malignant malaria
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malignant malaria — noun : falciparum malaria … Useful english dictionary
malignant — 1. Resistant to treatment; occurring in severe form, and frequently fatal; tending to become worse and leading to an ingravescent course. 2. In reference to a neoplasm, having the property of locally invasive and destructive growth and metastasis … Medical dictionary
malignant — adjective Etymology: Late Latin malignant , malignans, present participle of malignari Date: circa 1545 1. a. obsolete malcontent, disaffected b. evil in nature, influence, or effect ; injurious c. passionately and relentlessly malevolent ; … New Collegiate Dictionary
Malignant — (from the Latin roots mal = bad and genus = born ) is a medical term used to describe a severe and progressively worsening disease. The term is most familiar as a description of cancer. A malignant tumor may be contrasted with a non cancerous… … Wikipedia
malignant tertian malaria — n FALCIPARUM MALARIA * * * falciparum m … Medical dictionary
Malaria — An infectious disease caused by protozoan parasites from the Plasmodium family that can be transmitted by the sting of the Anopheles mosquito or by a contaminated needle or transfusion. Falciparum malaria is the most deadly type. The symptoms of… … Medical dictionary
malaria — malarial, malarian, malarious, adj. /meuh lair ee euh/, n. 1. Pathol. any of a group of diseases, usually intermittent or remittent, characterized by attacks of chills, fever, and sweating: formerly supposed to be due to swamp exhalations but now … Universalium
malaria — ague; = marsh fever; = periodic fever; = paludism; n. an infectious disease due to the presence of parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium (P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale, or P. vivax) within the red blood cells. The disease is… … The new mediacal dictionary
Falciparum malaria — The most dangerous type of malaria. Persons carrying the sickle cell gene have some protection against malaria. Persons with a gene for hemoglobin C (another abnormal hemoglobin like sickle hemoglobin), thalassemia trait or deficiency of the… … Medical dictionary
falciparum malaria — fa]lˈsipərəm , fȯ] noun Etymology: falciparum, New Latin (specific epithet of Plasmodium falciparum), from Latin falci (from falc , falx sickle) + Latin parum (neuter of parus parous) : severe malaria caused by a malaria parasite (Plasmodium… … Useful english dictionary