- tuberculum
- tubercula areolae [TA] SYN: areolar tubercles, under tubercle.- t. auriculae [TA] SYN: auricular tubercle.- t. calcanei [TA] SYN: calcaneal tubercle.- t. caroticum [TA] SYN: carotid tubercle.- t. cinereum a longitudinal prominence on the dorsolateral surface of the medulla oblongata along the lateral border of the t. cuneatum; it is the surface profile of the spinal tract of trigeminal nerve, continuous caudally with the dorsolateral fasciculus (Lissauer tract).- t. conoideum (claviculare) [TA] SYN: conoid tubercle (of clavicle).- t. corniculatum [TA] SYN: corniculate tubercle.- t. coronae SYN: dental tubercle.- t. costae [TA] SYN: tubercle of rib.- t. cuneatum SYN: cuneate tubercle.- t. cuneiforme [TA] SYN: cuneiform tubercle.- t. dentis [TA] SYN: dental tubercle.- t. epiglotticum [TA] SYN: epiglottic tubercle.- t. gracile SYN: gracile tubercle.- t. hypoglossi SYN: hypoglossal trigone.- t. impar a small median protuberance on the floor of the oral cavity of the embryo between the mandibular and hyoid arches, which plays a minor role in the development of the tongue. SYN: median tongue bud.- t. infraglenoidale (scapulae) [TA] SYN: infraglenoid tubercle (of scapula).- t. intercondylare (mediale et laterale) [TA] SYN: intercondylar tubercle.- t. intervenosum (atrii dextri) [TA] SYN: intervenous tubercle (of right atrium).- t. labii superioris [TA] SYN: tubercle of upper lip.- t. laterale (processus posterioris) tali [TA] SYN: lateral tubercle (of posterior process) of talus.- t. majus (humeri) [TA] SYN: greater tubercle (of humerus).- t. mediale (processus posterioris) tali [TA] SYN: medial tubercle (of posterior process) of talus.- t. mentale (mandibulae) [TA] SYN: mental tubercle (of mandible).- t. minus (humeri) [TA] SYN: lesser tubercle (of humerus).- t. molare [TA] SYN: molar tubercle.- t. musculi scaleni anterioris [TA] SYN: scalene tubercle.- t. obturatorium [TA] SYN: obturator tubercle.- t. olfactorium [TA] SYN: olfactory tubercle.- t. pharyngeum (partis basilaris ossis occipitalis) [TA] SYN: pharyngeal tubercle (of basilar part of occipital bone).- t. pubicum [TA] SYN: pubic tubercle.- t. sellae [TA] the slight elevation in front of the pituitary fossa (sella turcica) on the body of the sphenoid bone. SYN: tubercle of saddle.- t. septi narium a flat elevation on the septum in each naris opposite the anterior end of the middle concha; it is due to an aggregation of glands.- t. superius SYN: auricular tubercle.- t. supraglenoidale (scapulae) [TA] SYN: supraglenoid tubercle (of scapula).- t. supratragicum [TA] SYN: supratragic tubercle.- t. of trapezium bone [TA] a prominent ridge on the trapezium forming the lateral border of the groove in which runs the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis and to which part of the transverse carpal ligament (flexor retinaculum) is attached. SYN: t. ossis trapezii [TA], oblique ridge of trapezium, tubercle of trapezium (bone).- t. trigeminale [TA] SYN: trigeminal tubercle.
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tu·ber·cu·lum (too-burґku-ləm) pl. tuberґcula [L., dim. of tuber] [TA] tubercle; anatomical nomenclature for a nodule, or small eminence, such as a rough, rounded eminence on a bone; similar structures may be called tubers or tuberosities.Descriptions of tubercles are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific tubercles.
Medical dictionary. 2011.