mitral Cell Coronal section of olfactory bulb … Wikipedia
olfactory bulb — olfac′tory bulb n. anat. the anterior swelling of each olfactory lobe, in which the fibers of the olfactory nerve terminate • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
olfactory bulb — noun Date: circa 1860 a bulbous anterior projection of the olfactory lobe that is the place of termination of the olfactory nerves and is especially well developed in lower vertebrates (as fishes) … New Collegiate Dictionary
olfactory bulb — a large organ of smell, e.g. in sharks. This is the most anterior part of the brain but is distinct from the telencephalon while anteriorly it merges with the olfactory nerve … Dictionary of ichthyology
internal granular layer of olfactory bulb — the innermost layer of the olfactory bulb, adjacent to the beginning of the olfactory tract; it consists of rows of axons from mitral and tufted cells alternating with rows of cell bodies and dendrites of granule cells … Medical dictionary
Olfactory memory — refers to the recollection of odours. Studies have found various characteristics of common memories of odour memory including persistence and high resistance to interference. Explicit memory is typically the form focused on in the studies of… … Wikipedia