Papilla of Vater — A small muscle located at the junction where of the common bile duct (from the liver and pancreas) empties into the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine). Bile from the liver and secretions from the pancreas come through the papilla of … Medical dictionary
papilla — Any small, nipplelike process. SYN: teat (3). [L. a nipple, dim. of papula, a pimple] acoustic p. SYN: spiral organ. basilar p. the auditory sense organ of birds, amphibians, and reptiles; homologous to the … Medical dictionary
Papilla Vateri — Die Papilla duodeni major, Papilla Vateri oder Vatersche Papille (nach Abraham Vater) ist eine kleine Erhebung mit einem Schließmuskel, dem Musculus sphincter Oddi, an der gemeinsamen Mündung von Hauptgallengang (Ductus choledochus) und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Papilla duodeni major — Die Papilla duodeni major, Papilla Vateri oder Vatersche Papille (nach Abraham Vater) ist eine kleine Erhebung mit einem Schließmuskel, dem Musculus sphincter Oddii, an der gemeinsamen Mündung von Hauptgallengang (Ductus choledochus) und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vater, ampulla of — A small muscle located at the junction where of the common bile duct (from the liver and pancreas) empties into the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine). Bile from the liver and secretions from the pancreas come through the ampulla of … Medical dictionary
Papilla, cancer of — Cancer of a structure called the papilla or ampulla of Vater, a small muscle located at the junction where the common bile duct (carrying bile from the liver and secretions from the pancreas) empties into the duodenum (upper small intestine).… … Medical dictionary
papilla of vater — ˈfät.ə(r), fȧt Usage: usually capitalized V Etymology: after Abraham Vater died 1751, German anatomist : ampulla of vater … Useful english dictionary
Vater ampulla fold etc. — Va·ter ampulla, fold, etc. (fahґter) [Abraham Vater, German anatomist, 1684–1751] see under fold and see ampulla hepatopancreatica and papilla duodeni major … Medical dictionary
Vater-Papille — Va̱ter Papille: = Papilla duodeni major … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Major duodenal papilla — Interior of the descending portion of the duodenum, showing bile papilla … Wikipedia