molecular distillation — molekulinis distiliavimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Distiliavimas vakuume(molecular distillation 0,1–0,01 Pa), žemesnėje kaip skysčio virimo temperatūroje. atitikmenys: angl. molecular distillation rus. молекулярная дистилляция … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
molecular distillation — molekulinė distiliacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. molecular distillation vok. Molekulardestillation, f rus. молекулярная дистилляция, f pranc. distillation moléculaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
molecular distillation — noun : distillation that is carried out under a high vacuum in an apparatus so designed as to permit molecules escaping from the warm liquid to reach the cooled surface of the condenser before colliding with other molecules and consequently… … Useful english dictionary
molecular distillation — Chem. a vacuum distillation in which the molecules of the distillate reach the condenser before colliding with one another. * * * … Universalium
molecular distillation — /məlɛkjələ dɪstəˈleɪʃən/ (say muhlekyuhluh distuh layshuhn) noun vacuum distillation in which the mean free path of the distillate molecules is of the same order as the distance between the heating and condensing surfaces; used for isotope… …
Distillation — Distiller and Distillery redirect here. For other uses, see Distiller (disambiguation) and Distillery (disambiguation). For other uses, see Distillation (disambiguation). Laboratory display of distillation: 1: A heating device 2: Still pot 3:… … Wikipedia
distillation moléculaire — molekulinė distiliacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. molecular distillation vok. Molekulardestillation, f rus. молекулярная дистилляция, f pranc. distillation moléculaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
molecular still — noun : an apparatus for carrying out a molecular distillation … Useful english dictionary
Molecular gastronomy — includes the study of how different cooking temperatures affect eggs,[1][2] and their viscosity, their surface tension, and different ways of introducing air into them … Wikipedia
Molecular mixology — is the term applied to the process of creating cocktails using the scientific equipment and techniques of molecular gastronomy. These methods enable the creation of greater intensities and varieties of flavour, flavour combinations and different… … Wikipedia