- molecular layer
1) the outer layer of the cortex of the cerebellum and cerebrum consisting of a mass of unmyelinated fibers rich in synapses2) either of the two plexiform layers of the retina
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
molecular layer — molekulinis sluoksnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. molecular layer vok. molekulare Schicht, f rus. молекулярный слой, m pranc. couche moléculaire, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
molecular layer epitaxy — Molecular Layer Epitaxy Молекулярная послойная эпитаксия Метод получения кристаллических слоев полупроводниковых материалов сложного состава с высоким кристаллографическим совершенством … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
molecular layer — noun 1. : the outer layer of the cortex of the cerebellum and cerebrum consisting of a mass of unmedullated fibers rich in synapses 2. : either of the two plexiform layers of the retina … Useful english dictionary
molecular layer of olfactory bulb — a wide layer between the external granular layer and the mitral cell layer, primarily containing dendrites from mitral and tufted cells … Medical dictionary
molecular layer of cerebellar cortex — stratum moleculare corticis cerebelli … Medical dictionary
molecular layer of cerebral cortex — lamina molecularis … Medical dictionary
molecular layer of dentate gyrus — stratum moleculare gyri dentati … Medical dictionary
Molecular conductance — (G = I / V), or the conductance of a single molecule, is a physical quantity in molecular electronics. Molecular conductance is dependent on the surrounding conditions (e.g. pH, temperature, pressure), as well as the properties of measuring… … Wikipedia
Molecular-beam epitaxy — (MBE), is one of several methods of depositing single crystals. It was invented in the late 1960s at Bell Telephone Laboratories by J. R. Arthur and Alfred Y. Cho.MethodMolecular beam epitaxy takes place in high vacuum or ultra high vacuum (10−8… … Wikipedia
molecular distillation — n distillation that is carried out under a high vacuum in an apparatus so designed as to permit molecules escaping from the warm liquid to reach the cooled surface of the condenser before colliding with other molecules and consequently returning… … Medical dictionary