- mental tubercle
- mental tubercle n a prominence on each side of the mental protuberance of the mandible called also genial tubercle
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tuberculum mentale.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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tuberculum mentale.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Mental tubercle — Latin tuberculum mentale mandibulae Gray s subject #44 172 The symphysis menti divides below and encloses a triangular eminence, the mental protuberance, the base of which is depressed in the center but raised on either side to form the mental… … Wikipedia
mental tubercle — noun see mental spine … Useful english dictionary
Mental protuberance — Mandible. Outer surface. Side view. (Mental protuberance labeled at bottom left.) … Wikipedia
mental spine — noun or mental tubercle Etymology: mental (III) : either of two small elevations on the inner side of the symphysis of the lower jaw providing attachment for the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles … Useful english dictionary
Mental spine — The posterior aspect of the mandible showing the mental spine … Wikipedia
Tubercle — A small tuber, a small lump or bump. * * * 1. A nodule, especially in an anatomic, not pathologic, sense. 2. A circumscribed, rounded, solid elevation on the skin, mucous membrane, or surface of an organ. 3. A slight … Medical dictionary
genial tubercle — n MENTAL TUBERCLE … Medical dictionary
Outline of human anatomy — See also: Index of anatomy related articles Human anatomy, a branch of anatomy, is the scientific study of the morphology of the adult human. It is subdivided into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. Gross anatomy (also called topographical… … Wikipedia
Кости головы (череп) — … Атлас анатомии человека
tuberculum — SYN: tubercle. [L. dim. of tuber, a knob, swelling, tumor] t. adductorium femoris [TA] SYN: adductor tubercle of femur. t. anterius atlantis [TA] SYN: anterior tubercle of atlas. t. anterius thalami [TA] SYN: anterior thalamic tubercle … Medical dictionary