
A chemical compound implicated, along with aniline, in the causation of bladder cancer. Aniline and o-toluidineboth compounds are aromatic aminesare used in the manufacture of a variety of dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and chemicals employed in the manufacture of rubber. The primary routes of exposure to these compounds are inhalation and dermal contact. There is no doubt that o-toluidine and aniline are carcinogensagents that cause cancer. Evidence reported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) clearly associates the occupational exposure to o-toluidine and aniline with an increased risk of bladder cancer among workers. The risk of bladder cancer is greatest among workers with possible and definite exposures to o-toluidine and aniline, and the risk increases with the duration of exposure.
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Aminotoluene; one of three isomeric substances, derived from toluene.
- alkaline t. blue O t. blue O in borax solution, used with heat on semithick sections of epoxy embedded tissues.
- t. blue O [C.I. 52040] a blue basic dye, used as an antibacterial agent, as a nuclear stain, and to stain metachromatically certain structures ( e.g., the granules in mast cells which are believed to contain heparin and cartilage matrix which is rich in chondroitin sulfate), and in electrophoresis to stain RNA, RNase, and mucopolysaccharides; it also antagonizes the anticoagulant action of heparin. SEE ALSO: tolonium chloride.

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to·lu·idine -'-ə-.dēn n any of three isomeric amino derivatives of toluene C7H9N that are analogous to aniline and are used as dye intermediates

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tol·u·i·dine (tol-uґĭ-din) a compound homologous with aniline, made by reducing nitrotoluene; used in dyemaking and chemical manufacturing. It has several different isomers, all of which are toxic if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. Called also aminotoluene.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Toluidine —   [zu Toluol], Singular Toluidin das, s, Methyl|aniline, Aminotoluole, vom Toluol abgeleitete aromatische Amine. Die Isomere o Toluidin (2 Methylanilin) und m Toluidin (3 Methylanilin) sind bei Raumtemperatur Flüssigkeiten, p Toluidin (4… …   Universal-Lexikon

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