- hernial sac
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the pouch of peritoneum enclosing a hernia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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the pouch of peritoneum enclosing a hernia.Medical dictionary. 2011.
sac — 1. A pouch or bursa. SYN: saccus [TA]. SEE ALSO: sacculus. 2. An encysted abscess at the root of a tooth. 3. The capsule of a tumor, or envelope of a cyst. [L. saccus, a … Medical dictionary
hernial aneurysm — an aneurysm whose sac is formed by an inner coat projecting through the outer … Medical dictionary
Hernia — Classification and external resources Frontal chest X ray showing a hernia of Morgagni ICD 10 K … Wikipedia
Hernia — A general term referring to a protrusion of a tissue through the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained. More specifically, a hernia often refers to an opening or weakness in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen. This… … Medical dictionary
Maydl's hernia — A Maydl s hernia (Hernia in W) is rare type of hernia and may be lethal if unrecognized. The hernial sac contains two loops of bowel with another loop of bowel being intra abdominal. A loop of bowel in the form of W lies in the hernial sac and… … Wikipedia
Herniorrhaphy — The surgical repair of a hernia. Herniorrhaphy may be done under local or general anesthesia using a conventional incision or a laparoscope. The term herniorrhaphy comes from hernio , referring to a hernia + the Greek rhaphe, a seam = putting a… … Medical dictionary
Femoral hernia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 K41 ICD 9 553.0 … Wikipedia
incarceration — in·car·cer·a·tion in .kär sə rā shən n 1) a confining or state of being confined 2) abnormal retention or confinement of a body part specif a constriction of the neck of a hernial sac so that the hernial contents become irreducible * * *… … Medical dictionary
herniotomy — Surgical division of the constriction or strangulation of a hernia, often followed by herniorrhaphy. [hernio + G. tome, a cutting] Petit h. h. without incision into the sac. * * * her·ni·ot·o·my ät ə mē … Medical dictionary
hydrencephalocele — Protrusion, through a cleft in the skull, of brain substance expanded into a sac containing fluid. SYN: encephalocystocele, hydrocephalocele, hydroencephalocele. [hydr + G. enkephalos, brain, + kele … Medical dictionary